The fuck is his problem?

The fuck is his problem?



>these are some of the most powerful people on earth

A bunch of absolute fucking retards is the best our species has to offer. Pretty fucking depressing with you lads.

He stood next to manlets. So crossing his arms would have too hard, because he himself is also a Manlet.

What a faggot

trump looks like he's having fun and genuinely enjoying his time, good for him

They're forming a grotesque human chain of some sort to summon the elder God Cthulu to devour everything.

he's clearly in the middle its a smymmertry thing brainlets cant understand

why does Duterte look like a fucking mcdonalds chef

looks like a fuckin pastry chef n shiet, someone get that dude a white hat

>that huge shit eating grin on Trump's face
What's he thinking, guys? Digits decide.

how fucking short do they all want to be

manlet summit with trump as a motivational speaker?

fucking based president drug user terminator in chef disguise

Cooking meth - taking out the competition. Smart.


If being the only smart guy not to get photographed doing a stupid handshake is a problem,
well no wonder you hang on on Sup Forums

Bill Clinton is a rapist.

For God and country!

shill fag

Russia just wants to see the world burn

Who is it?

not a team player

wow, Trump is a big man.

which is why benlet shekelpiro is anto-trump, manlet jealousy

He isnt really he is just surrounded by gooks

I can't wait to lock that nasty woman up

His name was SETH RICH.

When do i press the red button

Whose idea was this?

For you

>"I can't wait for the storm"

he is not a mason

Medvedev, you silly person. He's Putin's butt buddy

>In Russia arms cross you

What are you on about ? I thought he was the only normal cunt here if you look next to duerte you got (((turnball))) at fucking struggle streets
Bearman is the only normal cunt here whom doesn't shake hands like a fucking spaz

I could tackle the Jews with these fine men by my side

Alpha as fuc

Mate, it's a harmless bit of fun/cringe.

manlet syndrome

>fuck niggers