
What can we do to stop it? what food is the anti soy? It must exist sonewhere

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Any food that isn’t soy you fucking retard

Eggs for a hormone boost
>Eggs really do have a sunny side. “The yolk’s cholesterol is the precursor for testosterone,” says clinical nutritionist Kim Pearson. Don’t worry about your heart: a University of Connecticut study found that study subjects could eat three eggs a day without affecting cholesterol levels.
Cabbage to flush out female hormones
>King of the veg patch, cabbage is full of a chemical called indole-3-carbinol, which rids your blood of girly hormones. Healthy men took 500mg daily for a week at Rockefeller University; their oestrogen levels halved, making testosterone more effective. It’s time to become more of a man at meal times.

Why is this board always shilling against soy?

numales have always been a thing

They are angry that they became gay.

Anything that bleeds at any point in time before eating it.

Soy lecithin good or bad?

Nettels have natural anti estrogens in them, you can make soup

Thanks buddy i like eggs so I'll be sure to try and eat more of them, and as for cabbage salads should be fine yes?

Soy doesn’t make them look manly, they dream about being manly men, but they’re just larpers

go into your food closet and read the ingredients on some of your products. there's bound to be soy in there.

tl;dr is testosterone suppressant and estrogen booster

The science behind the "soyboy" meme is split at best.

Idk then if it has soy don’t eat it?
Are you actually fucking retarded

>tfw eat hard boiled eggs and cabbage every day already
I guess being too poor to afford expensive food has its benefits

Eat coleslaw, cheap and nutritious.

Magnesium and Zink


Don't forget iodine

>and as for cabbage salads should be fine yes?

Aye, as long as the nutrients are not destroyed is good to go.

I kind of like soy sauce
can I still use soy sauce without becoming a soyboy or do I have to give it all up?

that works too, but you'd be hard pressed to find food that doesn't have soy. At least in bergerland. Pretty much have to cook for yourself and never eat out to avoid it. In other words you have to be on a proper diet. If anything there is more of a benefit in that than actively avoiding soy.

>Being this much of a faggot

I spent some time thinking about it, how about calling Soy Beans "Goy Beans"?

After the first six months of being breast fed, I was put on soy formula back in the 90's.

Should I be worried? Maybe get my testosterone checked?

I didn't even put any effort into that and you still got mad

I don't think that soy sauce has this effect.


Eat garlic, kiwi and red meat.
No CocaCola or industrialized food. Sugar? Hell no.

Shit boost your testosterone levels. And will make you like ass over tits.

I've actually forgot about this. Gotto go and buy some seaweed tomorrow I see.. Thanks

Amaranth is the anti soy.

Love soy sauce but don't want to become a faggot? buy fermented coconut sap. Started tapping my coconut tree flowers 2 years ago and will never turn back. Shit is amazing.

I always figured the correlation between ass or titties was based off the child being breastfed or not.

>tfw i like both of those things

>I eat both of those daily

Only baboons like asses over tits.

Raw broccoli and cabbage; even kale is an estrogen blocker despite being a numale favorite

This you?

I'm less about the ass and more about the hips.

You're retarded. All the studies claiming that eggs don't raise cholesterol have participants that already have high cholesterol. Enjoy heart disease faggot.

>for a week at Rockefeller University

Soy for the goy

Just bought some iodine pille a few days ago after reading about nuclear fallout in europe. Feels good man.

>trying to avoid estrogen
>eats chicken estrogen

The reason soy is considered estrogenic is because it contains phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are essentially the mammalian estrogen of plants. However, phytoestrogens do not convert to mammalian estrogen as it is digested. They can mimic estrogen but they can also block estrogen. It's a myth.


big ag, big pharma and big government psy-op
they must be laughing their asses off. they can use this as a bogeyman AND still use 90% of soy in animal ag (which they promote with the anti-soy bullshit). too many idiots here and everywhere else

nicotine is the anti soy.

>tits vs hips
They’re the same shape visually

Big hips/Ass = More chance of survival during the birth process

Big tits are not aways a certain thing about large milk quantities. It depends on the woman genetics.

But a Big hip is equal to large vaginal canal expansion, which greatly expands the babbie chances of survival.

GTFO of here with your knowledge and facts! Ain't none of us need no book lern'n. That there is for fags!

good for massive cumshots

you’re a fag if you believe that shit, there have been numerous studies showing how shit soy is for men. soy lowers your sperm count, gives you tits and lowers your testosterone

add Vitamin D+K and Omega 3 to it.

Your a fag if you believe those numerous (((studies))) paid for by big corn...

GTFO out of here shill

I like my natto, soysauces and other soy products, like every fucking meat.

Soy sauce is fermented, so it's ok.

>that pic
Imagine the stench. Fucking natto, man.

nearly all soy products are fermented, you seldom see non-fermented soy products, maybe garbage tier tofu.

Source? Intresting if true.

have you tried newer nattou? since the last 10 years nattou doesn't really stink anymore.As for me it smells like very creamy coffee.

Cow pus drinkers are upset that large swathes of people are switching to alternative milks that aren't full of bacterial pus, chemicals, and don't require keeping an animal strapped to a 24/7 production line for their shit products.

I love the soyboy meme, but the arguments against soy is low iq fodder for idiots that want to spew out talking points and be adverts for someone else's views.

Tl;Dr bored useful idiots arguing for their dopamine rushes

Leeks are amazing for sperm production.

>writes 2 sentences

waste of a tripple

Do you import your soy or is it home grown?
I must advise you all against using any soy imported from Brazil.

You think eggs give you heart disease? Jesus christ Swedistan.

samurai eats soy fuck off. Its cultural marxism what makes yoy cuck!

ya a lot of asian people are naturally hairless, it's not like they're less masculine. there are some life-long vegans who look more masculine than most carnivores

>brazilian monkey likes ass over tiddies
What a nigger

start drinking soy milk and let me know what your bra size is in a year

soy helps brazil.
>rainforest falls for tropical hardwood
>soy helps the soil with absorbing nitrogen and stops soil erosion.

I'll let you know my nuts hang to my knees bitchboi. Keep slobbering on the cob of big corn

you 'mericans with your corn.

Organic Red meat.

and this: Also, mushrooms, brasil nuts and walnuts.

Just read ingredients for once. I found soy lecithin in my lipton berry green tea. Why the fuck does my green tea need soy lecithin?

perhaps because it's a fruit tea you fucking poofter

can't they add some koolaid without cancer causing agents?

Negroids prefer arses.
Humans generally prefer breasts. That's because humans walk upright and wear clothes - so the breast is nearer to eye-level.

Negroid subhumans walk on all fours and don't wear clothes. See brasil.

Understanding the “Soy” in Soy Lecithin
So is soy lecithin soy? Technically, yes. It is a byproduct from soy. Soy is definitely not a black-and-white topic though, and describing it as “healthy” or “unhealthy” doesn’t take into account the biochemistry behind the various forms that are consumed today. For instance, unfermented soy products like tofu, soy milk and edamame definitely make the “naughty list” because they contain: (6)

Denatured proteins – when heated, proteins and enzymes are destroyed in the manufacturing process, which is one causative factor of the all-too-common soy intolerance or allergy.
Goitrogens – known to cause hypothyroidism and thyroid cancer.
Hemagglutinin – red blood cell clotting agent that can cause a decrease in oxygen in your blood cells.
High phytic acid – shown to reduce the mineral content in our bodies.
Phytoestrogens/isoflavones – human estrogen imposters linked to infertility and breast cancer.
Trypsin inhibitors – chemicals that slow down pancreatic enzymes and interfere with protein digestion.

From popular internet health site

That's not my point.
The soy grown in our land is unfit for consumption. More carcinogenic than facebook memes.

What year is that? What country is that? Very dishonest graph

Do you have a bigger version so you can see the text?

The real problem is alcohol. It kills your test, that shit is way more dangerous than soy could ever wish to be

See this man? He is your friend

Beer made from hops is just soy milk for the normal goyim

That shit is going to fucking kill you mate as long as you don't overdo it

>soygoys defending a product known to harm masculinity


>Asians eat a ton of soy and there’s nothing wrong with them

>tfw the Mormons and Muslims are the only testied men on the planet, dominate their respective continents, and fight for global dominance on the corpses of the soygoys

Nobody here drinks alcohol as we're not degenerate right guys

People have been warning against soy for years. Shit's not good for you, and it's in fucking everything. Know a couple people with soy allergies too. Almost impossible to avoid it or eat out anywhere.

Fuck off retard. Soy beans are a major part of my states econimy.

Is this true?

Iodine pills with some vitamin/mineral supplement would make me more energized?

>No CocaCola

Broccoli. It prevents your testosterone from turning to estrogen.

This only works if your low test is from having deficient levels of those vitamins.

ipas give you bitch tits

Hey brazil why do you say that with more testosterone you will start liking ass more than titties?

The Golden One loves tofu. He's not a soy fearing meat shill like you lot.


I bet you had your penis (((mutilated))) too.