Is this the saddest moment in history of anime?

Is this the saddest moment in history of anime?

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No, watch more anime

Babbby's first sad moment

I don't remenber how I reacted the first time I watched this scene.
Now I really don't care about Nina.

Watch the end of Wolf's Rain, Angel Beats or Eva
This. Nina is pretty much a entry level anime meme for people that think it is super sad and deep. It was sad but very overrated.

>Angel Beats
you gotta be fucking kidding

>Angel Beats
Go watch more anime with OP.

I just wached FMAB, pretty good. Can this just be a FMAB thread? I wanna talk about the series. Ling Yao was fucking boss

Angel Beat's was sad just because of dude not getting any pussy at the end. no other reason senpai. don't hate lol
FMA original was better. Ling Yao was aight but FMAB is basically FMA made for casuals brah. No need to make a thread about it.

Ur gay.

ugh fuck off you type just like some bastard i know on facebook

>FMAB is basically FMA made for casuals
Brotherhood is literally the fucking manga animated.

>angel beats

come on user. I know the concept of sadness is unique to everyone, but if you consider Ninas death to be entry level what kind of mental gymnastics are you pulling to convince yourself that Eva and Angel beats arent the same exact thing

Doesn't change my opinion that the original anime was better than the manga/brotherhood. Original was darker, had actually more to do with them being brothers no matter what. Plus Alchemy in the original had an actual consequence to using it and fit in more thematically to the world. At the end of brotherhood ed just sacrifices his alchemy to revive Al. So basically everybody in the brotherhood version of FMA can revive people from the dead just by sacrificing their alchemy. So non-alchemists can basically revive the dead by sacrificing their alchemy (something they probably would never use anyways). Fma original had more on the line in a different sense. Brotherhood was all muh god so op lolll

>FMA original was better.
agree to disagree, some points were better animated but the ending is shittier than brotherhood

I agree that the ending was shittier but it makes sense in the world that Ed and Al live for them not to have a happy ending desu. Shit isn't all peachy keen bro

This scene shits on FMA on its own

>inb4 dub
Couldn't find the non-dub version.


>everyone keeps going without missing a beat
>major only cared to bring them back after she realized they were willing to kill themselves for the sake of the team
>only ever intended as meat shields
God dammit tachibromas why

>This is the strike of your brother's hatred for your sad destiny
This fucking show.


Did anything ever top this?

Doesn't get sadder than this

>in b4 muh forced drama

No. This is.

She cared about them before that (when she brought them back for S2), just in a typical Major way. The Tachikoma were too cute to die

I also fount this sad, but maybe its a guilty pleasure

No, This one is.

Not the saddest moment ever, but the saddest within the past few months

the irony...

>Watch the end of Wolf's Rain

OP is asking about sad moments not a cure for insomnia

>FMA original was better

School Rumble final episode


Oh. Oh good. I'm not the only one.

But nono in the last episode of diebuster always makes me cry

The ending was more original. From what I gather the only reason to like Brotherhood's ending lies in the fact that the ending was happy. That's literally it.

Yep. The worst part about the original is that they were setting up for the movie. I really wanted to like that move, but other than a couple of cool fight scenes it wasn't very good.

Envy got off completely scot-free in the original FMA. I wanted to see him get some kind of comeuppance. The most that happens is that he kills Edward, who gets brought back to life like 5 minutes anyway, making that scene ultimately pointless.

It's still overall better than Brotherhood, though.

*5 minutes later*

I found this sadder

for me?

it was when they replaced the dub voice actor for ash in pokemon

Nothing can top this.

Even knowing his limitations, he had no hesitation in try to help save the Earth. It was revolting to see his frail body, almost in a fetal position, stretched on the ground. Humiliated by the enemy. While his beloved girlfriend and his old friend fox, in tears, watched it on TV. Farewell, brave thief of the desert, you will be missed.

;_; /thread

>saddest moment in history of anime?
My life

Most saddest IMO

This is still the only moment to make me cry in a TV anime. Movies get me more for some reason.

Don't cry, user. He didn't want to make you sad.

I wept at this scene to be honest, not like a single tear, but just broke down completely. The whole dream montage in this episode got me multiple times, but Viral's dream takes the cake by far

When did Sup Forums turn into casual fiesta?

What? That the girl is a cuck? Guy went and fucked another girl while she tried to bring peace to the world. What a shitty MC.

dat moment when he breaks from it

He never did get his helmet back.

Goddammit. Why did I laugh at the noise she made when she coughed up blood towards the end?

I was holding it in during the scene in the flower field. And then...

No this is

FMA is softcore shit.
This shit got me mad fucked up.

I couldn't find the scene undubbed

I didn't cry at the end of gunbuster, but at the end of diebuster when I realized what the lights were, the tears just started flowing. I don't know how. but they really did make a masterpiece with those two. To be able to evoke emotions from your audience 15 years after the original series has to be the work of an artistic genius.

Lazy faggot

>Not available in your country


>muh mysterious illness

No, it's this one.

In my own opinion, it's this.

You don't know how it feels m8