the Indians blew a 3-1 lead in the World Series

Today is a great day.

Things that have happened since the Cubs last won the World Series:

-Thousands of 'Indians blow 3-1 lead' posts

That was probably the best baseball game I've seen

Most boring game on Earth. Screw the nukes, the real war crime we committed was force-feeding basebore into Japan as a punishment.

This is mai baseball waifu. You cannot have her

American education

Taishou Yakyuu Musume is great sports ball

It was the first real baseball game I watched.

Needed more homo really.

What is the Chicago Cubs of anime?




>Cubs won

Nice knowing you Sup Forums, pity the world is coming to an end.

>it was 3-1
2016 has been a scary year.

It was exciting, but you're dreaming if you thought it was good. The Cubs' pitching roster made me understand why lynchings happened, they damn near cost the team the game.

You know what's up next.

dropped, cant stand the mc

Try a shounen sports anime instead.

major is good