/ptg/ President Trump General - Rural Retards Defy Liberal Screeching Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump statement after ASEAN leaders summit 11/13/17
>Duterte tells media to GTFO 11/13/17
>SoS T-Rex meets Myanmar state counselor 11/13/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on Venezuela 11/13/17
>Pres Trump meets w/PooMinister Modi 11/12/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis meets w/Georgia's DefMin 11/12/17
>Pres Trump speaks @ASEAN summit 11/12/17
>Pres Trump meets w/Duterte 11/12/17
>Pres Trump/bff Abe/aussie shitposter meet 11/12/17
>ASEAN summit opening ceremony 11/12/17
>Pres Trump/Duterte @ASEAN summit 11/12/17
>Group photo @ASEAN summit 11/12/17
>Pres Trump arrives @ASEAN summit 11/12/17
>Duterte sings @Trump's command 11/12/17
>Pres Trump @31st ASEAN Gala Celebration 11/12/17
>Pres Trump Departs Vietnam 11/12/17
>Pres Trump/PM Nguyen bilateral meeting 11/12/17
>Pres Trump/PM Nguyen Meeting 11/11/17
>Pres Trump/Pres Quang Press conference 11/11/17

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R
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If Moore started groping 14 year olds in public he'd be as popular as Joe Biden.

Second for Trump is a time traveler



What if Moore is paying the women to make allegations against him so he can win by making people believe the left is paying those women to make allegations against him?

Abandon shill thread.


Based Hannity not cucking

ever since Q came to town I haven't been to ptg much - soon the shills will be gone and we will run this place again. Still hilarious they haven't run yet, You are about to be arrested! hahahahahhahahahhaha

Well, they didn't listen before and I doubt they'll listen now. I just want my words to echo in their ears for the next decade or so. Cause mark my word this is a deep cleaning. Even your level is going to jail, you think Rothchild is sweating today and you shouldn't be? Go ask the Asads.... oh right they died last week!

All these accusers will disappear come December 13, 2017. Just like the Trump ones, as soon as the election is over, they will fade into the mist. Funny how that works.

Gotta love the states where people can see through jewish propaganda. Reminds me of Montana when that journalist faggot was body slammed and that candidate still won

so that's why they turned on him so hard last night

> Also Liberals: She said it. I believe it. That settles it!

I had forgotten about that.
The last 2 years has completely shattered my almost hipster-esk perception of the American public as sheeple brainwashed cucks that unquestioning accpet kike subversion.

I am very proud and validated that you hear the name George Soros flow from the mouths of normalfaggots

No big statement until Wednesday? Why wait?

Trump isnt back in mainland until Wednesday, so.


im dreaming of right wing bodyslam squads this Christmas

Yes, who needs real evidence when Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell say they believe it?


>Only 16 percent think Moore should continue his campaign


>60 percent say the sexual harassment and sexual assault allegations five women have leveled against him are "credible."


>Democrat Doug Jones now leads Moore by 4 percentage points...That’s a significant swing from October when Moore had a 48-40 percent lead in the same survey.

Mormons are on the same level as kikes tbqh senpai. Whenever Mormons see someone do something "serious" or "unbecoming" they want them to "step down". This is the Mormon's version of shutting it down.

Nice cherry-picked poll. Emerson has Moore up by ten (their poll was November 9-11), Gravis has Moore by two and Change Research has Moore up by four. These are all post-"scandal" polls.


You picked literally the only one right now that claims Jones is ahead.

>> Also Liberals: She said it. I believe it. That settles it!
>Except for Bill Clinton’s accusessers- that’s just petty politics!
God won’t be able to save anyone if I find out my daughter was ever abused. I don’t know how the bill Clinton victims have coped all these years with that abuse.

>Hebrew National
Every time.

This is hands down one of the most retarded things I've ever seen.

Think about how the left and RINOs are securing their own defeat? At any moment any woman can claim someone they don't like raped them. Leftists and RINOs must step down in accordance with their "morals" while politically incorrect people will just plow on through. Trump has shown that if you stand strong you can weather the storm.

The Left and Cuckservatives have literally created a situation in which they can only lose. I never expected the day where rampant rape allegations and third wave feminism would save Western Civilization.

I donated $1000 to Moore's campaign a few days after the allegations were made. They'd better not cancel this election.

Lefty faggots don't understand is most if not all straight men in their twenties and thirties try to fuck twenties bitches. It's not like he raped her he barely Weinstein'd her.

They wont. Alabama voters are all armed and will start murdering democrats in the streets and democrat politicians in their homes

Dude the fact that the left is accusing anyone of any type of sexual misconduct, in the middle of a massive leftist hollywood outting no less, is fucking laughable and pathetically transparent.

Democrats have the credibility of a piece of dog shit

Rural retards are trying to discredit Roy Moore’s victim’s yearbook. Don’t let them!!!

It’s just a rightwing conspiracy like those Alex Jones freaks who tried to lie about Hillary selling Russia uranium or that she rigged election against Bernie and how she kills all these people.

Don’t fall for that trash. Stay away from biased echo chambers like Fox News. Try a moderate network like CNN and read Washington Post and NY Times. They have fact checkers.

>Innocent until proven guilty is for criminal convictions
>unless i say so because im Mitt Romney the cuck that couldent beat a nigger at the election in 2012.

According to a detailed analysis of more than five million messages carried out by George Washington University in the United States, two media outlets linked to the Kremlin, RT and Sputnik, made use of a large number of accounts on social networks related to Venezuela and chavismo in order to propagate a negative image of Spain in the days running up to and after the October 1 referendum on independence in Catalonia.

>The principal conclusion of the study is that traditional political leaders and institutions have lost their ability to influence public opinion.
So, every time you hear a faggot screaming Russia its just another person afraid his losing power to influence people who can literally do their own research in the Internet. They're upset and mad that their lies get reveled in a matter of hours, just like Donald Junior "scandal" last night.

>In their place now are a variety of actors, who are a lot more difficult to follow and monitor, given that they do not subscribe to the political and media environment of just one country.
Yes, so, literally people using the Internet from all around the world. "Actors", real nice word of scare to dehumanize the people using the Internet.

>In the case of the Catalan secessionist drive, the narrative of the pro-Constitution parties in government and the opposition was limited by a complex network of messages originating in pro-Russian media and amplified in part by chavist forces in Venezuela.

I learned a new word today.

>“The most surprising thing about the investigation has been the discovery of an entire army of zombie accounts that are perfectly coordinated and that are dedicated to sharing content generated by RT and Sputnik in diverse digital conversations, which go from Syria and the United States to Catalonia, there is evidence to suggest that the pattern of digital disruption that has been detected in digital debates about the elections in the United States or Brexit has also been seen in Catalonia, and that the authors of this disruption are the very same.”

The pattern is the same? So either there is unified Russian intelligence group that can sway the General Election of United States - thus outperforming 50 BILLION DOLLAR BUDGET of U.S. allocated for intelligence and all that manpower with only couple of rubles - OR maybe the thing they are looking for is actually just NORMAL FUCKING PEOPLE USING INTERNET TO COMMUNICATE WITH PEOPLE.

These "researches" and politicians are scared shitless just how fast their lies are reveled. They're calling internet users "actors in behest of Russia undermining Spain and U.S."

Trumps making a announcement of war today against Lebanon and Iran.

But where are the proofs?


needs alittle fake-blood

this. that's how girls write the lowercase letter e. i can think of several other females i know that write it like that

That feel when U.S. has 50 billion dollar budget for intelligence and they "lost" to couple of Vodka monkeys in spreading "propaganda" which brainwashed 63 million Trump voters.

Well, that is the narrative they are pushing at least! And same group is now in Catalonia.

he only just got them back from the last scandal that no one remembers anymore. Give it a month an he'll have them all back

>Hebrew National

when will brock stop attacking hannity's sponsors

who the hell dates a signature?

Trump working North Korea into a SEETHING shoot

If only he came out this strongly against Hillary Clinton during the presidential election instead of a member of his own party. What is it about getting blown the fuck out that gives these cretins so much confidence on twitter?

Aren't honor killings typically done via stoning?

>Portugal is one of the five countries not subscribing to that EU army.

And why the hell not? What is wrong with a united EU army. It's literally the best thing about it.

Sessions here
get in

>Muslims and hezbollah will finally get senmetsu’d
Thank you jebus

Beauregard LIVE
>Beauregard LIVE

Beauregard LIVE
>Beauregard LIVE

Beauregard LIVE
>Beauregard LIVE

The bigger question is: who the hell writes the location of the place in which you’re signing the signature.

Has anyone here done that?

Sessions testimony now:


The latest on Russia questions, and also, maybe a special counsel for the many crimes of Clinton.


Pic related

If politico says it, it must be true!

No, gunshots I believe.

>Hebrew National

Wow I am shocked.

There is a lot going on in here

-people running from Biden as soon as the occasion arises
-Sessions anxiously fixing something in the little girl's hair, he seems in a hurry
-Biden looking like a moron scouting for his next target
-spots the nearest kid and puts his hands to rub them on the kid
-Sessions smells the threat and quickly stops it before it escalates
-runs as fast as he can putting himself between Biden and the girl shielding the kid from him

It's not atypical if you especially want to remember the meeting.

Do you actually believe that retarded narrative? I think you do.

people trying to over-qualify evidence.

>you are so wonderful and i can't stop thinking about you.
>mr. john smith, esq.
>sitting at a bbq restaurant


Link for massive thread on Biden's creepiness with evidence.

This image kills shills.


That had to be the funniest election ever.
Jon wasn't a sore loser though, he congratulated Karen very graciously.

>Ronald Reagan made this Australian a citizen

truly, a heinous crime

I have a 20 pack in my fridge right now
got a really good deal

Where I come from your honor we say "That dog don't hunt" I rest my case your honor.


Don't forget it even has him as a "D.A" despite only being D.D.A

Why are the 77s different?

why, is she in prison?

>Heavily oversample democratic stronghold in red state
>Be considered a reputable poll

I wanna hate Sessions because he has made so many mistakes but I just can't....

Fake news.


You might as well just call it nigger hunting season.

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III

He should have dated it a third time, just to be safe


Please reply, I have an entire folder.

It's forged. Look at the color change between Roy and Moore.

because they were added ex post facto for this presser by Gloria Allred

Goodlatte destroyed Lynch and Holder as corrupt officials.

Disgusting Trumpcucks still defending child molestation, I see. Think about that. Five separate women - who themselves voted Trump last year. 30+ corrobborating witnesses. Cosby-level shit, except even Cosby didn’t touch children.

Trumpcucks just turn a blind eye. They have so much practice.

I wonder if any of you Trumpcucks have sisters or daughters or wives. How would you feel if they were Roy Moored? I suppose you’d be honored - the very definition of a cuck. Weak and shameful.

Well then theirs the other bullshit

> And why the hell not? What is wrong with a united EU army. It's literally the best thing about it.

A local army usually doesn’t shoot their own population, given that it consists on their parents and sons, cousins ans neighbors.

That was a large part of why Ghadaffi has such a hard time putting down the western backed Libyan uprise while Assad (after a while) didn’t: the first had a mostly local army while the later counted (after a while) on help by Lebanese, Iraqi, Iranian and Pakistani militias.

>lost to an African Muslim communist nigger
>calls other people unfit for office

>Clinton e-mail scandal is revived in House Judiciary/Intel committees.

Hannity mining cuck salt like a fucking pro.

Your Honor where I come from we say "Be like the old lady who fell out of the wagon." I rest my case your honor.

Why does he want more women in govt?
I just dont get it. Is he running in office anytime soon?

>Just took a test on Spanish
I feel cautiously optimistic that I didn't totally bomb it. Anyway, what's new?

How do you know some nigger on here didn’t just photoshop the color differently?

Would let Roy more fuck my mom desu

Tagged whataboutism

>inb4 the next world war is USA shitting all over EU

one can pray

I thought the claim was the assault happened 2 years BEFORE he signed the yearbook? They can't even get their Fake News correct.

What is this? Is it supposed to show a different pen was used?

Sessions rally has started:


Because the source of the image is CNN.
