Other urls found in this thread:

>Scott thanked President Donald Trump, the White House and the State Department for their efforts in resolving what he called "the incident with authorities in Hangzhou, China." He indicated that UCLA made "significant efforts" on behalf of its three players.

>Trump said Tuesday he had a long conversation about the three players' status with Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

>come to china
americans showed to chinks some american culture. Wish china would show some of its culture

>stealing chimps get shot on a wall

wtf i hate drumpf now

So these shitskin subhumans get off with no punishment?

I might actually be off the Trump Train this time. I signed up for Literally Hitler not some nigger loving cuck who lets blacks behave like the trash criminals they all are.

But they're rich. Why would you steal if your rich.

It was the melanin.

Behavior is gentically ingrained

>Why would you steal if your rich.
Because they're niggers.

niggers GOTTA nig!!!! If they ain't stealing they killin each otha!

I just want to see how blacks and leftists spin this against Trump when he literally saved three niggers one of which has a very famous family

>But they're rich. Why would you steal if your rich.

" SHOW me a black man, and I will show you a thief."
--- Hutchinson's Western Africa, Vol. II.

"We found the people thieves to a man." ---Mungo Park's 2nd Journal

"" The Africans are all of them thieves. They have no sense of honor in that respect. I have never yet had a negro servant (and I have had a great many) who did not rob me of some trifling article, whether he was pagan or Christian. . . . The Africans tell a lie more readily than they tell the truth. Falsehood, like petty larceny, is not recognized among them as a fault."
---- Readers Savage Africa


They were like this when we found them.

I wonder what Trump had to say to Xi Jinping to take the nigs back to America.

Probably just a simple “You’re welcome”


Top income bracket blacks commit about the same amount of crime as the lowest income bracket whites.

Black privilege

Place your bets on how soon these dindus post on instagram with their stolen swag.

Hope they agreed niggers are worthless

I hope he hangs these three nigs.

Trump absolutely HATES White people. I don't know how anyone can look at his actual history and come to any other conclusion.


>in future news, African American inmates complain about the conditions of Chinese prisons and their unfair justice system.

Jesus fucking christ they just CANNOT help themselves can they? Holy shit WHY do we put up with them?

They’re supposed to make a statement when they arrive back in LA. It can go one or two ways...

>”we are glad that President Trump went out of his way to go to Xi Jinping and ask for our release. We are grateful for our safe return to the states and will set a better example of how Americans should be viewed oversees”


>”eeeee Drumpf is racist and shieeettt for letting us stay there for 2 moar days. We wuz kangs and shieetttt”

So what’s it gonna be?

Fuck those yard apes. Disgusting behavior. What the living fuck could they have been thinking?!

Why do you put up with a corrupt economic and media/educational system? Because you refuse to acknowledge the Jewish presence in those fields and refuse to make a stand against them.

Good question. Despite niggers being rich they STILL steal.

Believe me lad I fully recognise how the jews are fucking over white countries. I was more asking rhetorically.

>black college basketball players

I wonder if the US handler mentioned do not steal in China..

How long before one of these ungrateful monkeys goes on TV and bashes Trump?

I'm a biologist, and this can be explained by the Bis-Nud effect, where the melanin in a human body serves as a biological magnet. Individuals with high melanin are attracted towards objects with powerful magnets and wiring. Objects such as tvs, speakers, and computers are just some of the more common objects seen exhibiting this effect.

As soon as they land and make their statement...

Trump asked Xi to release them.

Big Baller fan here. I think Lonzo is gonna be good and Lemelo might be a future star (offensive monster, getting taller, still young as fuck)

I think this whole thing was a set-up, to be honest. I think this was coordinated by Trump to make him look like a hero to these three black kids. BBB is a viral brand and Trump is getting on their good side.

Underrated post

4D chess. It'll get normies to see that 3 niggers stole in China

One of them is Lavar Ball's son. He is rich as fuck.

>Wish china would show some of its culture
You mean, like, gutter oil?

lol, well that does it... he's lost the south's vote. how will he even recover?

They are not black.
They are mulattoes Like Obama and Kapernick

So did everyone just forget about this?

Do you jidf shareblue niggers ever sleep?

Gotta call a Spade a Spade

The niggerz pleaded to Trump, said that they were just trying to get bak at China for stealing our money in trade deals.

Lad, you have to fight back. With words.

We need an intelligent and motivated presence in academia and the minds of the public that actively fights Jewish ideas and agendas.

You might know it. But you are still not fighting back. You must start at every interaction you have with people. You must not roll your eyes at every bluepill you encounter. You must actively fight it and show them the redpill. Evil succeeds when good men do nothing.

He was released, had part of his brain extracted, then died 3 steps on US soil

That nigga dead.

Lolz could you be any more pathetic?
Fuck off back to ESPN, nigger lover

>Lavar Ball's son
Please tell me his middle name is Basket

Anyone pissed he did this?

>China's culture
Stealing, cheating, cutting in line, lying, betraying, etc?

And yet white Olympic swimmers can shit up an already shitty country and be fine.


>fair trial
And some conflation of muh Trump. Well done, OP. Baking some artisanal bread right there. At least you stuck with your post for while unlike your peers. Have a delicious (you) and a +$0.02.


Hope the left don’t actually trash him for this, but knowing them they will spin it some way

race is a social construct goy !!!111


At least he didn't steal any WWE merch after that cringy Miz segment

Fuck chinks. They'll get jobs at the USPTO and pass the information back to their relatives in China.

My mom told me a funny story about her bank. She does auditing on irregular stuff.

There was this bank manager that got busted for stealing change from the tampon machine in the women's bathroom. It was a major branch too, not some small town one. The guy was making insane money. But he stole those quarters anyway. They tried to figure out why and even he couldn't really come up with an answer.

So I have a nice chuckle and shake my head. "That's so weird, mom. What was his name?"

"I can't remember, something-Stein."

My point is, don't trust non-whites in general. Some people are just genetically coded to steal



>can't remember, something-Stein."
Every single time.

they take turns

did he get fired and prosecuted?

>Hope they agreed niggers are worthless


>Trump said Tuesday he had a long conversation about the three players' status with Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.
I'm more pissed that he did this and i'm sure the only reason I'll know about it is because I saw it on a site where sizable amount of people unironically want national socialism to rule the land. But i'm sure later tonight i'll see mainstream news try their hardest to report on it while not namedropping Trump in the story then move on to something like that Capernick fag doing some random anti-drumpf virtue signaling that isn't really important at all.

Fuck Trump for real
gets 3 pieces of shit off...what a faggot.

I hate how true most of these commentsare against blacks, every time I want to give them the benefit of the doubt shit like this happens.

It's just cheap look -good policy. It's not a big crime, and it makes Trump look like he has the backs of Americans. Optics n sheeit.
it is pathetic though.


>asking why niggers steal

Like asking why leaves fall.

Won't pardon snowden, calls his a terrorist

Gets 3 nigger robbers off

Pathetic is not what I call this. He is mocking the white people, trying to get liked by blacks like Obama. He became a bitch politician, nothing more

Because money doesn't last forever

Meth addicts also have a biological attraction to copper wiring.

And hoarding garbage

The nigs weren't exposing secret US operations to the Jews which we fight so hard to keep in the dark. How are we supposed to catch Mossad when they have our employee databases. Snowden is trash

This is a great example of how nigs still commit crimes despite their circumstances considering how many libs have meltdowns when someone says the richest blacks commit more crimes than poor whites.


what a waste of a favor.

these morons shoplifted from THREE stores. it wasn't even an isolated incident.

But then he pardons a TRANNY for doing pretty much the same

You Trumpkins are fucking unreal. You make fun of Hillary turds because they come up with mental gymnastics unseen since the 1980 olympics ...yet you apply the same shit to explain every stupid fucking thing Trump does.

Politics are truly the cancer of humanity,

Stupid. Should've let them get mulched into cat burgers.

Because rich black people commit more crime then white poor people

Is this why they follow the hyperboreans everywhere they have a nice society?

You can thank him for the leaks, but that does not mean that he shouldn't be prosecuted for his actions. He committed espionage, which might have big consequences. Also, he seems kind of like an ancap weirdo

needs2b pasta

Yes because I know it costed us millions maybe billions but you and me would rot for this.

>Big Baller fan
>think whole thing was set-up
You don't say... Would you be surprised if I said you were a special kind of stupid?

Trump pardons tranny traitor
Trump gets 3 nog cunts a free pass
Trump STILL has not jailed Hillary and Bill "humidor pussy" Clinton, although they did WAYYYYYYY more damage than 10,000 snowdens...

Trump winning...right?
Politics is cancer


>white kid steals something in North Korea
>Obama does literally nothing to help
>kid comes home dead from torture

>3 blacks steal something in China
>Trump gets them released within a week
>they'll come home to their families who won't stop posting FUCK TRUMP on social media for even a day

but Trump is the REAL racist...

Well, it's what you get when you have a mix of huge bureaucracy, and world-destroying capitalism

Sucks how Trump has to spend some of his precious time as President to deal with this shit

Trump SAVED THESE FUCKIN NIGGERS????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I am never letting this go. I speak to lots of leftist faggot retards, this is my favorite go-to fact from now on, absolutely fantastic, this is going to make a lot of subhumans angry fuck yes!

>pardons a tranny
you might want to check the date on that pardon, sweetie

Trump saved a tranny spy..let the white spy (snowden) rot.
Trump saves 3 nigger robbers
Trump saves the Clintons.

Trump is a fucking winner, playing 4d chess...any day now BOOOOM he will reveal his power

Suck it you Brown Shirt fucks. Nigger nigging and your faggot asses go after the Jews. Just like the fucking white trash you are.