Can you lend me $400 Sup Forums. Niggers for sale

Niggers for sale.

Can I crowdfund $400 Sup Forums?

My Bitcoin wallet:


I can't buy any nigger without seeing the dick first.

It's a bad investment if they are tiny.

>seeing the dick first.
The utter state of burgerland.

We already made this mistake pre-civil war. I don't think so Schmolo.

I would pay money to NOT have a nigger

If you don't see his dick then how would you know if he can please you properly or not?

Guaranteed to not make you the 400$ back within its lifespan


I'm sure it can, if you make an additional investment for a whip.

GET. FUCKED. you fucking nigger.

He's jewish property.

I'm going to work the nigger as a drug pusher.

This is how we got into this mess in the first place. Now we have Detroit, Atlanta, etc... let's not buy them. Let's leave them alone.

a fucking leaf

I don't need to bring him home. Maybe take him to China and North Korea, rent him out there.

Will you be my slave tho?


why am i not surprised....

Send some money and then we'll talk.

Goddamn white Libyans exploiting those poor black migrants.


Who are your current owners and how do I contact them?

not eve two of my dicks equal that. i hate my fucking dicklet

Daniel Radcliffe

so can i buy niggers but leave them in Africa and have them work for me making clothes or something?

sign me up if so.

Donate and I'll report back:


$400 GTFO

Wait for a week or two....
that's when the good deals on slightly used niggers can be had

>buy nigger
>shoot it in the head
Is this a good investment, Sup Forums?