Monster Musume thread

Don't shove things in peoples' faces, anons. It's not polite.

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I'd shove my face in Cerea's things, if you get my meaning.

I'm not sure I follow you here, user.

I'm gonna marry Lala!

Would her kids milk using her horse teats or her boobs?

I'd press my face tightly against her _ear_ then whisper that I love her

Horse Teats, because they're not tall enough to reach the boobs.

My wife

Boobs, as shown in the manga, because she doesn't have horse teats.

How do you know that? Crab might just be hiding them, like he hides the udders every time he draws cows.

Not every time, user. Miia's working on some in the poster. Do you have any panel with Cerea's alleged horse teats shown?

She would do justice to the naked apron look, with that nice ass and leg combo of hers.

Note how Crab strategically concealed the teats behind the front leg.

how can one girl be so cute and lewd at the same time?

Still waiting on that panel you've got to support your claims.

I want to feed Suu things and watch how they affect her.

By being a lewd body with cute head.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Or just

If I fug an ogre are the children hybrids or just ogre?

Hybrid vigor makes them taller than either of you.

Crab himself contradicts your claim in the manga, making your claim head canon at best. You continue to claim they exist, yet you provide no evidence to support it. To put it in the vernacular, put up or shut up.

But Cerea is smaller than her Mom, by a nose, so that might not hold true in Crab's world.

what would kill suu?

Reading most of our minds.
N2 mines.

I'd slay her with my dick. Any other way wouldn't be fun.

I love Draco and I'm going to marry her!

you will die trying

so um like there are like two threads up , or something.

Well that is basically step one to getting to the EMG world.

This one has all of one minute of seniority. Plus it's not phone-kuns.

Cerea's probably not fully grown yet.

Two threads were made early long before the other died. We've got the phone autist and someone competing with him.

Now that's a disturbing thought, Cerea hitting a late teens early twenties growth spurt. What if she turned out like this?

Then my dick would hit a growth spurt

this pic is so terrible my browser refused to load it completely.

You know, this wasn't supposed to become the all Cerea channel.
Post your take on how MON winds up at the gym with Kurusu's merry band.
I think they get called in half way through the episode, after Suu starts trying to master the breast stroke in a pool full of little mon musume.

>Suu starts trying to master the breast stroke in a pool full of little mon musume.
Suu is at best going to be in the kiddie pool. I'm okay with it though.

Remember, extra lewd according to the Crab.

We're clearly thinking of different breast strokes.

>we have come to terms

>someone competing with him.
Phone-kun made the second thread, mate. Don't accuse anyone else of competing but him.

Can the forest become huge and full of life so she can become hyper thick?

She keeps shrinking every chapter, damn it. Now that she's got a hot spring to hang out in, maybe we'll see a well watered Kii again.


With apologies to Berke Breathed, she clearly has a wish for boobs that bounce.

Maybe a little too well watered.

its a question science must answer, me I wanna see what a human/minotaur hybrid would be like

>Reminder Ms. Smith is Best Girl.

Why Is He Blue?
I can't concentrate on the Milk Council's poster girl with that Blue Boy in the corner.

>What did he mean by this

Nip nong ching chong to you too Crabman.

Google translate says anxiety. He's freaking out over how the V11 with OAD will sell would be my guess.

dunno, colorfag must've screwed up, although I missspoke, meant to say I want to BE the cause of a human minotaur hybrid


"It happens all the time."

zombie monoeye?

>one eye
>purple hair

anime leela

You don't need to be a zombie to want some of Tio.

Tail end of Ch. 45.