Discussing top secret info out in the open

>discussing top secret info out in the open

Has everyone dropped this show?

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I dropped it after the second episode.

One of the guilty crown guys is behind this so I'm not keeping my hopes up. Mostly watching for /k/ porn and Izetta.

>storing classified info on a private email server

Has anyone dropped this election?

No, but I want Izetta to drop her ass on my balls

I can sort of understand because it's only 12 eps. Still it was pretty bad.

>>discussing top secret info out in the open

They were far enough away from camp, really.

I dropped after the first episode.

Is this the Izetta thread?

That's how you do it in Burgerland? Disgusting.

It is an Izetta thread.

Oh you don't even know. One of them was forwarding classified info on a Yahoo email account.

Actually yes

holy shit, more

Actually not such a bad place for it


Now the glasses faggot knows and the enemy spy is conveniently looking for him. I wonder what's going to happen.

I'm watching for Izetta's tits desu.

The finest taste.

I want to show Izetta that if she doesn't help the king win then western society is doomed

see what you did there

Can Archdykes love gypsies?

only girl gypsies


Archdykes can do whatever the fuck they want. That's why they're called that.

I watched a clip where she killed tanks. It looked like it should have been cool, but it was just shit

What's it like to be a girl and grind your crotch on things like that?

like walking around with your dick stuffed in an onahole

Isn't that a good thing?

private as in personal, not as in not open to the public.


>Doesn't know "overselling" tactic meaning


Shouldn't it be private and not open to the public?

Fuck you're stupid

user pls

seek help user

There are people that honestly don't like Izetta?

It is only natural. Just like there are people who don't like Hibike.

Hibike is ok, and I couldn't care less about Yuri. Izetta is just a good show.

I came very close to dropping it. I'll probably just stop expecting anything cool and just watch for the service.

>If it's got fanservice, I can't take anything else about it seriously or enjoy it
Where do you faggots come from?

I'm fine with the service, I just wasn't it expecting it to be that in my face and blatant. The OP surprised the hell out of me when I first saw it.

it's the other way around, the fanservice is the only good part.
and the music of course

I like the designs, the world, the /m/ witch, and the fact that the princess has both a brain and a spine.

>a brain
She has charisma and determination, but Sieg's the brain in her team.

She's rational and pragmatic in her decision making, and knows how to lead people. She isn't a military strategist, but she doesn't lack a brain.

More like keeping classified info to yourself when your not supposed to.Which is illegal. Which the FBI should have done something about. Which the people of the country should have held the FBI and government accountable.

>Sieg's the brain in her team
Not a great one at that.

>her decision making
What decisions? She pretty much just do whatever Sieg tells her to do. From revealing the Duke's death on the day of her coronation, to revealing Izetta, and even the bluff operation. They were all Sieg's ideas. We haven't seen Fine having even one idea of her own as far as I can remember.

Short of violent revolution, there's not a whole lot the layman can do. Luckily, the non corrupt section of the government seems to have had enough and is actually doing their jobs.

That's just Yoshino being Yoshino.

Decisions in combat in episode one. Actually using Izetta once she committed to the cause. Giving her troops difficult orders when needed. She's not a strategist, but she does her job and doesn't let her feelings stop her.

If it's classified, it shouldn't be hidden from the government that created the documents in the first place.

>Actually using Izetta once she committed to the cause.
Izetta decided to get involved on her own, and Sieg decided how to use her. Fine just accented that it's happening as she can't stop it anyway.

>Giving her troops difficult orders when needed
Hans gave that order. Fine was just supporting him with her charisma because the men weren't listening to him.

>she does her job and doesn't let her feelings stop her.
That says something about her determination, not her brains. I'm not saying she's stupid though. But I think even Izetta is more quick-witted, specially in combat situations.

Seeing as the other show with witches in a WWI/WWII setting is Strike Witches, I'm surprised people weren't expecting fanservice from this.

Given that Izetta can't be in two places at once, why doesn't Germany just send the Luftwaffe to bomb civilian centers of population at the same time as the army attacks military fortifications? Izetta can't choose to defend the military over defending the civilians.

Just started watching it. Is it wrong that I have an intense desire to drink Fine's fresh piss?

Still watching it for Izetta's thighs and to see /u/ get BTFO

Not at all.

>implying it was classified when it was on the server

(You)'ve earned it, user

I also want her to sit on my face.

>implying it's not all according to keikaku

I almost did, but Izetta's tits.

The truth is, she received 186 emails containing classified information at the Confidential level, the lowest setting.
However, only three of those emails were marked with the (c) indicating they contained Confidential information. And none of those three had the (c) in the header like they're supposed to.
Over 2000 of the emails were retroactively made classified later, but that's irrelevant.

The real issue was that she allowed aides who did not have the proper security clearance to access her server.
She was not charged because there is zero evidence that any of the classified information left her server. Just the potential that it could have.
For the record, since he gets brought up a lot, General Patraeus, allowed his mistress access to laptops containing Secret-level information(the second level above Confidential and below Top Secret) and she copied 300 of those emails. That's why he was charged with a crime. The information DID leave his possession.

It's a non-issue that has turned into a bullshit talking point and partisan witch hunt, just like Benghazi.
She COULD have been charged with perjury for false testimony, but they lost that chance when they tried to pile on so many other charges rather than be satisfied with what they had.
Same thing happened to Billo back in '98.

>hey I noticed you were having a discussion, let me go on about my views on the election I believe are vaguely related to it
Are you people actually autistic or something? Not everyone wants to hear you go on about whatever subject you're extremely interested in and can't seem to stop talking about.

I want to walk around with my dick stuffed inside an onahole.

I'm with her.
Vote Hillary.

implying you dont live in burgerland

This is nothing like the annoying Benghazi witch hut. Hillary is way out of line on this one and destroyed evidence after they have been ordered to turn them over.


The election is 3 days away, this is just going to get worse

All that's missing is a dose of aloha snackbar and everything will be in place.

loose lips sink ships.

when's the real thing then?

I want to commit a crime inside Fine.

Because they're completely different shows? Strike Witches is incredibly forward about its fanservice while Izetta portrayed itself initially as more serious action drama with some politics.

>Strike Witches
Even adolf agrees, it's shit

>implying it wasn't

Word for word, comey detailed exactly how many emails were classified at the time they were sent and received by clinton.

Comey is rogue and untrustworthy.

Watch the season finale of episode 3.

She still had to approve Izetta joining them, and if you don't think giving speeches and difficult orders to an army is tough, I don't know what to tell you.

As far as such decision making goes, watch episode one. You seem to think only grand keikaku masters qualify as smart.

>She still had to approve Izetta joining them
She did it because she didn't have a choice. She can't stop Izetta. She tried and failed.

>and if you don't think giving speeches and difficult orders to an army is tough, I don't know what to tell you.
Again, Hans gave the order back in episode 3. Fine had to support him with her speech because the men were stubborn and didn't want to obey Hans. What this scene highlighted was Fine's charisma and determination, not her decision-making since the one who made the decision was Hans. Now, I agree that getting out there and giving a speech that truly inspires people isn't easy. She has real talent for that sort of thing, and she is tough. But this doesn't have anything to do with her brain power and decision-making skills.

>As far as such decision making goes, watch episode one.
I never said she was stupid. But her her brains isn't one of her defining traits; she's average or slightly above average in that respect. That's why she has Sieg to take care of that for the most part. Fine's defining traits are her charisma, determination, selfness, kindness. Things she's really good at.

Why do people keep bitching about this?
It's been a week already, jesus.

It was more likely for someone to eavesdrop if they were inside a specific place. But I guess simple facts like that get over the head of idiots like OP.

Not like it matters because Izetta is AOTS by a landslide right now.

>op point out something stupid from the show
>user made joke because the same shit happen irl
>this is somehow autistic
Sorry user but the only autistic here is (You).

after the first episode, the plot looked pretty bland.

The mc is pretty forgettable, personality nonexistent, heck I'm surprised that the mc is a girl and not your average generic male mc.

>It was more likely for someone to eavesdrop if they were inside a specific place
They didn't need to have that discussion there at all. Muller could just told him to wait until they got the palace.

edgy contrarians teens.

Anyone know what these are from?
I'll try to pick them up and get them scanned.

They're store exclusive bonuses for buying BD sets. Sex-eyes Fine one is sofmap.com and the handholding one is Gamers I think. Good luck buying 2 complete BD sets.

I always knew that the glasses faggot was a spy.

Ah yeah, that's pretty pricey.
If the series somehow manages to amazing and have a great finish, maybe.
If not, I'll just wait for them to show up on amazon or surugaya.

Not yet.

>red states
>favorite anime is literally lesbian witches
The fuck.

Muh guns

I was waiting on Chyuu, but it's been four episodes so it's about time for the bastards to stall permanently.

Why are you so determined to insist that anything short of master military strategist can't qualify as smart?

>tfw your state is literally gay, and not the good lesbian gay either

Yep, dropped it on episode 4.It just doesn't have any stakes.The bad guys don't represent a credible threat, so there is no tention.

Because anything short of a master military strategist isn't smart.

>North Dakota has 5 Gundam fans who watch IBO and that was enough to win

>What the fuck is up with Illinois