Jeff Sessions: 'Not enough basis' for special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton

>Jeff Sessions: 'Not enough basis' for special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton

Is Sessions, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

Other urls found in this thread: Clinton/Jeff Sessions


He's working with the same Dixie mafia that demonic cunt is. I just know it.

Literally who

He needs to be removed. There is plenty of shady shit with the Clinton Foundation, but this senile fucking jew loving nigger apologist faggot deserves to hang.

but benghazi emails pizzawoodstock slick willy blowjawbs

Stop it

"not enough basis to warrant a SEPARATE special counsel to investigate hillary clinton"
>the Meuller counsel is already doing that

trump should have fired him when he recused himself the first time. the guy is obviously compromised.

Thanks, user. The first few replies scared me.

I hear all these names, sessions, Muller, etc but I have no idea who all these people are

Holy fuck if I had to hear that one more time

at this point we don't know. the obvious thing is that sessions will most likely end up doing nothing.

Prove it

Fire Sessions if he doesn't have the balls.
Appoint Gowdy.

20B.6 Have you or any member of your immediate family in the past seven (7) years had any contact with a
foreign government, its establishment (such as embassy, consulate, agency, military service, intelligence
or security service, etc.) or its representatives, whether inside or outside the U.S.? (Answer 'No' if the
contact was for routine visa applications and border crossings related to either official U.S. Government
travel or foreign travel on a U.S. passport.)

This is a Yes or No question. Not a qualification whether or not you deemed the contact nefarious or not. That would be up to the FBI after having answered 'Yes' to investigate further to determine whether or not your involvement deserves attention.

>retaliate politically

nigger, he won. how is this a retaliation? unless ofc you mean hillary cronies in the deep state, aka your kike friends, have done something worthy of retalitation?

i would like to see him follow up on this bizarre statement.

>d-d-do something!! please

Penalties for Inaccurate or False Statements
The U.S. Criminal Code (title 18, section 1001) provides that knowingly
falsifying or concealing a material fact is a felony which may result in fines
and/or up to five (5) years imprisonment. In addition, Federal agencies
generally fire, do not grant a security clearance, or disqualify individuals who
have materially and deliberately falsified these forms, and this remains a part
of the permanent record for future placements. Your prospects of placement
or security clearance are better if you answer all questions truthfully and
completely. You will have adequate opportunity to explain any information you
provide on this form and to make your comments part of the record..

Lol how many people has he prosecuted? He's a fucking joke. He says what you want to hear but sends nobody to prison. Fucking joke of a show.

Sessions is a Democrat plant?

Sup Forums is funny, one minute jeff sessions is "ourguy" the next he is a kike traitor. Only able to see so far as their nose allows them.

>present tense
Still got those 1000 sealed indictments from Mueller. Hmm, wonder what is going on there?

>and the oscar goes to..

Total Vindication

I cant wait for them to be unsealed so people will stop LARPing about them.

If there was even a chance someone important was in them, theyd be out of the country.

>they r sealed for a reason!

In this leaky administration, if the global banking and war cabal is gonna take a hit, they'd be the first to know.

lurk moar

Gowdy is a hack a show pony to make mutts like you happy all talk and no action. He never recommends to the DOJ perjury charges for anyone. You dumb fag.

"Art of War"

They aren't playing their hand. I have faith. We need to believe in Trump and Sessions.

Unironically, yes, he's our guy. There's no need for a special counsel when you can just fire the FBI agents you plan to investigate. Game is still on faggots. Believe me!

Says increasing nervous man 12 months in a row.

Kek! I hope she thinks that.

>Sup Forums thought sessions wasn't another establishment cock sucker

I remember when I still thought they were all on different teams too.

Looks like at the end he said that valid concerns were brought up and that independent investigators would be used and that evaluations would be made into investigating possibilities of counsels being formed into the uranium one case. So not a special counsel but certainly something is occurring.

>muh storm
Look, it's just a muddled fucking mess. There is no way to tell what the fuck is going on right now. People can LARP, hope, project, etc, but the entire fucking nation is just going to have to wait and see. It sucks but that's what it is. There are no insiders leaking hot intel. There is no discernible strategy. We are completely in the dark.
>muh gorillion indictments
Could be anything. No way to know.
>If you are seeking justice and fairness on earth prepare to be disappointed.
Find God.

Qfags on suicide watch!!!!

It could actually be indictments into the issue of Planned Parenthood clinics selling the body parts of aborted fetuses. As fucked up of a world we live in that could be it.

> that independent investigators would be used and that evaluations would be made into investigating possibilities of councils being formed
> certainly something is occurring.
You must be tired from those gymnastics. Might as well call it a "matter" while you're at it.

> actually gets indicted for perjury before congress
Well that was awkward
> congress loses in court
As expected


> Sessions: I will not use the AG to go after political opponents. (Defers to inspector general)
The sealed indictments have nothing to do with any of this. They’re getting echo chambered.

Appear weak when you are strong.

I used to think Sessions was an undercover white supremacist like the media tried to make him out to be, but then I saw one of his kids is married to a Gook and he has literal Asian grandchildren. Disappointing.

To he honest i am amazed of how well everyone is controlled opposition, either they are in, or are literally stupid like Trump to sabotage anything

it trully shows why the us is a superpower, but also why the deep state is si successful, and also how trumpo will only have the succes he is allowed to

The real question is.... what's the deep state end game?

Then why would he say there isnt enough evidence to investigate? Wouldnt he just say I cant discuss these matters?


watch the judiciary committee maybe?

So I can watch a Sessions circle jerk about MUH RUSSIA INTERFERENCE! Yea no thanks. Keep us updated if you watch.

I would love to hear theories on their end game because I can't figure it out but America is fucked. It will never be a great country again and will slowly lose power and influence until it collapsess under itself. The world will be better once this shit hole is irrelevant.

You care, but not enough to actually educate yourself? Come on user. If you don't even want to watch the whole thing go to the youtube link up above and watch when Franks begins his 5 minutes. It'll take 7 minutes of your life tops.

why? i figured out that congressional committees are political theater during IranContra. one day you'll learn.

This is a potshot at Trump, who's repeatedly criticized Sessions for recusing himself from the Mueller investigation and whined on Twitter about Hilary not being investigated like Russia is. By saying these things, Sessions is telling Trump to go fuck himself, he'll do whatever he wants and Trump can throw one of his stupid tantrums or fire him.

He never said that.
Yes he did, theres your (You)

A large portion of it was but a couple of salient points were discussed. Franks question about the disparity of investigation in the face of evidence about the 20% strategic assets of uranium being sold to foreign investors and the clintons involvement in that transaction, the recidivism bill brought up at the end, and the persecution of planned parenthood clinics under accusations of selling aborted fetus body parts with video evidence corroborating the accusations.

For anyone wonder why Sessions is so confident...
Blumpf has shown himself to be a loudmouth but never any action to back it up.
Unless someone posts mean things about him on twitter, thats the only time he will actually do something.

True. If I was to pick one person who was not controlled opposition, i would have gone for someone like Sessions before the 2016 election. But even he turns out to be pathetic. In the current state of American politics, the only people I would trust are Roy Moore, Paul Nehlen and Steve King. Even though they don't mention the Jewish question, I do believe they genuinely care for America and realize that Demographics will destroy the country. It would be great to get Nehlen and Moore into congress.

Perfect chance to send him back to Alabama and hire some crazy coked up jew lawyer as AG who wants to become famous for locking everyone up.

Didnt see the link. Where am I starting from?

>"not enough basis to warrant a SEPARATE special counsel to investigate hillary clinton"

Where is this in the article?

There's a reason he was the first establishment member to join Trump, he's a mole

You guys just o see it at all you shills.
Sessions just signalled to all other patriots that the storm is on for real!
Read between the lines of what especially Frank and that smiling woman talks about. Patriots are moving in for the kill!

Go to the link and start it back about 5 minutes back from that. It's mostly the talking about the disparity in investigation and that if the positions were reversed then trump would be burning at the stake for the claims railed against the clintons.
There you go man.


I think it's cute people claim Trump plays 10D chess, but how do you reconcile all of the liberal companies with incredible AI?

If anything, the deep state is playing Trump like a fiddle at every turn. We may honestly be witnessing a live information war using two powerful AI think tanks. None of the moves make sense for a reason.

Jeff Sessions on Tuesday said there was “not enough basis” to appoint a special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton, a day after reports surfaced that the attorney general had authorized senior prosecutors at the Department of Justice to evaluate an inquiry into the Clinton Foundation.

Testifying before the House judiciary committee, Sessions also appeared to push back on Donald Trump’s repeated insistence that the FBI should focus on investigating Clinton as opposed to potential collusion between his own presidential campaign and Russia.

“The Department of Justice can never be used to retaliate politically against opponents. That would be wrong,” Sessions said when asked about Trump’s tweets calling on the DoJ to investigate his former rival in the 2016 presidential race.

“The president speaks his mind. He is bold and direct about what he says,” Sessions added. “We do our duty every day based on the facts.”

Srsly?Its the first few lines.

>I think it's cute people claim Trump plays 10D chess,

Nobody thinks that anymore

Literally everyone on here with a functioning brain realizes he's a fucking retard.

You have to be retarded if you think the rich and powerful will go to prison.

>can never be used to retaliate politically against opponents
It’s not about Trump vs Clinton. It’s about corruption vs the people. Where does he get this “retaliation” from?
It also doesnt make sense, why did he send a letter to @RepGoodlatte yesterday claiming otherwise? If he had no intention to appoint a special counsel.

4d chess, goy

b-b-but sessions is gonna investigate!

haha Sup Forumstards BTFO

Sessions recused himself from the Russian collusion investigation. You and people like you are the problem. Fucking liberal sheep. Tick tock.

This is what I'm wondering. Is he cucked -or just playing his cards close to his chest?

I hope Trump fires this dumbo eared git for not doing his fucking job.

LOL Last time I checked I supported Trump. Get fucked guy.

He discusses it in the judiciary committee that an investigation has to first have it's prosecutors evaluate it and not to start investigations on a knee jerk reaction from the public and that a process has to be followed. By saying the DoJ will not fly into the investigation it implies impartiality, which if anything damning does occur on the left or right there can't be the smear campaign that the investigation in and of itself was a matter of coercion. I think that the comment of "political retaliation" might be a commentary on the Russian collusion with trumps campaign but the fact of the matter is he recused himself from the Russian investigation so it's essentially moot.

Educate yourself. Ignorance is not flattering.

I hope so. What more evidence for basis do they need? Written confession? Video of her saying Yeah I did it I knew it was illegal but fuck it?
What does he need to initiate a special counsel?

>tick tock

don't forget to tune in to Hannity tonight!

>good goy

Probably to have lawyers not strongly tied to the left or right push forward so there can't be the basis for undermining the investigation on account of bias.

>tick tock

surly they will arrest Hillary this time!?
Who knew it would take so long, you would think when Trump chanted "lock her up" at rallies he had a plan right?
Oh, it was just to trick idiots like you into voting for him instead of staying home on election day?

That and so much of the DOJ right now is Obama holdovers cause the GOP refuses to approve Trumps appointments

Doesn't seem like Sessions knows what his job is.Or did he just play waffle waffle idiot for today's political shit show? Clinton/Jeff Sessions
Or Sessions is a rat...

You have no clue what you are talking about.
Which one are you in this pic?

Jeff need to go.

Jeff Sessions fucks kids. It's obvious at this point.

Might be but alliances change with the times. Insert clinton+trump.jpeg

>that file name
>just trust him!
lmao hello, reddit



how is he ourguy if he's not wanting to investigate hilldog?

He's not. He needs to be fired, he really, really does.

If there was a video of her murdering a child that included her signing a confessions she couldn't be prosecuted. There are two legal systems. One for peasants and the other for the masters.

Clinton is above the law.

>The DoJ can never be used to retaliate politically against opponents

Remind me to run for office and lose, if I ever kill someone.

b-but q told me hillaru would be impeached

get fucked drumpftards


Kek. Brilliant. Y'all niggas can't see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch, but you will.

What's the difference between a special council and a grand jury?