
>Stronger than you
>Cares about you

Nobody can match that.

stick to your containment thread

At least I am not from a show nobody knows

>emasculates you

Shes good for femdom faggots though

Who cares, she isn't cute. Girls need to be under 165 cm to be considered cute, otherwise they are a freak show. I can already see the betas responding "I love to be dominated" kek.

Manlet detected

>a pro

Oh boy, a strong cute girl who will suck my dick for no reason just like all the other girls in the show!

How salty are you?

Manlet detected. I'm 6'0 and I only like girls 5'9 and taller.

What's with manlet faggots hating a girl being tall?

Not as much as you, apparently.

The best part about being tall is that tall girls are still shorter than you. Maybe if you weren't such a manlet you wouldn't be intimidated.

This is from the most normie show of the year, newfriend-kun.

My man

Insecure lanklet brigade has arrived! Never fails.

Is amazing how this copypasta always manages to trigger someone.



Newfags, when will they learn?

The buttler's waifu

what anime?

Boku no emilia

>abandoned her promise to leave the sword and died in battle
>Cares about you
