You guys destroyed Swift's career

You guys destroyed Swift's career.

>With the release ofReputationlater this week, Swift is struggling for more than just chart dominance. As she flounders musically, Swift has also succumbed to political controversy foisted upon her by alt-right trolls who, given her idealized blonde phenotype, haveclaimedthe singer as an unwitting avatar (or else a covert champion) of white supremacist ideals. For months, Swift has declined to offer any public denouncements of these people. In fact, the ACLU recentlypublicizedSwift’s legal intimidation of a blogger who wrote about Swift’s significance among white supremacists in September; an attorney for the singer says the blog’s characterization of Swift’s lyrics as white supremacist code is “a malicious lie.” Other websites,includingJezebel, have suffered similar threats from Swift’s attorneys for similar coverage of the singer this year. But because Swift hasn’t spoken out strongly herself, her critics haveinsistedthat Swift’s refusal to engage with the dire U.S. political climate has doomedReputationto irrelevance.

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She destroyed her own career by moving away from County, the fastest growing music genre atm.

Bad choices lead to bad outcomes.

dude there's not even a single good song in her new album. it's not /pol 's fault her album is trash

Shitty producers

All of her new songs are not melodic or catchy

She is the only white person in music. Of course they are going to destroy her

>doesn't have a hit
Literally fastest video to 100million views in history.
Tay may not be getting radio spins but I think we could probably guess (((why)))

Cool thread OP...SERIOUSLY, reaallllygreat thread.

Hey retards,

Can you wake up to the jewish shilling already?

The jews love to give applause and praise to goyim they want to control and as soon as they want the goy to do something they want, they will take that praise away from them to pressure them because most goys’ weakness is their desire to “succeed” without a second thought as to what it entails.

What this article is is the jewish lobby pressuring Taylor Swift to denounce these “alt-right fans” clearly positioned here to seem like the thing holding her back from “success”.

The thing is, NOTHING about Taylor Swifts career has changed. The only thing that HAS changed is the media SUDDENLY telling you she’s failing.

Hmmm I wonder why that is. It’s almost as if the people in control of the media are trying to send a threat to Taylor Swift...

"If only she'd shave her head, eat out a Latina and get BLACKED on stage while wearing a pink pussy hat, her career could be saved!"

>succumbed to political controversy by refusing to become political

If only she had a little more meat on those hips of hers. I'm sure things would be different.

Until then, any one got that naked wax Tay doll pic from Kanye's 'Famous' music vid? I'm at work and reception goes from piss-poor to spotty.

>oh look a beautiful blonde singer
>she must be a nazi because I'm jealous of her
Mongrels and leftists are trash. How long will she take this bullying from the left just for being Aryan? Talk about some heavy duty jealousy in full gear.

>best selling album of 2017
>dominating charts
>kikes shilling hard

Yeah, get fucked.

Fuck off shills

This, desu. Our Aryan Princess has lost her way.

>Implying if she made good music anyone would give a shit that some Sup Forumsacks thinks she's qt
The media has gone completely mad since Trump and brexit, I think we broke them

>shut it down

This exactly.

This is great.

Hopefully her career takes a turn for the worst and she ends up having to shoot a scene for

There's nobody that I would rather see in an interracial gangbang than her tbqh

I recall a lot of people disliking her well before buzzfeed or whoever decided to accuse her of being some kind of Nazi sympathizer. If Sup Forums actually had the power to ruin people simply by making Nazi-themed memes about them I think we'd see a shit-ton more people getting their careers destroyed.

She's doing great, stop the rumormongering.

this this this

>Taylor Swift ruin her career by being political
>despite her not being political at all
>not by releasing a mediocre album with no standout tracks.

"What you made me do" is really annoying and not up to standards of her prior work. Not our fault.

just because i dont like taylors new music doesnt make me jewish. i liked 'red' and some of her newer stuff before going 'dark' and 'rapping' about nothing

should have known better to fuck with kanye and the wifey.


Pottery so fucking much

Did she seriously get shit on solely for not virtue signaling?

Her new songs don't even have a hook. How can you make pop songs without hooks. If anything, the Jews who write her music did it to sabotage her.

You obviously have shit taste in music

> written by Justin Charity
> Justin Charity

They make this too easy. Seriously though, their industry is dying. AI's will be able to write clickbait probably before they can operate transport trucks efficiently. Take what's trending, smush it together with an assortment of argot germane to the demographic who reads your publication, collect shekles. Not a lot of shekles though; enough to let you share a mediocre apartment in a major city. That's the biggest problem. These people have no skills and nowhere to go, so there are no limits to what they'll do to avoid eviction.

We saved her!
She is our aryan goddess!

Top of the Pops is just based on youtube views which is just based on whatevers on autoplay

Well said

well. i dont know. i dont like nigger music

im more into indie/folk than pop anyway

>"...Move over a little from there and you’ll find Swift’s image itself — willowy, blonde, and aggressively white. Perhaps, in an awkward corner close by, are the white supremacist fans who’ve claimed her as a figurehead. In any blank space, you’ll find her political silence and her idiosyncratic ways of communicating with the public..."

TayTay BTFO by BuzzFeed hard.

Yes (((we))) did.

she already has 2 music videos though, from the most recent album. I've jerked off to a pmv of look what you made me do and it was fucking great

eh. her music clearly changed. she did county for awhile, moved to pop and her new album is what i would consider 'cringe/shitty rap'

Taylor had her moment in the sun. Several years of it in fact. That can only last so long without getting new writers to write you catchy lyrics/beats. You also have to present an image that your fans will like and understand. Why is the industry lying about the reason for her lack of late career success? Are they afraid of the White Demographic Collapse causing a race war?

The White Demographic Collapse is coming in about 15 to 20 years. That adds up to a period between 2032 and 2037. Why those years? Simple. Most Boomers who are still alive will be in their 80's by then. Whites will not have had as many children as the darkies who will no longer feel afraid of the Old White People and there will not be many white cops, white national guardsmen and white military willing to force non white integration on their own communities. (I bet you don't know that forced integration is something that white people forced on white communities they didn't live in.) There simply won't be enough white people to put a white face on forced integration. Combine that with the Boomer die off and Old Rich Whites being easy robbery targets for the darkies and you have the collapse of not just White Power but of White Guilt. It is hard to hate yourself when you are attacked for crimes you had nothing to do with. While the Boomers might still cling to their White Guilt, their children and grand children who did not mix race will not. They have grown up in a time where white people are collectively guilty for the crimes of the past. They see themselves as victims of a slander campaign and the only thing holding them back is their Boomer Elders. Remember the 2032 - 2037 spread. Remember you can only read such theories on places like Sup Forums.

oh no this one isn't a hit. it's all ogre. kek

O vey

I'm not into music post 1899s so I'm not going to hear this crap, but if the jew is going to cry over this young slut I'll give her a few $$$.

she wont speak out against Trump so they are trying to shit on her.
that is all
Emenem won best album before his album was even released because he talked shit to trump


If you don't clap hard enough for progress they will destroy your career now. This is just getting insane.

damn, not liking swifts borderline wigger music doesn't make you have a bad taste in music. But liking indie/folk does.

Don't be stupid.
I just told the truth doesn't matter how many copies it sold.

>jezebel is part of the alt-right


This. She had no problem with the last one. It was filled with catchy shit. Everyone reading more into it has an agenda. The Album is just weak.

women age like milk

no one wants to hear some 30 year old hag's shitty music

That's okay. More time to get comfy and cuddle.

She never had a good song in the first place. Her music is shit-tier and not catchy at all.

>politically controversial
>for not commenting on politics
man, the state of legacy media

maybe the media should stop giving an anime message board so much attention and by extension, power.

if you give a monkey a gun and he shoots someone who's fault is it

IT is political EXTREMISM to be too un-political now.

>hip-hop dominated charts

>i dont like taylors new music
You're not the target audience you faggot

Aren't her fans mainly young girls? If they insist she's an alt right nazi won't that blow up in there face when millions of young girls decide they are also alt right nazis?


Why does anyone care what the insincere wigger does or thinks?

here we go again...

her new album reminds me of the current nigger music not catchy and not melodic just jarring annoying vocals over extremely uninteresting background music
why is this happening

>aggressive whiteness.
She's white. She's not white "harder " than other white people. Maybe albinos are aggressively white. What a strange thing for them to write about her

If you dont hate your own people enough it means your a nazi now.

whos target audience. 15 year old white girls? why push rap on that audience

if anything i see jews giving her album 5 stars all the time.


The important question is: how do we abuse the reverse halo effect of white supremacism to our benefit?

It's not wrap retard

you know why

Who cares? New Björk in 10 days.

b...b...but i thought she was above jewish influence
i thougbht she was my aryan queen


Stop being aggressively Jewish

>nigger music not catchy and not melodic just jarring annoying vocals over extremely uninteresting background music
this. you would think boring and repetitive 4-count beats with the exact same structure with some nigger mumbling incoherently over the top would get boring but i guess if you have a room-temperature iq you don't catch onto obvious patterns so easily



>making white people music for a black dominated industry

>making white people music for a white dominated industry

Which one makes more sense?

... They wouldn't even show the swastika

Exactly like in a totalitarian state. Everything must be politicized and everyone is required to swear allegiance to the official ideology.

Fuck off mohammed, get out of my country and rape your own ugly-ass women

>(((hip hop dominated pop chart)))


I think that the next album Taylor Swift does will be a return-to-roots, more country-pop style of album, than the last two, or even three (Red did not particularly have enough country influences in it, in from what I've heard). Her last two albums before Reputation were great, but country is what started her rise to fame. I think that soon, she should consider honoring that past.

Who the fuck even listens to hip hop anymore? I thought that shit died out over a decade ago.

yeah. newfags in thread defending swift are pathetic. go see jew york times and all jewish publications giving taylor's new album 5 stars

shes not 'under attack'.

Didn't this bitch ruined some other guys career by making up shit that the guy raped her or something

holy shit what is paying Taylor swift this much?

I listened to some new 'hit' of hers and it sounded like some african monkey rap with some electronica. Wanted to puke afterwards. Not surprised that she is not doing too well.

Fuck her career.
She needs to get busy making white babies

Her music has always been corporate generated trash though. Don't blame Sup Forums for her being a medium talent with a niche.

produced by jerry cougercampmellon

>aggressively white
Buzzfeed having snowflake delusions as always

This, now she just makes generic niggerpop music. No wonder she’s not on the top; her music sounds like everyone else’s!

How is U2 still a big band. They produced nothing of value and were but a fleeting meme.

Sadly a lot of fuckin White people do. I go to a nearly all White school in the Midwest and it's the most common thing I hear playing in people's cars and at parties.

it used to sound great though
memorable catchy and pleasant

This is good. Polarisation is good.


The swiss producers got blacked.

I listened to that song and desu, it was crap. Mumbly mumbly whatever.... Didn't even shake your ass.

>AC/DC still running strong

Looks like Charlize Theron.

Here it basically started a decade ago.

she sells tons of music and does extremely well on tour