
What do you think of Abortion, user?
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like all major issues, it is a racial issue:

abortion for Whites is bad
abortion for non-whites is good

We can always euthanize defective babies (mixed or downies) after birth.

Actually considering God made both whites and niggers, it has to be wrong for black abortions. There is nothing wrong with Africans living in Africa.

Let them live in their own squalor, not here.

What ever prevents that nigglet from making off with my TV 19 years from now.

Im OK for abortion when the fetus has some genetic desorder that will affect his life in a severe way, when its product of rape OR if put the healthy of the woman in danger.

Aside from that, totally agaisnt it except for africans.

The idea of well-to-do people killing their perfectly healthy child upsets me.
Parents that keep a child with severe developmental defects and then show off their mutant to social media absolutely disgust me.

I love you, SCV sempai!

>Actually considering God made both whites and niggers, it has to be wrong for black abortions.


Way to conflate eating food with aborting babies.
Leaf, do you honestly believe you're eating fertilized chicken eggs?

If you buy eggs from a farmer's market (not the grocery store), there absolutely is a chance the rooster fucked the hen and the egg is fertilized. Doesn't make much difference if it's collected the day it is laid and refrigerated.

It should never be government subsidized. It's supposed to be unaffordable, so that people don't see the procedure as an secondary option to contraceptives.

>If you buy eggs from a farmer's market (not the grocery store), there absolutely is a chance the rooster fucked the hen and the egg is fertilized.
The point is we don't eat fertilized chicken eggs except for fags like you that buy their eggs from farmers markets.

Animals don't have souls, shitstain. You can eat or kill them however you want.

remastered is pretty fun desu, enjoying laddering much more than I ever did in sc2

[spoiler]the terran confederacy did nothing wrong[/spoiler]

also abortion is murder, whether the state allows it or not is a cultural byproduct, an abomination. There is NO moral argument for abortion, even if the mothers life is at risk. Why would I ever want a mother that wouldn't sacrifice herself for her child.

>fags like you that buy their eggs from farmers markets.

why are canadian cityfags so degenerate? buying local is redpilled, you can't just say "fags buy local" and count it as redpilled because you said an edgy word.

As a dude, if I knock a girl up and she truly wants to have an abortion; there really isn't anything I can do about it. She can just go elsewhere and get one. So we might as well make it safe to do so. Sorry it kills babies, but so does war. We still have that.

the zerg deserve a fate worse than death

>Animals don't have souls, shitstain
that's why it's fine to abort niggers. learn about the socratic method

>buying local is redpilled
This is what a good percentage of you lot are getting in reality.


Literally not a cityfag.

you should be able to abort if you want to
if you're below a certain age/income threshold (or intelligence if we ever find a way to accurately test it) you should be forced to abort
if your child will have a disability you should be forced to abort

I have no problem with abortions being legal, but I don't think it should get government funding. Let insurance companies decide if they want to cover it or not, and if someone can't afford it, tough shit. Should have bought a condom instead.

Abortion caused 9/11

abortion of leftists is good

abortions should be legal solely because creampies are too good to pass
[spoiler]not that i'd know[/spoiler]

It's nigger population control

>We can always euthanize defective babies (mixed or downies) after birth.
Wouldn't it be easier to abort them though?

>muh god

aborting non-white babies preemptively is ok

performing an abortion on a white woman isn't and euthanasia is better here because of how certain you can be that you're killing something undesirable.

I echo the opinion; abortions are a legitimate procedure, but government should keep its hands of it.

I assume you are going to feed the white children of white people who make bad life desicions. I also assume you will take care of genetically defective white children.

Should be legal for children up to age 14. Before that they are not really autonomous anyways.

I fucking hate it.

I think abortion should be completely legal up to 5-6months and any time if it's a defective/downie/mutant/etc. or will endanger the mother.

HOWEVER. The cost of the proceedure will scale depending on both the elapsed time of the pregnancy the economic situation of the mother/father (and their parents if they are under 18). Meaning that some rich girl has second thoughts about baby at 6months means she's going to have to pay some exorbitant amount while negative wealth ghetto moms will have virtually no cost. (maybe an incentive???)

What about the blacks that would grow up to be more successful than the average white person? Statistical outlier, but also an intended causality?

>I also assume you will take care of genetically defective white children.


>you are going to feed the white children of white people who make bad life desicions.

a racially acceptable baby doesn't necessarily warrant welfare in any form.

I'm in favor of reintroducing child legitimacy and basing state support policies on that.


I don't like niggers and don't care about the magic ones.

Sound reasonable. I do think abortion is more of a private affair but your take is not crazy

Should be legal without age restriction in case of rape. E.g. 17 year old Afghan rapist should get aborted.

I think that he question of abortion is a question on few hard topics:
1) Life. To make abortion legislated you must have solid definition of life, wich is complicated. On one hand, those who aren't born are not human, so it's okay to abort them, on the other, if in car accident pregnant woman is killed it can't be ruled a double homicide, or when it's someone's foult that wanted child fetus dies and it is not treated as murder, but as damaged property? It's tricky.

2) Family in union. To regulate life and childbirth ancestors invented something that doesn't depend on inserting metal instruments or chemical compounds into woman - it's called chasity and to extent marriage. Making abortion legislated is one of the ways to undermine role of marriage and family unit.

3) Stacraft. We can't voyage through dark unknown if human life loses it's value as it is foundation of all human collectives. If you have an enemy you always make sure he looks as least as human as possible or atleast as far from human-ish ideal that you hold. Therefore to portray human life as expandable is to alienate whole human race from yourself. Instead of human race there will be human cattle - purpose full but aimless, knowledgable but dull, broad but apathetic. A fucking zerg.

abortion of White children by White parents is murder and against the interests of the White race.

So basically min-maxing humanity at the expense of statistical outliers. Funny you can't wait to see if those outliers would pay off, but you could wait and see the birth of a downie just to be sure it's a downie, given by what you say here

What about undesirable whites? What happens to them?


favorite unit in the game right there

Raised by the government.

What criteria does a white have to meet to become undesirable?

I don't give a fuck about niggers.

Listen, their genetics are foreign, the hybrids would be disgusting, and whatever "value" they could bring is far overshadowed by the genetic danger they represent. I don't care about the 10 smart poo in loos or the token lawyer nigger, I work to preserve the purity of my race and if that includes killing off the smartest of the foreigners then so be it, genocide is a natural tool of warfare.

They're part of the White ingroup and are given grace. Those genetically/physically too undesirable are killed anyway, and the world always needs street sweepers and mailmen.

My goal isn't to "collect humanity's best", my goal is to uphold and preserve my racial group and that includes having a prison for White murderers and rapists and a school for stupid White kids, but it certainly doesn't include feeding niggers and allowing hybrid children to live.

Extreme violence or defects.

Women who need abortions for socioeconomic reasons because they cant keep it in their pants should be aborted. I dont see anything wrong with that

I think white parents should decide as individuals if they want to continue a pregnancy; classifying all of these cases as murder seems counter productive for a nation unless you aspire to have an all mighty state, and in this case some people can decide that you are not white enough if you ever cross them on a personal level. If you root for totalitarianism, make sure you'll end on the fund side: man is the wolf of man.

ontario is a shithole, but i'm sure there are good markets there. the ones that run like a co-op where there is a volunteer board and booths are vetted are going to be different than ones where you just buy a booth

What kind of faggot opens a thread bunker first? Do you know how much you just fucked your economy?

Abortion is a contributing factor to the following trend: White Demographic Collapse.

The White Demographic Collapse is coming in about 15 to 20 years. That adds up to a period between 2032 and 2037. Why those years? Simple. Most Boomers who are still alive will be in their 80's by then. Whites will not have had as many children as the darkies who will no longer feel afraid of the Old White People and there will not be many white cops, white national guardsmen and white military willing to force non white integration on their own communities. (I bet you don't know that forced integration is something that white people forced on white communities they didn't live in.) There simply won't be enough white people to put a white face on forced integration. Combine that with the Boomer die off and Old Rich Whites being easy robbery targets for the darkies and you have the collapse of not just White Power but of White Guilt. It is hard to hate yourself when you are attacked for crimes you had nothing to do with. While the Boomers might still cling to their White Guilt, their children and grand children who did not mix race will not. They have grown up in a time where white people are collectively guilty for the crimes of the past. They see themselves as victims of a slander campaign and the only thing holding them back is their Boomer Elders. Remember the 2032 - 2037 spread. Remember you can only read such theories on places like Sup Forums.

I'm a liberal but a disagree with at will abortion and abortion in many cases. If the baby is not going to kill the mother/child or if they were raped then I don't think abortion should be allowed.

I personally MAY be willing to say yes if due to socioeconomic reasons but women have often said this yet were in great situations just not "perfect" situations.

Any woman that has an abortion for any reason that isn't because carrying the baby would result in the mother dying is clearly not capable of having children.

They should get their first abortion for free and be sterilized at the same time.

Everything must be aborted what goes from communist cunt

I think it's something that should in principal be avoided.

The greatest nigger killer of all time.

have to reinstall now

And remember: there is never enough vespene gas. Ever.