So Sup Forums, I have been given an opportunity to "debate" a BLM member over drinks on camera (I'm also surprisingly getting paid for it). It will be showed to over 400,000 people on youtube and therefore it's a great opportunity to redpill the mostly predominantly leftist viewers.

Now, I need your help. To convey the strongest message but at the same time not be seen as too serious is the approach i'm taking, so think more "alt-right memery" combined with hard-hitting facts that make any lefty feel like they're pushed against the wall. I'm talking about any type of moderately or extremely right leaning opinions and facts that will make the BLM member either start shouting at me, making them look like a retard that can't hold their shit together or things that they won't be able to deny thus making themselves look ignorant.

Keep in mind that I cannot go full 1488 as they won't air the episode then and just completely cancel the whole thing.

deus vult soyim

Other urls found in this thread:



>the 1/3rd reich

I know it's a stolen joke

pic was very related

Here is a good fact

Trans is not a gender
Bi is not a gender
Gay is a preference

Thank you, have a nice day

more whites are killed by cops than blacks

white people culture is different in that when a white is killed by a cop, whites believe the good guy got the bad guy OR the white was stupid enough to fight back/get themselves into it. whites believe in the laws so they even celebrate when the cop kills the white criminal

blacks see people>law. their culture in which they grew up...all their play cousins been in jail, their dads and uncles been in jail. so they think the shooting of a black who fights back with a cop is a punishment not an enforcement. and they dont see the punishment of dying is appropriate to robbing the store, or fighting the cop

I mean they REALLY dont see it. they dont understand that the law says the cop can shoot when they THINK they may in danger.

I really don't know how you debate such a huge cultural difference. But I'd start and stick with what the law says. The law says that cops can shoot when they believe there is a danger in order to PREVENT harm to themselves or others. And more whites get shot than blacks.

Do black lives matter? sure they do, but the law which keeps us ALL safe, all black lives, all white lives, all brown lives SAFE, matters more than the individual. They wont get that and they will hate you for saying so. black culture believes the individual is GREATER worth than the law, and they find no value at all in the white man's laws.



Thanks, I'll be sure to include it.

I'll probably get a "wypipo pigs r raciss n shiiiiet"

I have exactly the thing for this. I call it "rose-pill". It allows them to internalize ideas which are inherently and evidently true, while also prepping them for full redpill. Here are the three points you must get them to agree upon- for in getting them to agree to these things, you seal their eventual fate without their even realizing it. You DO NOT WANT TO WIN THIS DEBATE. You want to walk away from it without seeing extreme, or conceding any points to them. This is your true measure of victory.

1) There are a small group of elites, bankers, media moguls, and politicians who control most of society. Everyone believes this; it's not controversial as long as you don't name the Jew outright.
2) Forcing blacks and whites to live in the same communities causes strife and is wrong. You can play the gentrification angle here. Get them to agree that one race shouldn't take over another's community, and that blacks and whites each have the right to prosper and feel safe in their own communities- again, make them think you're talking about police brutality.
3) Blacks and whites are not equal in every way- they are genetically different, adapted to their environments, and are therefore not identical and have unique ethnic and cultural features. Play up the "yass queen slay" angle here and they'll readily agree.

If you get them to admit these three things, they are already facists.

Exactly what I thought of. The approach of spouting very direct facts can be too hard for people to realize instantly so you have to kind of ease them into it with, as you call it, "rose-pilling".

Did you ever though about going back to Africa?

Can't help but feel like this is a trap to get some white raycis on camera and milk it for shekels. You'd best be careful.

*thought, sorry mr. Nigger.

To clarify, this is what you're secretly getting them to agree to.

1) Jews did it.
2) Ethnic nationalism is good.
3) Whites are superior to blacks.

They'll endorse Fascism and never even know it. You should point these things out and tell them you think they're your equals and that you share common goals, and that the media is in many ways to blame (you can name Fox News here to force them to agree with you) for causing the division in society.


>deus vult soyim

deus vult soyim

Watch ben shapiro and milo yionopols tear down BLM and just do the same. Not hard

Between 1980 ~ 2008, blacks who constitutes 12.8% of the population committed 52.5% of homicides in the US. Accounting that 90% of homicides are committed by men, this equates to roughly 47% of all murders in America in a 28 year period was committed by just 6.4% of the population, meaning black men.

Refer to table 1

Black people complain about excessive police force, but when 6.4% of the population is responsible for 47% of murders in America, can you blame the police?

I call it "rose-pilling" because they don't have to take off their rose-tinted glasses. You can easily try to tear those glasses off their face, and expose the world for what it is, but you won't be successful. They WANT to believe things are the way the (((media))) says they are. So working within the confines of their delusion is necessary. The reason this works is because the media CANNOT talk about differences in race, Jewish bankers and the 1%, or ethnostates- they're taboo. So the media also doesn't tell cucks and niggers what they're supposed to believe in those areas.

1 out of every 4 black baby is aborted. Tell them how white supremacists love that blacks vote left because it helps keep the population in check

Dumping some info for you user
Heil victory

>NatSoc wasn't progerman/pro-aryan but pro culture of whatever group of people or nation adopted it.
>there were black, asain, Muslim, Indian, Etc. nazi's fighting in the Wehrmacht
>redpill them on "jew privilege"
>Jews make up only 2% America but make up over 50% of the top 1% and even higher percentage of the top .01%
>most of Hollywood is ran by Jews
>most media outlets are ran by Jews
>redpill them in the politicians with dual citizenship with Israel
>the Jewish lobby

Be sure to print out this chart and know precisely where the data comes from. Do NOT come off as happy about the deaths of niggers; instead, be remorseful, and tell them that they're killing each other far more than any white could. Tell them that they should try to promote their own race instead of denigrating others.

How did you get this opportunity, OP? I'd like to do the same.

>if we can get blm to go against antifa, LGBT, feminist, etc then we would both benefit

Signed up for casting calls and "BLM vs Alt-Right" popped up. I can't specify right now but I'll post the video when it's up in the future so be on the look out.

Also look up the statistics from the FBI and other government bureaus. The FBI just released stats on crime and it's very redpilled

Fuck you were is this dope ass band playing?

What is the topic of debate?

>more unarmed whites per capita shot by police
>blacks dozens of times more likely to fire at police
>yes some cops are bad eggs, best thing we can do is mass proliferation of body cams (also good dank footage to watch at home)

>tfw facts and data are "redpilled"

thanks for sharing

That is basically the topic of the debate I believe.

It's a very "casual" debate.

Also, can you pull up a source of these? Might print out some stuff.

>let them know that Malcom X and George Lincoln Rockwell (founder of the American Nazi party) were friends
>Malcom X would be for both the Alt-right and BLM
>that should be a heavy redpill

So the three rosepill points I listed earlier... you should definitely start with #2. Work your way to #1 or #3 as the opportunity presents itself, but talk about community policing and racially segregated (don't use that word) communities as the way forward. If they don't want to admit they prefer segregation, ask them if they'd rather live among whites or their own race.

>tell them Malcom X and George Lincoln Rockwell (American Nazi party founder) were friends and shared the same views
>Malcom X would support both the Alt-right and BLM
>that should be a big redpill user

>inb4 nignogs and altright can't be friends
You're retarded if you think that Having BLM pick up our views on traditionalism, race realism, and NatSoc/fascism/republic politics is a bad thing.
>it would make them not degenerate
>redpill them on the JQ
>no longer playing in the hands of (((them)))
>they would be more civilized
>they'd understand race realism, and better themselves

Imagine having blm and the alt-right with the same goal
>(((they))) couldn't slander us and call us "racist neo Nazis" because BLM would be by our side
>our image would look a lot more comforting towards liberals
>this would only leave the commie bastards and help us grow

I'm most definitely going to research more about Malcolm-x and race individualism. Thanks.


talk about how white nationalists just want to live somewhere they arent getting robbed by blacks

and in the same way

blacks don't want their kids being shot by racist cops or tests graded by racist teachers

we both just want societies free from racism.

Get them woke that Jews sold them into slavery and now their the 1% and demand all jews pay reparations.

That Jew Been Shapiro already did this

OP read this book by Jared Taylor, "White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st century." It is an absolute must and if you are capable of memorizing some of the stats Taylor outlines in this book. You will be unbeatable.

They chose you for a reason. Say you'll do it then get the smartest redpiller you know to take your place. They're playing you because you're probably fucking retarded.

This. They only debate who selectively. No offense OP.

Sneak in a recorder so even if they don’t play it you have a copy.

do you have a link to the video

Pin down their demands, ask what they are willing to exchange for those demands. Pin them down on issues, ask questions, anything that you can find them contradicting later. Ask questions like, are black peoples at fault at all here? What can blacks do better?

Africans ultimately benefited from white people bringing them here and enslaving them. If we never did they would still be running around Africa living in tents

This is a great video on how to debate blue pilled people. Worked great for me, managed to convert a lot of people from "refugees welcome" to "Norway for Norwegians". Although it takes time, it's about planting the seed

Ask what they think the genetic differences are between whites and blacks.

Forgot link

Don't use the word denigrating though, you'll get off on a unwarranted racism tangent.