If you had the chance to make a choice, which race would you choose for an Overlord style Isekai scenario?
"Skeleton" is not allowed.
If you had the chance to make a choice, which race would you choose for an Overlord style Isekai scenario?
"Skeleton" is not allowed.
Will there be elves? In that case I choose orc.
>wanting to be a ugly green skinned human
literally why
have you seen those elf doujins? elves love the green fat dick
Ageless human, if possible. I'm fun at parties, I know.
they love any kind of dick though
Oppai loli
That's not a race user. You need to choose something like elf oppai loli.
Tentacle monster that specialized in paraylse, slience, root, stun, life drain and Detect Shotas
Maybe the race IS Oppai.
Anyone still remember the joke about Soul Calibur IV?
I just wanted to complain about yen press' stupidity. Look at this. Cocytus is now Extremely Evil with his 50 points of karma.
Great ain't his aligment in the JP stats Neutral?
nekomimi demon cat
An angel. But not those robot looking fellows from overlord. Just a normal one. Being able to fly would be super convenient and you could shit magic on people from a distance.
Doppel obviously.
For erm, experience diversity.
So your race is boobs. How does that work?
Can I be Nyarlathotep? Because I want to be Nyarlathotep.
Like this one or do you have more of a lastborn approach in mind?
>no nipples
>not even a clever way to censor them
>they're just not their at all
>they don't exist, the nipples on this chair
I hate this
Stop unrealistic doujin elf standards!
Real elfs are slender forest bow guerilla petanko's!
But Orcs x Elfs is canon.
Also Ogres.
Doppel does seem to be the best choice. Other than that immortal races such as Angels, Demons or Dragons would be nice as well.
Those are just get removable pads. Of course they wouldn't have nipples.
>Maybe the race IS Oppai
>How does that work?
Maybe like a boob slime?
Nephilim would be cool
>Doppel does seem to be the best choice.
Except that
>being ~80% of toplvl
>Dragon Lords gang up on you and win
user why Enri started wiping herself down with wet towel twice a day?
Did Lupu rape her?
Werewolf monk.
but then your race is slime, not boob
Hope I can have multiple element types at-will. Should make for a fun time.
If it looks like a boob - it's a boob.
If it looks like a girl - it's a girl.
Maybe some Yggdrasil custom skin, although mods would ban it for being too lewd.
I think Drawn Together had something like that.
professional translators at work guys
From the guys who brought us this gem.
Have you ever gone so far as to even?
but user you want erect nipples to be visible through a padded bra.
Whatever Fucking thing Demiurge is, that race seems pretty damn awesome.
So Toadman bard?
Whe not, as long as I get a humanish form i can transform into so I can bluff stupid shits long enough to Fuck the place up i'm fine with that.
I'd pick a wraith-type monster and then possess people.
Admit that rod of incubus is major reason for you.
>sovereign of the frozen river
Fucking retards. The kanji for frozen river (氷河) literally means " glaciers".
That would go well with keikakus.
You can giggle yourself to sleep every night after 9/11 a country or two.
Was it Sup Forums Pillars of Eternity where villain was like this?
I'd be a Spectator Beholder.
A Dullahan
It's more like I would possess some qt and have her touch herself, then rape her hime-sama with [Create Penis].
Then leave them behind to do it all over again elsewhere. I get all the advantages of being undead but I can adopt human form any time I like.
Either that or be a banshee bard and regale the world with JIBUN WOOOOO, Giri Giri Eyeeee or some other jpop hit.
A glasses-wearing beholder mage girl?
Player-human, but without slow self-destruct feature.
On the second thought, this is also a viable option.
Gun dragon
female troll/orc for /ss/ purposes
What about this?
Oh, and I will be totally "humanity fuck yeah" guy regardless.
Become a dragon and stick your dick into everything. No one will question you because that's what dragons do anyway.
Is it retarded when he's named after a river?
Elan because psionics are the shit
Automaton sexbot.
This will limit your options though.
I'm pretty sure there is a racial class to fix that.
Or a cash shop item.
Yggdrasil did not allow lewd!
I know it from the Divine Comedy, where Cocytus is the 9th circle of Hell, but apparently Cocytus is a river in Hades comparable to the Styx. Interesting.
In any case, it's not "river that is frozen" (凍った川) but "glacier". Also, the river Cocytus was not frozen.
Oh. I just realized.
8GK was probably some sort of Sup Forums guild.
Considering orcs are basically corrupt elves (and thus should have equally long lifespans) I'm pretty sure a ss relationship could end up like that
So better question is why not both
Nah, your average MMO teen would still do the same.
As long as it's implied.
Racial Class that makes automaton "human like" could work. Cash shop item to reshape your character might work too, since that Gazer girl managed to get quite humanoid.
Yuki-onna master race.
Anons would come to my cozy winter cabin seeking warmth and then I'd rape them.
That Gazer girl is fanfic though.
maybe shes just being lazy and doesnt want to bath
It's okay, because cash shop items are the real world tier items.
I can't remember any info concerning age restrictions in yggdrasil.
Maybe they were literally children? Like, 8-9 YO.
their official guild name was "Hotglue" so yea...
Wiping yourself down with wet towel is a sound alternative in case of scarce water supply.
I'm asking why she started doing this two times a day.
It was implied that it has something to do with Lupu.
>8GK guild name
Fantasy violence, gore etc.
PG13 maybe?
Erasing a scent.
Pero managed to make Chair go from humanoid leech to loli, though.
Rape is always the answer.
Slime. I wanna be a rori darklord chunni fag.
>make Chair go from humanoid leech to loli
But only in appearance.
Anime does not cover the transformation, but in LN her cute skin just opens up from inside into a hideous monster.
T-thanks user, I can n-now go in-ndulge myself in-n fantasies.
It was a warp-spasm kind of thing, though. And she actually had those lamprey teeth.
lupus probably has that wet dog smell around her constantly
>Fantasy violence
Sort of.
I need to re-read chapters where they conquered the Nazarick, but I think it's not the case.
Mix it with total corporate dominance, and you can get something like a PG-6.
I think you got a bit tangled there, but yeah it should be Neutral.
Dont mess with my waifu!
source ; /jp/
Author twitter, WN notes?
And then I will fuck hot elfsluts with my barbed cock!
>something appropriate for the weather
>orc on the right is wearing nothing but a shoulder pad and a belt for his upper body
At the risk of sounding edgy, vampires do have a pretty solid package.
Actually I don't need any proofs anymore user
This thread is at first page and your argument is self-evident already
He's wearing his rough green skin and his bulging muscles.
>Solid package
Pfff, goot one user.
You rival Nazarick Petanko Airlines from Lupu.
Their clan tag is probably [RAPE] or something. The Randy All-Partners Enterprise or something.
>rough skin
>you can literally see his bulging veins
That's settled then.
If there is ever a comprehensive VRMMO in our lifetime - we go in and form a most degenerate guild ever seen in hopes to live up to 8GK name and get copied over to world of infinite pussy.
Then kill each other over harems.
This is how tough his veins and muscles are user.
Thick skin and fat would better insulate your body from the elements. How would muscle insulate you? If anything the blood circulation in muscle means you lose heat faster.
>How would muscle insulate you?
With manliness obviously.