Berserk et al. An analysis

I will be covering common themes present in a set of works, as well as analyzing them and their implications in the authors' respective works.

if you have any suggestions, comments, critique, or additions, please feel free to share.

Griffith did nothing wrong.

The biggest theme possibly present, is that of Light and Darkness, it is the most prevalent in Berserk's publication and plays with the idea of what is good and what is evil.

Most notably is simply the colour scheme of guts and griffith in golden age arc, and fantasia arc

It is clear that, from the reader's point of view, Guts is the protagonist, and is an anti-hero character at face value. But it is the choices people make that define characters in berserk, not what they look like or say, although some characters demonstrate their world view through dialogue.

Griffith in the golden age is always donned a white character scheme, Guts is not fully black, but most of his wear is darker, the most notable black being his hair.

Griffith of course during the eclipse, shows the juxtaposition of light for dark, and encompasses what is seemingly evil to achieve his goal. He kills his familial friends for power.

Only much later, after Griffith is resurrected, do we see what Griffith uses his power for, and the implications of his evil actions earlier in the plot.

He is again, given a white color scheme, much more pure this time around. His symbol is the Falcon(Hawk) of light, meanwhile, Guts dons the black beast as his symbol with a black set of armor for his colour scheme. Both representations of their characters after the events of the Resurrection.

The use of animals as symbols is important, but I will come to this later.

Miura uses these themes of Light and Dark as a most extreme form of seperation, but also a connection. Light and Dark, Yin and Yang, will never combine(in theory) and will always be separate entities, yet they rely on each other for perpetual balance.

We do not currently know the intentions of Griffith in the current point in the story, so we cannot conclude as to whether white is a true representation of good, or whether black is a true representation of evil, so due to Miura's clever writing we have to stay in the dark on this one. ( Mad Puns)

There are spoilers in this thread. Warning to all plebs.

What will I be relating this to you may be wondering?

Well I'll Tell You...

Only people who read beserk are plebs.

That's right, fucking naruto.

And before you narutards start complaining. Let me start by saying that Masashi Kishimoto is probably the author who has crammed the most japanese culture and legends into his manga in the contemporary set of works. The names of jutsus are named after ancient japanese gods, and even japanese history is part of his work. Now I don't say that pacing is perfect or his characters, but this is not what the thread is about, mostly.

I really wish to read this thread, please go on.

Light and dark, good and evil. These things are mainly decided by the reader's perspective, and the narrative that the author presents to you.

Therefore there is a bias present that you cannot deny, or overcome, I will simply try to expand your point of view.

There are many similarities to the issues that the two main characters in each series face early on, relatively in their series'. The easiest example of course being, their best friend in existence leaving them behind.

Also the existence of a useless cunt third wheel, (Sakura and Caska) but I will talk about this later.

More importantly, the characters with the association of darkness, Guts and Sasuke, both leave their gleaming, shining, light emanating, attractive friend. Of course the reasons why each character does these things are completely different, and their motivations are also vastly changed from one another, but I will discuss these in detail.

There are many character similarities in Naruto and Berserk, some stay true to the dark and light theme throughout their series', but some also cross over and reach to the other side.

Naruto and Griffith both grew up as orphans, they knew not of parental love. Similarly Guts and Sasuke also share this sad fate. Guts and Sasuke's losses being much more violent(argueably).

Naruto and Griffith both change people's hearts in order to gain comrades and friends. They both wish to become the leader of their territories and they both wish to change the way that their respective territories are structured and the way the world works.

Sasuke's character kinda aligns with Griffith, in the way that they both lust for power and make a sacrifice to gain it, just their situations being vastly different.

abandon thread

The most important event in each of the series being the sudden departure of their main characters, Guts and Sasuke.

Guts leaves to be a "true friend" to Griffith, but Guts doesn't realize that he is more than a friend to Griffith. Griffith doesn't want to live without Guts. Sasuke leaves to become more powerful so he can avenge his family's death (sound familiar, aka eclipse arc, also full moons when they happened). Naruto doesn't want to lose the most important bond that he has in the world, which is also more than friends. It is a harrowing sadness and a connection through fighting that makes Naruto and Sasuke such good mates and rivals.

The events that occurred after Sasuke left the hidden leaf village:

Best Friend, Naruto, and other friends and comrades try to stop Sasuke from leaving and try to bring him back to the village.

They fail and Sasuke leaves and gets stronger.(we'll talk about hawk later)

I will post an essay worth of writing and arguments tomorrow. I am too tired for now. I will leave this to you to dwell on you fucking mainstream bottom feeding uncultured swine.

Another list of similarities between the two hawks of these mangas, Sasuke and Griffith. They both are the arch-enemies of MC. They both run groups associated with hawks, band of the hawk, and Hawk. The biggest difference, as seen above, is that Griffith represents the wings of light and Sasuke representing the wings of darkness.

Gn normies, add some of your own insights.

too ez bait not tkaing it normie

Weak mind

go back to redit

QUALITY thread OP.

Retard, Griffith is literally pure black. Save for his face.

For all of your philosophical prose OP, you still sound like a pretentious 12 year old.

>philosophical prose


>in and Yang, will never combine(in theory) and will always be separate entities
that is wrong you fucking retard. read the most basic article in taoism first
the whole point of their colors is that appearances are not the reality. griffith seems like a true leader, almost a benevolent god while in truth is an actual, literal demon. and guts seems to be an edgy, uncaring hardass, but is actually an extremely kind person

No cares about your dumb ass ramblings faggot