Fune wo Amu

Well, does it?

It will greatly impact his ability to compile sexual vocabulary.


I i'm 27 and I have no idea how dirty talk works

Kaguya will remedy the situation.

Look at that face, look at it.

Surely you've read enough eromanga by now to know how dirty talk works.

Although Majime himself is probably too pure to have read any of that.

Yeah, she looks like she slurps dicks by the dozen. A definite virginity destroyer.

Please say no more.

My dick can't handle it.

Just ask Nishioka.

>the best noitamina show this year is about dictionaries

Latest episode was good. Art and animation was a step down from the previous 3 but it was the best yet in terms of characterisation.

Noitamina got completely derailed a long time ago. We're lucky if we get one decent show from it a year.

> [Commie] Fune wo Amu - 04 [C325E42F].mkv

Haha, time for words.

Such a card.

Sweet. Looking forward to it.

I want her to watch over me.


Nishioka for MVP.

Kaguya is a top cutie.

Oh boy, I hope Nishioka doesn't get fired. Also Baa-chan is based.


She knows.

RIP, Nishioka's job security.

Took one for the team.

Guess it's confirmed they're dating. He'll definitely be hibernating after she's done with him that night.

>forgot to to get off the ferris wheel
that was pretty funny

I hope it makes it off the second time, missing it again would be real sad.

Is that really the Xavier she meant? I can't help but think of the X-men one.

That quick transition to sadness when you're not bringing anything to the conversation.


Yes. He's particularly famous in Japan for introducing Christianity I think.


I wonder why he's in the dictionary department, guy is obviously made for sales and marketing.

Seems unusual for an anime of a film to be made.

Any reason why they decided to make this TV series?


That's what happens when the script is not written by uneducated manchildren.

I caught up with this yesterday and checked it aired on Fridays. That was quick, thank God.

>an anime of a film
It's based on a novel. Apparently the author also did (writer only?) manga.

How fucked is he?

That pose is quite common in Saints representations.

Nips should not virgin shame with over 40% virgins. Sale guy probably is virgin too.

Heaven or hell?

No hot as fuck ranga girlfriend.

Nishioka knows how to catch them.

Wouldn't you prefer a girlfriend with a soul?

Oh you. It's not like she's a waifu.

Right oh, my mistake. That's interesting. Writer make anything else of worth?

Damn, I almost forgot about this show. Looks nice. Seems like one of those ConRevo shows though.

Just go into a Nibutani thread. Someone will teach you.

>sexual vocabulary
Not likely to be included in a dictionary though. Didn't you watch the first scene where Araki and the sensei were reminiscing about dirty words in the earliest dictionaries they found?

Araki picked the wrong dictionary, Matsumoto mentioned the one he read was too prime and proper.

It depends on the dictionary.

any idea on which of these has the dirtiest words then?

What's wrong with her eyes?

Desire for great grandchildren.

Why so smug?

cause smug is cute

Why is this girl so unusually patient with him? Just how many good words did granny put in?

She may have a taste for pure autistic men.

She's trying to stay on good terms, since they're living together. Or could be fear that he would flip out and murder them all.

She's a virgin killer and he's obviously ripe for the picking.

A strong work ethic makes her very wet.

Abe pls.

This is your workplace affair for tonight.

Yes or no?

She looks like the NTR type.

Is this NTR?

>mfw Nishioka's gf is voiced by Chiwa Saito

Does that mean he's gonna walk her home gently.

You are mentally ill.

What is this semen demon's name?

I think you should stop reading doujins, at least a week at least.

Or at least detox on some vanilla.

NTRing an innocent soul like Majime should be punished with death by the boats.

Which subs?


What are your options?

That subtle navel makes my dick diamonds.

Nishioka confirmed for Heineken lad, mein tovarisch.

You will never come her and fuck her silly after a hard day's work.



How old are each of the cast?

Purely wife material.
Kill yourself.

>I'm taking this weekend off
what? don't you normally have the weekend off?

This ep was pretty QUALITY.

This show is no stranger to QUALITY

Not Japs.

goddamn fuckin' nips
why even call it the weekend then

During the lunch scene, why did Majime had a bigger bowl than the women. Such a cheapskate.


st francis xavier you heathen.

How can they still be writing the guidelines after a whole month.

Funny that for a man, looking in on an unknown woman he just met like this would be considered creepy.

Caught me off guard, man.

What is wrong with you? There are many cheaper but not really worse / better but not really more expensive brands. Anyway, this local cider I get here is better than any beer.

That's Sasuga retard.

If the man was the grandson of the owner of the place then I doubt it would be that creepy. It's only creepy if you make it out to be creepy -- in this case she was just checking up on him, whether she was male or female really doesn't matter. Although of course I'd personally prefer a cute girl.

>I was just pretending
Global Rule 6, faggot.

I think it's because he had arrived later than usual from work so the women probably had eaten already. It would've been awkward if they weren't drinking tea or having something to eat while accompanying him at the table.

I want to say turquoise but then I'd go to hell

It was his dinner, the old lady had probably eaten already and Kaguya being an employee at a restaurant probably already had her meal at work before leaving as is common.

This girl is way too fucking cute, with just the right amount of autism.

She seems to accept mildly autistic people, probably one of the few animu girls that would accept me.

She'd be cuter if she had a personality.

She didn't actually get too much screen time so far and it's not a usual harem anime where you would know her personality within one minute of her first appearance. Give it time and they will (hopefully) flesh her out.

She's had enough screen time to establish more of a personality than "Majime's perfect waifu".

How? I mean he's been unable to talk to her until this ep and even then they only had like 3 minutes screen time on ferris wheel. Maybe you don'tlike her calm face, but that's how real 11 are.

I hope nothing too bad happens to Nishioka. He's too much of a bro.

This show is not for retards like you.

It's like your senses have been deadened by watching crappy anime or haven't been paying enough attention to the show.
She was literally introduced in the last 5 minutes of episode 2, and only as a mysterious romantic figure, so she's gotten very little screentime.
About her personality, she seems to be easy going and she doesn't get uncomfortable with long awkward silences or around special people.
>establish more of a personality than "Majime's perfect waifu"
So far we know she likes cats, also the Ferris wheel. She's very determined and devoted to her craft (itamae), so she seems to have a character compatible with Majime (completely devoted to words, literature and dictionary making). Her career surrounds highly perfectible food, yet she found some cheap semi insta-ramen to be tasty, so she's either very tolerant of other's people's tastes or actually likes cheap meals too.
She's also amused by him, otherwise she'd give him the cold shoulder or be out-right disgusted by this cringy nerd.
All this hints a lot about her personality.
>b-but she's only displayed as waifu material
Sorry, but this anime is for adults. The cast is of adults in a realistic setting. Would you be able to display the entirety of your (awful) personality to a person you just met or someone you're not close to yet? If you'd have actually paid attention to how characterization can be achieved through different means, you wouldn't need this shit to be spelled out for you. At any rate, let me know if you still have doubts when the next episode airs. I don't mind spoonfeeding you, my dear autist.


You sure seem mad that people don't like your average anime of the season.
She is a shallow character and only there as an obligatory romantic interest or to force development. Tacked on and makes no sense in the show. Listing everything shown about her doesn't make her a well-written character. I could do the same thing with Pico. Majime is a complete autist and yet somehow attracts people like a standard harem protagonist.


Not that guy but from the limited screen time she's had they've already established that she has a clear goal for herself independent of the MC.

>Majime is a complete autist and yet somehow attracts people like a standard harem protagonist.
I'm not sure why any socially awkward character is immediately labeled as autistic. Even then it's clearly shown that he has no idea what he's doing when it comes to women.

Kaguya hasn't even shown any romantic interest in him yet. Thus far we know she came back to be closer to her new workplace and that's all.

>She is a shallow character
That's what most characters or people would say about people they haven't get to fully know yet. Again, the key here is "realistic setting". There is usually no cheap exposition in such settings. The characters don't go screaming their interests and their life choices.
>Listing everything shown about her doesn't make her a well-written character.
No, of course it doesn't. I was just pointing out the subtle characterization as the yarn that is her personality is is only getting unraveled, the same for every other secondary character (HINT: In storytelling it's called the introductory)
Get to know more about her before you say she's shallow. I can guarantee you they will be explored with more depth soon.
>Majime is a complete autist and yet somehow attracts people
Yeah, so? I think he'd be pretty cool to hang around, but then again I'm an introverted book worm.
>like a standard harem protagonist.
He's shown his inner self is rather interesting and how hard he is trying. People who read a lot have usually thought a lot, therefore their opinions are usually interesting. Nice people won't just flatly reject him because he's awkward. And the cast is mostly nice people.

Just be patient, you utter retard. How can you be so presumptuous when she's had literally 8% screen-time?