
>ruining a perfectly fine tomboy

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This is still acceptable.

Still a qtpie.

This is an improvement. Those spotted pants were hideous.

I have got to admit, I wasn't so keen on the male still looking like animals angle they went with so far. Thought it was nothing more than a ploy to shift the focus on the females lusting after the human male. I am genuinely surprised they have been remarkably expressive and a vast majority are total bro's and really likeable.

That's literally the whole point of tomboys. Only literal closeted homosexuals like girls that look like guys. Heterosexual men like tomboys because of the transformation they inevitably undergo - they stop being immature children with masculine hobbies and interests and grow up and become women they were destined to be.

Are you also one of those weirdos who complains how dominant women always end up becoming submissive later on?

just say if you like boys, faggot.

Rough short hair > * > shit > bob-cut

Author dun goofed