It's this fucking retard, dare I say, /ourinbred/?

It's this fucking retard, dare I say, /ourinbred/?

>In it, the Prince showed his own view of the conflict with Israel by repeating an Arabist vision of the region. “Also begin to understand their point of view about Israel,” he said, adding that 40 years after Israel’s creation he “never realised they see it as a U.S. colony.”

>“I now appreciate that Arabs and Jews were all a Semitic people originally and it is the influx of foreign, European Jews (especially from Poland they say) which has helped to cause great problems,” he continued.

>“I know there are so many complex issues, but how can there ever be an end to terrorism unless the causes are eliminated? Surely some U.S. president has to have the courage to stand up and take on the Jewish lobby in the U.S?” he wrote, before ending with, “I must be naïve, I suppose! Charles.”

Other urls found in this thread:

The Royal Family is the real Jews from the Tribe of Dan.

They've never like the Askenazi's

No, the real issue is how Israel turned Palestine into the worlds biggest concentration camp and have somehow got away with it, even after the muh 18.7 billion

What part of jews being the falls guys do you not understand? Sure jews are abhorrent but most of them are just fall guys. Get educated on the history of our people. Look up the black nobility. The royal family is basically kikes anyway


Charles looks like he's about to throw a hook into his jaw.

the sheer fighting spirit in old charles's face is enough for me to bare the flag and fight for her majesty

You're only making it worse for yourself JIDF.


>our people

Yeah, I want to see this fighting spirit when he ascend to the throne.

But I doubt.

If I recall correctly, Oabam had done something that Israel didn't liked and UK said that US abandoned Israel, UK would give american secrets to (((them))).

So much for "best ally" innit?

>our people.
Fuck off Shekelstein.

Have you got some links to documents detailing what you are talking about, or is this just something you heard someone talking about and have pieced together a poorly constructed sentence about it?

>the influx of foreign, European Jews (especially from Poland they say)
Remember this the next time you hear someone ask the retarded question, but if there was no holocaust, where did all the jews of Europe go?

So maybe he sees the view of the white europeans getting raped litterally and figuratively by muslims who are seen as invaders... like lmao.

Where did the other 6 million jews go?

if its not the jews, who is it? who will the jews blame and why is it better when a jew blame someone else?

They never existed in the first place.

Explain this and all the other mountains of evidence for the holocaust.

WTF can someone explain this gif?
It's not even like the brunette tricked her, by pretending to be in front and slinking off to behind, because you can clearly see her talking.
Why did the blonde fall forwards? Are blondes really that dumb?????

>shoes are evidence for the holocaust

>-Ok girls, this game is called "trust fall". Fall and yuor cuosing will hold you back. I don't think I need to explain this further because is pretty "straight forward"
>Blonde computes the meaning of "straight forward"
>Goes straigh forward....

Where are the owners of the shoes? How did the alleged hoaxers obtain such a large quantity of authentic and worn shoes in such a short period of time? This is just the tip of the iceberg that is the evidence for the holocaust.

lol, and the holocaust shoes are on a slanted board to give a poor illusion there a giant pile of them.

it's not even a pile of them.

>*tips mernora*

>hearsay and unrelated things make physically impossible things true

Burden of proof is on you. You claim there was a holocaust, based on the information provided by stalin, while the plan was to deport them to a nation of their own.

Prove there were 6 million kikes in europe for starters.

>large quantity
That's not a large quantity Isaac, you know Jewish prisoners were given prison issued footwear for them to wear by the Germans. Also, a shitload of people died from typhus, those shoes don't even add up to that number,

>how can there ever be an end to terrorism unless the causes are eliminated?
Eliminated he says? O-oy vey?

>fall guys
You killed God's avatar on Earth and you've been running with the devil since. You are not innocent fall guys. You have the most evil hands on Earth.

This inbred retard opened a salafist mosque. He's a closet mudslime, no wonder he hates Israel

>are blondes really that dumb????? Whoaaa wacky stuff m80s
user... This board is 18+.

>fall guys

Yeah nah, just the real boss playing the victim.

>He says, completely ignoring the fact that his family was directly responsible for escelating kebab warfare above tint tribe skirmishes


There are no such thing as real Jews
Kikes were genocided a long time ago and a bunch of Turks took up the mantle

That's lot of nike and addidas gotta sell them on ebay now

>Fighting for a woman
You couldn't be more cuckd if you tried


that is such absolute bullshit.

This guy should just storm parliament already.

That's not that many shoes

they emigrated you fucking retard

awesome gif, I hope one day I'll be an awesome father to my girls

There is an old Jewish joke. It goes like this.

Two Jewish men are sitting on a bench that they built on the side of a road. All of a sudden, a Muslim and a Christian start fighting right in front of the park bench, arguing about who owns the park bench. One of the Jewish men turns to the other and says "Oi Hymie! What are they arguing about?" "I'm not sure Saul, but it sounds like they think this bench is therirs!" Saul turns to the fighting pair and shouts "HEY YOU GUYS, WHOSE BENCH IS IT?" The two look back at the Jew and shout "ITS MINE!" simultaneously. They then turn back and proceed to continue their argument. Hymie turns to Saul and asks "So did you find out what they are arguing about? Saul replies "Not really, but I guess we can sit here and find out."

If a single goy gets this i'll shill my shekels.

May God bless you with a nice family, user

it's like the first sentence, it's the Jews thinking of themselves as superior because they believe they own everything and the goys are fighting ironically

found the Islamic semite

The joke is that it's not a joke it's just a metaphor for Jews.

There is a second part of the joke where the Christian kills the muslim and kicks the Jew off the bench, but then the Muslim's brother comes and kicks the christian off.

And the third parts the best part, the Jews come back, convince who is on the bench that they built it, and then they push the other person so far to the edge of the bench only half of their ass cheek is sitting on it.

gross. what a cuck

The census data exists, 6 million jews went missing. muh holohoaxers can't explain that.

Calm down Moshe.

romans killed yeshua

Jewish lies and you know it. The Romans would have seen him freed. Since the Jews were allowed a degree of self-rule, his fate was given to them.