Give up your bike

How much of a faggot do you have to be to think like this?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's commies. Pay no attention.

utilitarianism is the only morality the AI will know, better get used to it user.

jesus, this comic is plebbit tier bullshit.

Don't smoke Utilitarianism kids.

Needs a nigger on a bike in the last panel

The comic is satire, mocking utilitarianism. Only retards cant see this.

>check bank account
>all money taken for the greater good

but I think whatever banker AI stole my money was probably more happy to get it than I am sad to lose it

Libetarian/anacap memeface edit WHEN?



>steal someone’s bike
>my happiness goes up, their unhappiness is irrelevant

underrated post


Sexist. Women are sentient beings

This is what the left is building up to. Screencap this for when it happens.

the jew screeches and scurries across the floor towards a dark crack

so much potential

It’s just more jüdisch propaganda! This is how they want you to think when they try to take your money through socialism, and give it to a bunch of filthy niggers. After all, Both Karl Marx and Bernie Sanders come from a Jewish bloodline.....

Prove it

theives are some of the worst people out there. your essentially saying you dont care about another persons life or their right to secure property. theives are the worst influence on society

>nigger has a yellow face
It should be black or at least brown

So u be saying
>steals bike
we not gud bois 'n' sheeeet?

moar pls

from a utilitarian perspective it is completely accurate

it's not
lurk more

nice ID lussy 88

I got a couple for ya


>someone steals my bike
>It's worth more than 300 dollars
>shoot them



Fuck biology.

>that crucifix on the wall

Could this anti-christian propaganda be any more maddening?



And they wonder why we call them cucks all the time.


is 300 dollars the threshold for legally being allowed to shoot someone

>beating up a furry is wrong

Sinfest has been shit so long. Fucking numale gook cuck.

>14 heartbreaking comics to make you say fuck biology n sheeeit

If that were true and his true perspective, he would have donated the bike long ago

He's got the happiness thing backwards. His sadness will be greater than the nigger's happiness


He stole the bike. The NAP has been violated. Plus he's a nigger.

Yeah, because trailer trash are known for adopting kids all the time. That aside, fags can make good parents as long as at least one of them is a father figure. Lesbians on the other hand are extremely dysfunctional and shouldn't ever be allowed anywhere near kids.


>tfw .jpg is propaganda from both sides

I refuse to believe this isn't satire.

Amen brother! People need to end policing of minor "broken windows" offenses

Stealing a bike, among other things, do not threaten public safety and are often used to police African-Americans.
If you want peace you gotta decriminalize these activities or de-prioritize their enforcement:
-consumption of alcohol on the streets
-marijuana possession
-disorderly conduct
-disturbing the peace (including loud music)

Without justice you won't have peace, lil crackers.

>Why is marvel comics tanking?

audible kek

Why are they all grey?


The last panel always make me kek

Look at the juvenile, Animal Crossing-esque art style

It's 100% serious

It's a mystery but its probably white people's fault

Do you have the pic of those tolerance rules?

>These terrible Christian parents keep adopting more and more children they hate, and all we fags want to do is give the them greatest gift of all: aids


Except that this scenario isn't even utilitarian, since the statement that the total happiness in the world increased is probably false.

All I saw in all of that was "Gibsmedat"

why don't white people do this shit nog

except it wasn't an innocent child on christmas morning happiness, it was a nigger stole my bike because dindus are going to nig happiness


gays aren't most-

Because they don’t think it’s okay to be white.

B/c whites r ugly

Also I'm out of comics unfortunately

Here it is, thanks for ruining my bait :(


>in normal situation
>male character says something innocuous
>female character violently assaults male character
>male character either instantly dies or regrets everything shortly before dying
she is severely autistic

Typical cuck mindset.



Is this supposed to make Trump look like the bad guy

Think how much happier I am as a racist than you are sad because of it. Fix this into fluent correct English and make it a countermeme.


Things like this happens because people are taught owning stuff is bad because other people can't have them, Also protecting your stuff is inmoral and therefore you are a selfish and horrible person if you do "because you value more objects than life".

It really sucks

consent btfo

So those aren't satirical at all?

Yes, God forbid we decide to forgive black kids for petty crimes instead of locking them up for life.

Fuck every last one of you.

You can't comprehend a fucking cartoon that a third grader would get on their first read-through.

Skinheads are antithetical to the basest human compassion and should be treated like rabid animals. They are literally evil personified polluting the gene pool.

I think so, I found it on Deviantart.

It make him look like a cute little hero to me

Did he put the skirt into his pocket to sniff later or something?

Strange, I've never heard my cat get involved in such debauchery.
I guess the jew can truly corrupt all beings.

Spoken like a true degenerate parasite.

Begone spook

My bad, thanks Tyrone

the left can't meme

I’m dying rn


If you can't take the heat, get in the oven

Faggots should not be allowed to draw. That's what I think about it.

There's only two genders, faggot.







there is a child in africa for every bite of your food for the next 6 weeks and they will enjoy it more than you.

Enjoy your suicide.


>words words words
This isn't satirical is it?