Be honest

When is it okay to hit a woman?

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all the time
you need reasons not to hit them

traditional catholicism teaches never

In self defense.

when she takes a swing at you first

I would never hit a woman. Even if they attacked me with a knife or, had a stutter.

Your Pope says bend over and take it up the rear for Islam... so, who cares what comes out of Catholicism?

Good for you Achmed

Goodness. Look at the time.

If your life is in danger.

whenever you want. they aren't people, it doesn't matter

if its a jew

When you have her consent to do so or in self defence.

when they back talk or run their sass mouth

>When is it okay to hit a woman?

When is it not ok?

Thanks Achmed

Everything checks out

No, it's better to remove yourself from the situation, she will call the cops on you she will tell her friends that you hit her she will spread rumors about you on Facebook and the list goes on and on and on just don't hit her you will not win it doesn't matter what she does she is a woman she is pure innocent as men we are nothing but trash we are always guilty before innocent. I dated a crazy bitch once who would get drunk trash my place by looking at her you would think she was purely innocent

When God and country depend on it

never unless faced with legitimate physical danger from her.

>having a woman be a physical threat to you
>taking women seriously enough to get mad and hit them

literally soyboy-tier

When she says she is off to the voting booth

when ever its ok to hit a man like when they are mouthing off. if you dont think its ok to hit a woman then your some bigot who thinks they are weak frail creatures who need protection and probably a latent homosexual

or tries to drive a car

>papism = catholicism

Only when you're having sex after marriage :)

Or would she said she's 4 open borders and diversity

This is my life's philosophy


When they are awake, Allah says so.

None of your business. It's my property, I'll do with it what I want.

When they get out of hand and start turning abusive. They need to understand how to act like adults and that actions of consequences. Hopefully her father beat her when she got out of hand growing up, but with all these beta simps raising "little princesses" it falls on the husband. Remember, most women are akin to adult children, make sure to never let them take advantage of a situation or it escalates.

The idea of not hitting women stem from the idea that you shouldnt hit those who are drastically weaker than you.

Most women today arent weaker than men, in fact they hold equal political power and equal if not more legal power.

Women are now equal in power to men so it's perfectly okay to hit them. This was never a matter of strength. It was a matter of real power.

When she has already been warned 2 times.

As a gentleman, never.

As a normie, until the standard for those who claim to desire equality isn't a double standard, never.

Absolutely, my ex-girlfriend hit me on nights out before. My one regret in our relationship is not smacking her the fuck back

I'm sure the police will see it that way I'd rather not be locked up have fun in jail bro don't drop the soap it's kind of a real thing

When you are also able to finish the job and get away with it.

When she racks up 40,000 dollars of credit card debt in your name.


The exact same as when it's ok to hit a man

Whenever you're not using your unfair muscle advantage as a male. This is why slaps are ok. Not-injuring tiny strikes meant to inflict momentary pain. In that sense you should also hit your kids as well. Only when they seriously fuck things up, but it's necessary. I don't understand why people can't see this.

1. Don't use overwhelming strength to injure someone unless it's a muslim. If so fuck 'em up beyond repair.
2. Pain =/= injury

That simple

>that ending

You do realize the first time you hit her you would have been spending time in jail because that's the way it is

Whenever you want, you own it. I only hit mine when they misbehave, a good spanking sorts them out. But you could do it more.

1. If she takes a swing at you, and won’t stop.
2. If she’s aiming a weapon at you.
3. If she hasn’t done the laundry/dishes.

HAha very edgy guys xD

Wouldn't call it a woman than..

>going to jail
>not fighting off the constable with your fists
Lanklet tier

When they imply their opinions matter. That is the source of alot of our problems today.

Considering they want equality ? All the time, every time. It's sexist for me to not hit a woman for the same reason I would hit a man.

> t. scared roastie


>Good for you Achmed

Can’t be Achmed, he’d have no problem burying her up to her neck and pelting her ruthlessly.
Maybe try Sven.
when its a loud mouthed black nigger bitch

Yeah I know, women can literally get away with murder see: that qt oxford medic student that got out of jail for stabbing her boyfriend.

Still i'm a proud boy and that did a big number on my faith in women

slap at 1:06 btw

When she's stupid enough to hit you.

I think it depends entirely on the circumstances, and if it merits it. If you have tried everything else - and women are pretty good at this - when they can’t leave it alone and want to have the last word, then you give them the last word. But they’re not happy with having the last word, they want to say it again and get into a really provocative situation. Then, I think it’s absolutely right.

I remember dating a girl that would stand in doorways, slap me amd scratch me.

When I finally pushed back when she was blocking me from leaving she told everyone I was a woman beater.

Don’t do it guys, just stay away from psycho broads and walk away; it’s not worth it. Lost friends because of this.

I haven't seen this video in years. Dude smacked the soul out of that bitch. Thanks for the nostalgia.


this is par-for-the-course nig behaviour tough. If a white man did this it would be straight to 'muh cis-het white patriarchy' bs and be posted in cosmo, salon and all the other buzzshit

For the same reasons it's OK to hit a man

Yeah pretty much women can get away with anything they got big daddy law on their side one time my crazy ex tried to get me arrested so she stole her neighbor's cat and hid it in my house. Then call the cops telling them I stole it and beat her up. Luckily for me I was with my family at the time and a few other people who could vouch for my location or I would have been spending time in jail. A month later she calls me and says that she's not really sorry because I broke up with her

when you could tell she's wh*toid


Why ?

I don't like spending time in jail do you

It's never ok to hit a lady, but I'm never afraid to smack a bitch, meaning: when it's in self defense, she's no longer a woman in my eyes.

I'm a real feminist. If a woman gets physical I'll knock the shit out of her just like a man.

Outside the rigged system, why ?

Even then it depends, I was in that situation with a drunk gf at the time. We were at a concert and she was being a bitch so I just started ignoring her. She started hitting my arm and back and I just laughed. Which only made her more mad and hit me more. My friends were laughing because they knew I really didn't care but surprisingly women around us were concerned... for me! They started trying to talk her down which enraged her further. She almost got in a fight with an older lady trying to help and I had to restrain her. She calmed down after some more drunk rage but she really wasn't a threat, just an angry cunt.

>TL;DR I won't hit a woman unless she is an actual threat

that sounds rough man. Glad you managed to un-cuck yourself. Since breaking up with her all I see in couples is an enslaved beta with a entitled bitch. All thats stopping me going full MGTOW is the preservation of the white race. Can see myself being this way til at least 30 tough.


If she hits you.

only if they´re white

Same boat, same dilemma. At this point I might just save up for a surrogate. Modern women and the state that backs them should be abolished.

When they don't know their place.
>Be me, a 17 year old
>My mother is drunk off her ass
>Starts going off
>Starts going off on my 14 little brother
>Gets up in his face and then starts punch and kicking holes in his door
>He didn't do anything
>Do the only thing that makes sense at the time which in my mind was to get attention off of him and onto me
>Also I'm 6'3" and my mother is barely 5'3"
>Double palm push her shoulders hard enough to send her flying through the doorway and onto my brother's bed
>Shocked and silent for a few moments
>Starts going off on me saying she'll call the cops
>Stays out of my face though because she knows I'd fucking kill her
>Leave and eventually the cops sort everything out for a little while
Women need to know they're weaker than a man or they will resort to violence because they'll think it's an option.

They ARE physically weaker. That's the point.
The voting and working doesn't mean she has to be able to take a shot to the chops.
I smell a restraining order in your future.

Yes, equality matters in this day and age

if they hit you or make a move like they're going to hit you and therefore you're acting in self defense.

Equal rights equal fights.

t. Larping edgelord

I don't like hitting women. But as things are now, I will hit a woman for the same reasons I'd hit a man. If women don't want to be ladies, and prefer to be men, then I will treat them like men.

My brother is tied to some trash cunt and has two kids with her and he is perma cucked. His life is living hell. He's looking after two of his kids at the same time as three other from the same woman from three different fathers. He is Jeremy kyle tier though so I don;t think he always realises how shit his life. Suffice to say that hes been the augur of death when it comes to women.

Also he just found out one of his kids from another relationship isnt his lol

When isn't it okay?

>When is it okay to hit a woman?
Self-defence or in defence of others.
There are few other circumstances where they would deserve it, but they do exist.

Many women are not afraid to go toe2toe with men. It takes one or two Marvin Haggler punches to make that bitch outcold.

Same with when its okay to hit a man. It will teach her to not take advantage of the woman card for every little problem in life, which she will benefit from in the long run.
he was arrested and the bitch went free at first though

Obviously if they hit you first, but the real question is: Do you pull your punches?

When she opens her mouth

If she hits you first.

Who is this qt?

When she shows you her dick.

When they hit you
Women fought for equality


jbunzie vanellope

>not knowing that catholism denounced the spawn of satan which is the pope in 2k17

>The idea of not hitting women stem from the idea that you shouldnt hit those who are drastically weaker than you.
No, it's a holdover from the times when women were considered the property of men -- a woman belonged to either her father or her husband.

True it okay when a women hit you first men are as equally strong as woman.

Yeah, it's a sad state of affairs when memes become reality, and slowly creep towards "societal normal." My boss is raising a kid that's not his, came with the woman.

It's men like him that are a grim reminder as to why it's more intelligent to keep single.

Keep strong bongbro, and best of luck.