What do the world think of Norway, the greatest nation on earth?

What do the world think of Norway, the greatest nation on earth?

australia is the greatest nation on earth

pretty much the country equivalent of duck dynasty

fuck the abos!

I like how you archive things.
That one blessed autist made me respect you guys more.

The bad parts are getting real bad, user. I know you boys on the west side have it good and by all means, but shit is getting dense here and you can notice it in the air.

Could you explain a little further?

Norway hasn't been great for 1200 years.

Dude, I was on 17th May , the national day in Norge, and god ; in Oslo they had to put cars to block some roads for safety, only niggers matrching.

The most handsome men. Stupid women.


More like norgay desu

What do you want to know? Racial tensions are on the rise, our beloved frp *ptoo* said "The rich will get richer, thats it" meaning the poor will get poorer.
My neighbourhood was never the best in Oslo, but it has been overseen for so long that I almost can't hate the shit kids coming from crap families that have absolutely nothing to do because everything fun is too expensive/far away/it's too cold. So they resort to drugs and pretending they live in Chicago.

Not a single person around has a 100% full time job, everyone has either two part time or are on welfare because the system got fucked and if you WANT a job you need to go to NAV and pretend you are mildly retarded or something so they can give you a job. The bosses get subsidized, otherwise they don't hire.

Oh and those who have a 10% job are registered as workers thus the country can flamboyantly say we have one of the lowest unemployment rates :^)

A true non-corrupt government who invested the oil for their people for all time.

Our government sold our airport to foreign bankers.
Our government sold our Oil&Gas to foreign bankers.
Our government sold our Telecom to foreign bankers.
And they have the gall to claim they are the least corrupt government in the world.

I am now even more thankful that I grew up in rural western Norway. Beautiful, peaceful and full of patriotism.

Can relate. Where do you reside if you don't mind me asking?

Patriotism for what? Your hometown or football team? Sure as hell not your fellow countrymen, seen as a hard worker from this part of Norway must struggle to make his kids life a bit happier while you live on hereditary gibs getting jobs right away cause of familiarity.

By all means be happy about it, just don't say you're patriotic cause that means something more.

You're living in Oslo, right? Not difficult to see why you're so pessimistic...

better than sweden. sweden minus huge amounts of niggers and faggots

So Scandinavia is lost, good to know.


Sogn og Fjordane. Lived in 3 different regions of the country but nowhere feels as nice as home.

Heraditary gibs? Getting jobs right away? What stereotypes do you have of us. I know a few upper class but they are far in between, and if you think most people here are going to inherit something big you have to think twice. I know people from all over the country that work here so your education means more than "hey im this guys friend" for all jobs I have seen. And the idea that we dont care for our fellow norwegians is ridiculous, around here people vote left-wing because they havent gotten the notice that nationally the parties arent the same as locally. Old factory workers voting AP because where they live the local politicians actually care about workers more than just in party name. Sure we mock you and you mock us, but there is a camraderie. When I said patriotism I meant flags raised are common, with people that love their culture and their language.

I honestly didnt know that lefties werent patriotic elsewhere until I got into my mid teens.

So I did overreact but I have met a lot of people whomstv'e this applies to and they are all from the better parts. Not all, but the richest ones certainly.
You see, while education is readily available here as elsewhere, the community is suffering because of a bunch of reasons icba to list (not only cultural enrichment) so going to school and staying focused isn't as easy when your home situation is rank and your future uncertain because of parents overworking, stress and other factors.

I just wish some of the politicians who claim to give a fuck lived here so they knew better what needs to be done, be they lefties or righties.

I agree. I hope things get better in the future for the country, we are only as strong as our weakest member. Whatever else we are in this together, enig og tro til dovre faller.

And yeah I grew up relatively poorer than probably most of Norway but I never felt like the odds were stacked against me, and I never felt that those around wanted anything but the best for me. I guess thats a bit of a part of what I said about patriotism, a thankfullness for the opportunities given and a wish to carry that torch forward.