Does anyone have the nazi/sjw version of this?

Does anyone have the nazi/sjw version of this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Ye givus two dolla an a ciggie cunt and ill give it to ya brudda





Also this

More accurate one

The fact that people who don't know much about marxism assume all marxism is hardcore state socialism doesn't change the fact that marxism is inherently bad for other reasons.

Same applies to fascists, though, don't worry. You all get helicopter rides.

How does Libertarian Socialism work?

>Confederate swimsuit
>dirty blonde

Perhaps we got off on the wrong foot somehow, either way le helicopter rides is a gateway towards Fascism so I'm not too concerned.

No Idea but it's a gateway towards anarcho-communism

you're all scum to me

Pinochet was literally a fascist

All flavors of leftism end the same way, every single time. Redsquares take over and greensquares fall in line or get the bullet.

>Pinochet was literally a fascist

Not really, he wasn't aiming for some National Revival of Chile or had some kind of Esoteric Chilean Nationalistic sentiments, he just wanted open free markets and removed the threat of communism from it.

He also censored the successor movement to the Nacistas which was a National Socialist/Fascist movement,

"El Movimiento Nacional Socialista de Chile was a political movement in Chile. From what I read this group was mostly natsocs at the start, then shifted more to classical fascism. People in Chille referred to them as "Nacistas"
The group was led by González von Marées, who organized a failed coup attempt on September 5 1938, in which 58 young nacista members were shot to death by police, in what became known as the Seguro Obrero massacre. He was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, but subsequently pardoned by President Aguirre.
National Socialism in Chile always was Anti-Pinochet."


>Artists see colors based on the callcard from the paint section at home depot
Lol what brainlet non artist normie made this?

Ancaps are just as bad as communists.

it doesn't, just like every other garbage on there

>just wanted free markets
Not really, he was a Nationalist without any strong convictions on economic policy. He just followed the advice of the Chicago schoolers & his advisors AFTER the junta had taken place.

Statist detected.

wow i guess fascism is a jewish ideology time to pack it up boys

there was literally one (one!) event in pinochet's dictatorship that barely even resembled fascism or even a hint of nationalism
the rest was just him being a neo-liberal puppet, i have no fucking idea where the whole "pinocchio is fascist!" comes from
allende was more a nationalist than he was

Francoism is conservatism with fascist optics

>getting aroused by that chick
what part of the boondocks are you from, cletus?

Tell me more about his nationalisim, why he opend chile to the global market and created outward looking international ties. Oh wait you cant, not everyone right of center is a nationalist

How about throwing in some arguments with your ad hominems? You know, just to spice things up a little.