どうも, /a/

どうも, /a/

So unsexy.

Disgusting, right?

ちいさい おっぱい ご ほめ!

No no, it's


or, y'know, kaeru

Just post more cute girls if you're going to speak in runes the entire time.


Unsexy lolis not allowed

>no cameltoe

literally threw up in my mouth


Kuro is what happens when you don't spank your daughter.

Daddy would be proud of his little slut.

No father is.

If I was her adoptive father, she would become my future wife.

You're a bad dad

Absolutely disgusting.

I will fulfill my Usagi Drop fantasy with Kuro!

That's a dangerous fantasy

It's a good thing I'll never adapt or become a foster parent. Fuck raising kids.

I doubt she wants to marry an old man

Full dvd/blu ray release with subbed OVAs when?

Are the specials out yet?

>implying i would swoop her off her feet and make her forget about my age
Plus my gramps and grandma had the same age gap.


It's not nice

I want to impregnate Illya!


Illya bullying is better than sex!

B-but Illya's cunny is the only thing that keeps me awake every night. ; _ ;

Just go to sleep

I commit so many crimes every time...

Her small body and flat chest means you have to try really hard

I already do user, every night. Nothing but filling Illya's cunny of baby milk 'till morning every single day. :D :D :D





please give this to 2chan origato


I literally had a dream tonight about me being at the pool and a bunch of lolis trying to seduce me. And you know what? Everything was fucking anime like censored. They were all sitting and standing in positions were you could not see anything. I woke up and was really fucking mad. Like what the hell you don't get these dreams that often.

Yeah, that banding is fucking disgusting.

Why is she such a slut?



I spent more time watching Shirou's ass. What is wrong with me.

you are gay?

what do Kuro's feet taste like?

Dirty old man semen.