Why did Hillary lose?

What are the major reasons why Hillary Clinton was so reviled as a contender despite the Media giving her a 19/20% chance of taking the White House?

What caused her to roll that fatal Nat1 Pol?

Because rural and suburban retards voted against their own interest. Only city people were smart enough to vote HRC

because regular people hate politicians and the media and big corporations and wall street they see all of them as evil and against us and hillary represented all of those more than any other politician. When people say she was the most qualified candidate of all time what they mean is that she was the apex of a system that takes advantage of regular people

>Jewery about MuhCitySmartz

And can we hear from Poltards rather than a shill?

She's got zero Charisma and a picked a creepy fuck as VP

Most Sup Forumsturds are rural or suburban retards. You won't hear a smart opinion from this board, aside from mine

Electoral college is an archaic and outdated system and was designed by white male slavers to keep women and poc out of office, that's why she won the popular vote but still got barred from the presidency.


Also this

>Media giving her a 19/20% chance
that was never, in any universe, a reality
that was an attempt at demoralizing

Openly corrupt, soaked in scandal, not charismatic, secret lesbian, engaged in faux marriage, suffering from clear health problems, no real message besides "I'm not Trump", arrogant to the point of not bothering to campaign in major states, etc etc, the real question is why they let her run at all.

So you think in a system literally designed to get the most Diversity in demographics, women and PoC get shafted?

I thought you lot hated the Majority, or is that only when the Majority is White?
PS. Obama was a Piece of Crap and he still got into office

You can't win an election by trusting that a majority of voters hate the other guy enough to elect you. You have to offer something the voters want to hear, and she didn't do that. Trump won't be able to deliver, but at least he offered something. We now know he was talking out of his ass, but it's too late now.

They gave her a 80-90% chance you filthy shill.

You are clearly a biased Drumpfkin that will not accpet facts and call them "fake news" instead

That doesn't let me make a CritFail joke though

>You won't hear a smart opinion from this board, aside from mine

think you answered the question shill

Has it ever been explained what happened sith the polls? Trump winning was within the margin of error on almost every poll but did anyone explain how the vast majority of polls had 3 to 5% error in favour of HRC?

>Dixie flag
Don't you have a cousin to fuck, you inbred rural retard?

So about 5/6?

Side of beef


Because she was Dick Cheyney in a dress.

I thought love trumps hate

Uneducated, racist voters (mostly rural Whites), Russian manipulation of the media and voting machines, Comey's incompetence in reopening the case so close to election day.

By making the white male the scapegoat of all minorities issues.

man you are so butt hurt

Hubris. Hubris not only brought her fall, but a global hegemony that has existed for hundreds of years.

WTF, I love Hillary now.
MEGA (make everything great again)

why is somebody using the Pathfinder Beginner Box dice set?

what a fucking nerd

This is an obvious bait, just ignore it.

I know, I'm trying to bait the bait. Bait-ception

hillary wasn't even popular when she was first lady. She has always been someone who was pushed on people.

>Because rural and suburban retards voted against their own interest.
>implying Hillary was the best choice

She would have continued the campaign to nuke the middle class and later worsen race and class relations.
At least Trump is slowly fixing everything.