Why do so many people fail to get this?

why do so many people fail to get this?

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Why don't you just kill yourself?

Even as a feminist I just can't work up the motivation to care about fan service in anime anymore. blah blah blah cultural differences, blah blah blah different strokes. who cares.

Fuck off to .

get that?

>alienating to female fans

What did they mean by this

I'm digging that Dr. Robotnik in the back

I bet whoever landwhale made this is watching Yaoi on ice this season.


Why can't americans understand demographics and the needs of different types of people?


Wow, they objectify objects (drawings)? How horrifiying!

why do so many people fail to get this?


I am special and the world revolves around me, my needs and my worldview.

t. Proud American


Europe is running through beaches with their tits out and France released the 50 shades movie as PG13. Asians don't give a fuck and can't speak english. Spics like me are too busy being poor and politically corrupt.
Who else is left?

cartoon women have the same rights as real women
drawings have feelings too

Based Rumiko is not using stupid fanservice though.

She just uses nudity like a normal person.

Rumiko is best.

Is Rumiko Japan's best girl?

It's just the obese fujos getting butt mad again. Sage and move on.

you're right kagome

keep it wholesome


Where did it all go wrong, Sup Forums?


Honestly I think she's losing her touch, or just lets assistants do all the job.

Her latest work didnt sit well with me.

And I liked all of her manga.

You know, I'm actually upset tumblr seems to like KLK just fine. That hypocresy angers me to no end.


>its ok if I like it!

seems pretty normal for women to me

Australia, which is just as bad as America.

No you see it;s okay because KLK does it ironically :^)

What if I don't WANT VIP Quality?

Well, she's old right now. Considering how rich she is, at this point she must be doing it to entertain herself.
I only watched the anime adaptation but while the gags were decent, there was something that made it sort of dull. I'm a huge fan of Ranma and Inuyasha, with all its flaws. But yeah, Rin didn't grab me

fan service sells
it will never go away

B-b-bb-but KLK is about feminism and is a satire on skimpy clothes and is really about a woman going through puberty or something.

Yes but they have to survive that fucking fauna and flora everyday. I don't blame them for going nuts.

>trying to ruin a perfectly good Rumiko thread

there's a special place in hell for people like you

>its ok for the mother to finger the daughter because ITS A PARODY!!!!111

Don't use emoticons on Sup Forums.

>trying to derail a Sup Forums thread into discussion
never works for more than a few posts before the fag calls reinforcements

Where is the Mod? Every thread bad mouthing fanservice should be banned.

Really fantastic meme, very funny and definitely true. I'm typing this on my phone while running away from a horde of two-story spiders! Hilarious.

Calm down, aussie
Apply some cream to your butthole


that would imply it isnt already

Regardless of all the shit they say about fanservice (when they don't like it), that's true, minus the feminisn part (though it could be asserted that strong and independent fighting women are feminist role models, but "feminist" is a word loaded with ambiguous political meaning, so I wouldn't use it)

fanservice is pretty cool great

fuck off anime faggot

Sorry mate, but the "lol australia so dangerous XD" joke got old to me more than a decade ago and has only been grinding on me more and more. I'll never make fun of your shit jokes again mister.

>men enjoy staring at naked tities
>product is for men
>it has naked tities in it
>some feminist is mad because naked tities in show she watches

>posts obvious bate
>gets all these serious replies
looks like we have a master baiter over here

>Sorry mate, but the "lol australia so dangerous XD" joke got old to me more than a decade ago and has only been grinding on me more and more.
Try being a spic, faggot. We got worse reputation and you don't see me whinning.


Welcome to dubs general!
Great show!
Off by one
Off by two
Who cares about the rest also
Who are you quoting?

Not only that but the fact that people who watch stuff with anime titties would never harrass a real girl, and in the real worst case they'd be like those awkward fedora "nice guy" types who bitch on twitter about how terrible women are while at the same time going >tfw no gf


>Who are you quoting?
I hate this meme so much.

>got dubs twice
Nice. Praise me more, Sup Forums



...because schoolgirls are not recycled fanservice... you're retarded

>tumblr hates female fanservice
>Sup Forums hates male fanservice
It's a perfect balance.

Eat shit, cunt. Your countrymen encouraged it with stories of dropbears and the like. You made your bed, now lie in it.


I have no problem with male fanservice though, and I'm a straight men. I agree that many Sup Forumsutists are just as autistic as tumblr, but they fail to realize it. Both sides should commit sudoku to be honest.


Where was Sup Forums when Yuri on Ice shattered gender and sexuality barriers in reign supreme over shit like Sound Euphoria, Madookie, and Flip Fappers?

this is nice dubs