Nigger HATE thread

nigger HATE thread

>He doesn't know about le -6,000,000% face

I don't get this forced meme.
You do realize the reason our white population is decreasing is because our Black and Hispanics populations are having more kids right?
I don't even think I've even seen a mixed race person around where I live.

Sven you're really going hard today
nobody here hates niggers this is a facebook page for well reasoned political discussion

It's funny just look at that face.
And look at the reactions you americans costantly have about it.

in the end its niggers like me who have to fight to keep the white race alive, because you cucks are too pussy to even fight for youselves...well most of you...

Thanks for the rare flag nerd.


atleast some burgers and poles can be counted on... not sure about you lot though..

It's JIDF shills, you'll notice Israeli flags post this shit the most.
One day brother, one day.

I'll give a few unwritten nigger culture rules:

1) don't step lightly around people unless you want to fuck them
2) dont bend down in front of anyone unless u want them to fuck u in the ass. leave your keys on the ground. take the bus
3) teasing = talking shit
4) anything can be disrespectful if said loud enough
5) no one Actually likes their hair.
6) expect light skinnned girls to be arrogant as fuck
7) white people are to pity you or theyre racist
8) fighting is the only way to solve problems. any other way is weak
9) only we can say the n word
10) were the cool race that no one actually thinks is cool

rules niggers live by



This shit is so animalistic it really drives home the fact that they aren't anything like us..
I sincerely wish we could deport them.

The yank is immunized against all dangers: one may call him uncultured,obese,pig, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a mongrel and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out"

Can you lighten up and take a joke? They're fucking hilarious

>That black waiter with all the Heineken bottles

Hispanics are but blacks arent because they abort over half of their babies.

isn't the black population in the usa variating between 10-15% for quite a long time now

They don't trigger me but they're not very amusing either. Le 56 is low effort compared to the old burger memes and mcmansions


So all memes are forced except the ones against Americans?


whiter than u

ED has an article on this saying this is a forced meme