Who are some of the leaders of ALL time?

Who are some of the leaders of ALL time?
No biased answers. thanks.

He's more of a modern ruler.



Trump wont even release the full JFK files without redactions like the pussy he is. He wont even call out the ((federal reseve)). He is a puppet of the deep state and just as bad as hillary. Kys brainwashed faggot.

Gott erhalte...


Sounds to me like he crushed your dreams user.

If only we'd live in a better timeline where Franz Ferdinand wasn't assassinated...


Fuck Serbia. But you guys really should've had the Anschluss earlier imo.

The only leader who counts

We wanted in 1919, but guess who didn't let us?
Your fucking president. Fuck Woodrow Wilson, one of the most vile human beings to ever rule the USA.

>mfw Austrians obviously have the best taste in leadership

Habsburgs could ensure stability in Mitteleuropa only.

Yeah hated him. Faggot was a kike lover. Practically everyone after the first Roosevelt was shit except maybe JFK, Nixon, and Reagan.

Also I was referencing prior to the Austro-Prussian war, when Bismarck was trying to physically make Germany?

I dont vote. I just figured Trump would burn down the current corruption and actually drain the swamp. He ended up just making his own swamp.

He still has 3 years left to make something happen.

You are right brother. Support the monarchist movements in your country, I sure do.

Isn't Reagan the one who reformed immigration and gave a shit ton of mexicans citizenship?

Austria was the leader of the Deutsche Bund, Prussia should have been anschlussed by us, but they didn't want to. There were actually plans for it and it would have been glorious.
Pic related.

Yeah didn't say he was the best, but he did good for the economy. Protectionism and all that.

Also good point. Anywho, either way, Ich liebe der Deutschesvolk, Ihr sind schön, und stark. Mein Deutsch ist schlecht, entschuldigung.

WW1 would have happened anyway.

Might as well...

Take us we promise we wont revolt again for at least a hundred years if you do

>tfw still waiting for his second coming

Only right answer

Köszönöm! Always said that you guys are alright! Bohemians too...


A pity that Otto is not alive anymore...

who do you think would be a better leader:

El Presidente or Sebastian Kurz?

We also have the best female leaders :^)

I hope that Germans will one day wake up again and do something about their misery...
And your German is okay.

I still hope that Austria will uncuck itself soon, the last 100 years have been terribily lonely without you guys...

Otto and Schuschnigg wanted to restore the monarchy but was stopped by the Anschluss. Makes you wonder what could have been...

Kurz has yet to prove himself, but I'm afraid he's just making empty promises and won't actually change anything. Orban seems to be right about refugees, but what about the rest? Do you guys like him?

Communists hate him, but pretty much everyone else is either okay with him or likes him. Retards who maniacally chant "HE'S STEALING TAX MONEY HURR DURR" don't understand how the economy works, don't listen to them.

Haha, nooo, this is really him? :D

Hm, hard to say. Still not fully trust Kurz even though I voted for him. Maybe ... Kurz ears instead of Habsburg lip?

Don't you guys have some useful nobility somewhere around?


Wasn't there a video around from Otto's funeral where Faymann and Fischer were talking to the camera in front of the coffin when all of a sudden the Austrian flag behind them right next to the coffin fell over ... that was simply hilarious!

The best Irishman to have ever lived

These pricks also didn't move their lips when the Kaiserhymne played, they are a god damn disgrace to this country.

Why does he look like André 3000?

>best female leaders
You sure?


dont even ask, '80s commie fashion, its horrible i know, but there were no alternatives

Sorry, Spain had a better female ruler. Just like a better Empire. :^)

A-user, I...

My girlfriend just said he looks like Uncle Peter from Floridsdorf...

Isabel was pretty based, didn't they change the rules of chess just to honor her?

Mr. Smith


>Who are some of the leaders of ALL time?
>some of the leaders of ALL time?
Here are a few of the leaders of all time:
Otto Van Bismark
Julius Caesar
King Tut
Attila the Hun
George Washington
John Adams
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Bill Gates
Donald Trump
Angela Gieger



Hush my dear ... yes this is my living room.

Sword is fake but the gun is my great-grandfather's hunting rifle. That above is an old mortuary cross ... has touched quite a lot of dead family members as of yet.


Gott erhalte indeed..

(i mashed 2 pics together to achieve a file size smaller than 2mb, sorry if quality is shit, only way i could do it)


He is not a leader yet but when he is he will have been the best in history.

I wouldn't mind United States of Greater Austria under Habsburgs.

If pic related hadn't killed himself, the Reich would still last to this day. However, he was /nu-pol/

oh nice got a 1832 Enfield percussion cap smoothbore.

I've watched him speak, he talks like a nancy, like a Monthy Python character in drag.
I hope he can work on his voice and posture.

Lad. You've got to be joking.

I think there are still quite a lot of people who would support a return of the monarchy, but they are silent. Monarchist revival when?

I have to disagree on that. Franz Joseph didn't want to reform the state. The Reich was crumbling since 1848, and was doomed after the Ausgleich. If Franz Joseph had died 20 years earlier, maybe the new emperor would have done the vital reforms. Rudolf was an entirely unimportant figure on the political stage and would have been a weak emperor. Franz Ferdinand on the other hand definitely had plans.

The National Party are a Larp Tier political entity.

Seriously, I'm convinced that it's just one or two diehard fans that post about their stuff here constantly.

It's probably Justin himself.

Hiya Justin, ya inbred freak.

Vytautas the Great

monarchy wont come back to europe but a union could work

Plans that got him killed and started ww1.


Unfortunately, yes. But he actually wanted to give the slavs in the Empire more rights and was then shot by one. Quite tragic.

Awesome! They still operational? Look really well maintained...

Unified the people, promoted religious freedom, massacred muzzies and built the largest contiguous empire of all time

i belive the problem was not pre ww1 politics and events, but solely italy
the central powers would have won with italy on their side
france would have collapsed before the end of the year as the german high command had prophecised, and then all armies could have marched on russia

but hey, thats just a theory

Spencer my boy, you aren't up to your standards here.


The EU will most likely fall apart, if Putin dies, Russia might also weaken. If we unite, we can finally make our region relevant and prosperous again, something which haven't happened since the end of WW1. Austria-Hungary had its flaws, but I think what came after it was worse for everyone. And if we'd end up in a Federation, a monarchy would be the perfect way of bringing some unity.

Slavs hate and kill each other for no real reason at all. That's the problem. We don't know if keeping status quo would not lead to a world war but there is a chance. Next for more rights should have been the czecks

I love you, guys! Our peoples have been separated far too long ...

The irony is that Italy would have gained more territories if they would have accepted the peace offer from Austria-Hungary during the war. They fought at the shitties front of the war against us. lost hundreds of thousands of men and they got screwed during the negotiations for peace, which of course didn't solve anything either.

Unironically this.
What other leader was this total combination of a spiritual, racial and political rouser of the common masses who came from absolutely nothing and clawed his way into absolute imperial nobility with such a clear sense of ideology and purpose and elevated his country with such great success in such a short time?
Most of the other great people posted here were either born into power or excelled at politics or excelled at military ventures and rarely at both, and many of them had only a vague inkling of nationalism that lead them to become leaders because defending your country was the status quo - Hitler lived in the Weimar degeneracy and managed to completely revert almost all of it out of the perspective not of a military figure or a politician but a mystical figurehead and embodiment of not just the state, but the soul of the nation and its people, its race.
It's without a doubt in my mind that Hitler was the greatest leader of the last 300 years.

At least they would have deserved it. If I understand it correctly the majority would not have minded a proper constitutional monarchy.

>good ally
They are only useful if you steamroll everything. If you need them to fight you lose. See wwII as well.

This is the only correct answer.

Sup Forums is bluepill compare with Isabel of Castile


>Never forget

Italian backstabbers...

That's only true for the Balkans, and mostly because of the Serbs.

AFAIK the problem was Hungary. They didn't want checks to get granted more rights. There were also tensions with czecks but they were more manageable I think.

>when weebs go wild.jpg

I was actually refering to yugoslavia

would be nice but a lot would have to happen for it to become possible. too many powerful people have spent centuries destroying monarchy, not sure how to turn that back


Yep, that's also true. We always chimp out when we are oppressed, but once we get privileges we are very good at kicking others down so we can keep looking down on them.

>They fought at the shitties front of the war against us
yep, 12 fucking battles at Isonzo, and they sufferend miserably after each one

I am an amerishart, who is this?

>Stop sending people to kill me. We've already captured five of them, one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle. If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send one to Moscow, and I won't have to send a second.
No matter who you are, Tito will always be a badass.

The harsh way Hungary dealt with other nationalities in its country definitely was not beneficial for the Empire. But also not the liberal way Austria did it.
But it is true, Hungary was the main opponent of federalizing and thus saving the monarchy, because it would have meant giving away power and special rights.

>destroyed Europe
>created fed
>created IRS

I agree.

Really? You know if there was any historical reason for this animosity or was this just politics? What do our Magyar friends have to say about that?

reverse image search and go read at least the wiki, you might learn something

we bad battleships god damn it.. BATTLESHIPS.. Horthy was an admiral for crying out loud... now we're landlocked...


yugoslavia aka greater serbia

same thing mate
