Blue Pill Thread

Poast blue pills that you used to believe in before. I'll start
>all cultures are equal/ all humans are equal to one another.

Islam is peaceful

Jews are friendly and victims of a crime.

>nothing matters
>God doesnt exists
>capitalism is bad

It is a good idea to import slaves from shitholes.
I still think it is a good idea, but one need to keep them on lock down, not roaming around free

White people are the true evil.

>traps are gay

I am politically correct.

>liberal states subsidize conservative shitholes

oh wait but that's true

>conservative states are poor because of black people

oh wait but WV and KY are 95 and 90% white respectively

That there is a hope for a future.

Race is skin deep
It's the culture not the people
Obama was a decent president

>the only difference between blacks and whites is skin colour

People are basically the same all over the world.
The welfare state will give the poor a "hands up" and their children will do better.


If you want to be healthy, all you have to do is eat healthy and exercise. This is a lie because it is literally impossible to receive adequate vitamins and minerals from food alone.

We are being starved to death of nutrition in order to make us sick and alter our brain chemistry so that we are easily controllable.

Food will be our revolution.

There aren't such things as blue pills or red pills. Everything is simply another level of cognition. Quit seeing symbols and actually learn what true knowledge and thought process is.

>Mexicans are generally good people, there are only a few bad apples that are making them look bad.

This. And it sound so retarded in hindsight.
> Blacks people are exactly like white people, with a blacker skin !

Im smart

communists are human

Muslims immigrants will boost the economy

he said bluepill not bluepill

>race doesn the matter, only culture

I still want to believe this is true. But when you look at voting patterns you know it isn't.

That's what the U.S. said about Africans slave. Look at how that turned out.

literally all true.
>find something that matters to you
>it doesn't matter if god is real or not, follow religion's moral teachings
>markets only benefit sociopaths

They will, but only gdp not gdp per capita.

Mexican intellectuals

Life has no objective meaning or purpose. All people are slaves to instinct and desires beyond their ability to become truly aware of. Free will is a lie. When you're dead, you don't exist, just like before birth - and you never return. Any attempt at improving this lot is an act of futility because people can't change their nature, we're all going to be extinct soon anyway, so why bother to try.

I used to believe that west should take in refugees and look after them. Now I know that most of them don't give a shit about the west and don't bother trying to integrate into society. Not to mention that ISIS use refugees to get into western countries.

They make labour cheaper, they increase debt and they raise total GDP. They also divide the working class and distract the left to the point they will attack a poor white man before attacking an extremely wealthy minority. If you're a (((wealthy))) person the economic change is functionally much more favourable for you. Shame about how it will affect your countrymen and your grandchildren though.

Whites in the US will make a comeback.

not all black people look like this. it's just a variation




Cool story! Personal experiences in clairvoyence suggests you're wrong.


People care about each other


once you go black, you're a petaQ

>politicians and corporations want the good of the people


hitler was using jews as a scapegoat
women love you unconditionally
people will respect you if you're nice

>forcing man to have oral sex is not rape
Hmm? Should be almost worse for forcing to homosexual action.

there are different degrees. your family is obviously going to care about you more than a stranger, but their caring might not be as pure and unconditional as you like.

We need high taxes since they help the people in the country....

Nigger how the fuck I'm supposed to read this

fuck makeup

the font is too small?
It's not very long. Only took me 3 hours to read.

>Israel is the harbinger of western civilization in the middle east and we should help them

Smoking marijuana every day doesn't make you retarded.

Oh yeah and I forgot, Israel is U.S. greatest ally

>Right and wrong exist.

>You pray for god

>Atheism is the most logical and all scientists are atheists.

>Governments shouldn't control people!! #freedom !

6 gorillion

No such thing as anti-white racism.

>money is everything

Hello JIDF

Human life has inherent value.

the individual is the base unit of society
therefor, everyone should have a vote

That white culture was lame and corny while black culture was cool and hip

Kurze Antworten können richtig sein

hell, i hate my family as soon as they start to hate themselves. i have no reason to open myself up to pain if i cannot treat it.

Women and blacks deserve the right to vote.

Was zum fick ostereich, du haslich schaiBe.

One of mine is

>All of human race has the same potential at birth, it is the culture & environment that molds them into who they are as people

Part of me still wants to believe this.

>part of me still wants to believe this
then how do you explain people born retarded with 70 iq or whatever

here you go for the next time

You seem to be one of those retards.

"A part of me still wants to believe this" inherently implies that I dont believe it.

But it is a beautiful fantasy.

I used to think that when I was in middle school. I actually wanted to be black; I thought they were cooler. :(
Amazing how deep and strong the jewish media influence is, that white kids will want to be trans-black.

Yeah, of course. I was arguing against that part of you or your past self, not your entire self.

OP picture is a high level red pill.

Danke, ich nicht habe das ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß


>Being altruist is a good thing

>Being selfish is a bad thing

You're born gay