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I wonder how Bezos will spin Trump into this.


The entire cast will be replace by female niggers.

Newfags. The whole middle-earth universe got ruined when the Hobbit movies came out, shit was perfectly fine with the three movies but kikes gotta kike

LOTR is based as fuck though. Only whites vs orks (niggers) and (((sauron)))

Cant wait, frodo will be black, sauron a black woman, aragorn will wear a turban and they will launch a campaign to ship orcs into the shire.

It's going to be glorious, I can hardly wait for the massive amount of butthurt. I've been telling a lot of people about Cultural Marxism and they've dismissed it as nonsense. A lot of them are also LOTR fans who actually read the books. They weren't happy with the negro in Shadow of War, diversity fellowship will push them over the edge I hope.

The first movies are mostly redpilled and european so I'm not surprised they want to kike it down.

Panning over group walking over mountains, the tv show.

A black woman will never be the big evil. Arwen will be a blonde aryan and Aragorn will be a moor. The rohirrim and rohan will be bumbling fools that needs woke lady with afro wig to come to their rescue.

Instead of Gandalf the white, Gandalf will instead change gender and turn into Shaqwanda the wise. She will the woke and sassy, but wise, afro lady that will come
and rescue the crackers from their incompetence.

Guarantee there will be pan-ethnic minorities. Boycotting

*she will be

It doesn't exist if I don't watch it


>inb4 it becomes real

Reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with an all black LOTR cast

I do wonder how brazen they will be with pozzing it though.

Half orcs will be portrayed as white supremacists
Elves will have asian and mexican actors
Men will have black people in leadership positions

That's not 2017 enough. Arwen needs to be a blonde nordic woman, Aragorn is correct though.
Legolas will be moorish and Gimli will be the (((white))) comedic relief, played by Seth Rogen.
Boromir will be the only genuinely white, but that's only because they will remove all nuance
and just make him seem greedy and evil.

Galadriel and the wood elves will be woke latinx

there are no blacks in that setting tho

Didn't the Tolkien estate say that they wouldn't give rights for any further adaptations after the hobbit fiasco? They must've been paid a lot to change their minds already

and all tards will be portrayed by golem

Fuck me... This is the last straw. Not gonna renew prime membership. Had enough of this bs.

Oh and Gimli, Rogen, will always imply that he's jealous over how the swarthy elves have
bigger dicks than the manlet white dwarfs.

Please, this is my favourite universe, the films were done as well as films could do it justice.

The hobbit was shit, and I bet this will be worse.

digits confirm


Tolkien wrote the Lord of the Rings saga as the fictional history of the Anglo-Saxon race.

With exception the Oliphant drivers (Haradrim) were inspired by the Mongols and the Ottomans who both attempted to invade Europe.

I doubt it's going to be based on the main series. More than likely they'll adapt some short stories such as the Tom Bombadil one.

Amazon as acquired the rights to the entire franchise if I'm not mistakened.

Do we have any evidence of previous Amazon adaptations showing racial appeasement which would indicate a trend of some sorts?

*very* indo-european

Didn't the MTV movie awards make a joke about this where, the guy wanted to call it "Lord of the Kings." Eerily ironic if this turns out to be reality.

>Black Aragorn
>Gandalf the black
>Frodo and Sam are gay
>Merry and Pippin are Trans and gay
>Elves are Asian
>Boromir is a fucking white male who betrays the fellowship of diversity



Orcs will have pale skin.

How shit taste do you have to have to think Jackson movies are good LMAO

Don't give them fucking ideas.

As if there's anything to defile about Harry Potter

Idris Elba as Gandalf




Are you new here faggot - broadway to hollywood

Potter fags would welcome it though

>light vs dark
>sauron hates white
>black speech
>black gate
>black hand
>black riders
>black uruks
Let's see if the jews will be able to spin this one around to black = good without getting genocided by level 40 wizards.


Morgan freeman as gandalf MAKE IT HAPPEN

You know gandalf is based on Väinämöinen, right my dude? Would you like a nigger Väinämöinen?

I hope they cast Tolkien's white supremacy aside and finally let Middle Earth embrace diversity. It's about time, it's 2017 after all.

They probably already blew all the money, or were "persuaded" OR didn' t invest proper.

>Are you new here faggot
Funny you say that in this exact context since I made this meme back then
Either way point still stands, Harry Potter has always been the liberal bible

>Tolkien's legacy will be ruined by Jews

Tolkien knew what was up with the kikes

I kek'd

I think your're probablt right. I got confused because christopher tolkien was pretty outspoken about his dislike for the lotr films as soulless commercialized "action movies for 15-25 year olds" that shat on tolkien's legacy. I can't imagine thar he'd be okay with a bunch of spin off tv-series produced by amazon of all companies.


In the hobbit movies they put in token black extras in the human towns.

>Elves are Asian
I would be more ok with this than you'd think

Oh you meant amazon adaptations. Well I don't know about that but the (((diversity))) stuff was starting to show even before the Amazon sale. You even had the Dwarf x Elf interracial romance.

>yfw when it flops

Show this to the amazon kikes and they might actually make it a reality.


me on the left.

Legolas is going to be an Amerigoblin isn't he?

>tfw (((they))) ruin everything you love

inb4 they reveal most of the orcs are actually good people and the bad ones were just corrupted by some kind of deity

Franchise reboot set 500 years into the future, Sauron decided to make everything white for no reason.
>post yfw the show writers are getting legitimate ideas from these threads


They should get Beetlejuice to play frodo.

The hobbit movies were OK. You feel they are inferior to the LotR because the hobbit book is inferior to the LotR book.