>[HorribleSubs] Bernard Jou Iwaku. - 05 [720p].mkv
I didn't see a thread about /lit/ the anime so I made one.
[HorribleSubs] Bernard Jou Iwaku. - 05 [720p].mkv
Still haven't watched today's episode, but here have a bump for Bernard.
Why does she call's hereslf Bernard? Does this has something to do with literature?
*call herself
haven't watched it yet either, but bump
>/lit/ the anime
I don't go there, but is it really a bunch of people pretending to know about books?
Also, second best smug of the season.
It's one person pretending to know about books and three people that are precisely the sort of people who just can't deal with it when someone pretends to know about books.
>people pretending to know about books
Yes, some of them don't even know the meaning of half the words they use, think /s4s/ but 30x more pretentious.
A lot of stuff Bernard says makes sense.
Bernard has a great deal of experience and has mastered the art of not reading books.
Have they talked about any known book that isnt asian? Just curious, because i dig the theme and the KMB style but i wont watch something about books ill never get to read in english/spanish.
>Have they talked about any known book that isnt asian?
Quite a few times.
>tfw no time to read because I'm always watching anime
This short hits all my spots
I feel like a lot of boards are people just pretending to know about X.
That's a nice aesthetic.
Wasn't this the first time they spoke about Japanese books aside from the Kafka bio?
How does this compare to In Search of the Lost Future?
Sadly the guy who were to edit the episodes got missing and I just made the TS for episodes 1 and 2.
I don't know how bad the translation is, but it seems like CR got some of the titles wrong, like the Barefoot Ken, that should've been Barefoot Gen, which is a classic manga.
What is this anime even about?
Even Teekyu makes more sense.
What... even, I... why.
Is this a jap thing and about their stupid vertical layout?
This time she made some sense that I felt like I should agree but still felt wrong.
OH SHI- That's literary girl from danshi koukousei
Waiting for this to finish so I can marathon but what books have they mentioned so far?
Fucking retard fuck off and kill yourself newfag.
This, kill yourself.
Why don't you redirect your anger at one of >tfw their posts are somehow acceptable to your strict post quality standards
Yes, theirs are of a quality far better than yours at least I can call them filthy crossboarders.
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Am I allowed to watch this if I'm not /lit/, this show is pretty funny
Nah bra, you gonna be lit as fuck after the series.
A lot of its points apply to any medium.
I'm moving over to /lit/ once this show is finished. I think I'll do just fine there.
She looks like Umaru here
There was the whole episode about Haruki Murakami
Yeah, it's really nice.
Why is she such a /lit/ shitposter