Richard spencer

If spencer is controlled oppostition then there is no movement and we've already lost. Same is true of TRS.

So if spencer is a deep state honeypot, we've lost anyway. But he hasnt done what honeypots do. He hasnt tried to get his people to do illegal shit so they can all get ruby ridged. If he were going to do that then he would have done it 6 months ago when violence was actually happening country wide. Now the "battles" are all gone and antifa doesnt exist. The left is defanged, things are proceeding more or less as expected.

So its easier for me to believe that "le spencer is CIA" is total divide and conquer bullshit than its some sort of conspiracy. The facts do not fit your paranoid assessment. The facts fit mine. Spencer is legitimate , if not ideal , and its you and people LIKE you who are attempting to take him and his movement down either because you are the enemy , or you have been tricked by the enemy. The simple fact is the time has elapsed and spencer has proven he is not a fucking fed. He is in this for the long haul.

The right has a serious problem with paranoia. Its what makes us capable of seeing things the left overlooks like race , the dangers of multicultrualism , the JQ. But it also makes its easy for you stupid faggots to scream conspiracy at every thing that moves. I try to subordinate my natural caution to reasons , which is why i done share your entirely baseless observation. It doesnt help that every single time this starts , its accompanied by mass produced memes designed to make him look silly. Much like the the 53% meme which is being dumped everywhere.

You are ascribing superhuman powers to the enemy that we know for a fact they do not have. If the deep state created richard spencer we already lost and you should be figuring out how to marry some gook immigrant to survive the diversity police in 15 years.

Other urls found in this thread:

Regardless of him being controlled or not, he's a fuckup.


We don't need a new movement.
We don't need a leader.
We memed an election.
We put our guy in power.
The Alt-Right, Spencer, TRS.. have always been lolcows and newfag magnets. But newfags lurk and eventually wake up, thus you always reduce to simple lolcows in the end.

if you think the "movement" hinges on richard spencer you're either a shill like him or a literal mongoloid

We don't need leaders who don't produce anythign and STEAL WHAT Sup Forums MAKES.




The anti-Spencer shilling is what convinced me he's not a bio-luminescent african american in the employ of the Central Intelligence Agency.


he had been active for 10 years and done very good interviews w bowden. Everyone countersignaling is either Greg Johnson, cointelpro or ignorant





He is a plant but taylor isn't

He is making a political party. Trying to appeal to young white voters. He won't be successful though.

You only lose when you allow (((them))) to define and name your movement for you.

The fact that the right wing resurgence has no official name or leader rustles (((their))) jimmies to no end. They absolutely hate how they have no way to identify us. That's why they are trying to do the job for us.


OP is a CoIntelPro shill attempting to shore up Dick "obvious FBI agent" Spencer, whose tactics have been used to delegitimize everything from Civil Rights to the anti-Vietnam movement to OWS to the "alt-right."


OOOPS Sup Forums just got register banned.

what now dipshit. Your user army is gone and the internet is sterilized of bad thought.

What now?

I think that a big part of the draw of Richard Spencer, why if he speaks at a college you're guaranteed to have like 3,000 assmad shitskins and Jews is because of how intensely WASPish he is. I think they get straight up triggered by his ultra white man aesthetic more than anything he says.

Shoops of his head will be posted in this thread. Who would have thought?


Trump isn't /ourguy/ and he never was. He had a few common beliefs with Sup Forums at large but he has proven himself to mainly be a shabbos goy. If he's anyone's guy it's fucking Israel. So if he's your guy you're a Jew.


Everything is going be alreet

>Trump isn't /ourguy/ and he never was.

I agree fellow white man, all whites should bend over and get fucked out of existence by based black cock.

Do you guys watch gavin?

>i don't know what decentralized p2p chans are



>take away the one thing keeping thousands of autists in check
((they)) are smart for letting this place stay up.

Spencer is legitimate if you believe he is CIA you're a 90 iq shit for brains that probably watches Alex jones

Ancapa and leftypol are shitheads


there is no movement you fucking faggot. The "movement" is our government has become a crime syndicate and we want Trump to clean it up. Spencer has been appointed "the thought leader of the alt right" by his handlers and his focus on "white supremacy" feeds right into the counter narrative Soros is brewing to weaken and subvert the opposition to his global communist plans.

He should stick to college campus speeches. They definitely are his strong suit.

Now watch this thread be spammed by shills. kp6Ey/aT has half the posts in this thread already.
Can you deny charlottesville was a strategic disaster?

Leftypol is raiding us, yet again. It's getting boring since they can't come up with any new material besides muh funny head maymays.

Oh you're right. I'm am now a megapede missile. Do you have any good suggestions for finding a FUCKIN' BASED blackman to fuck my wife?



Spencer gets his money from overseas donors. He is going to be arrested for being a subversive agent working to undermine US sovereignty.

We are not lost. We aren't lemmings wandering around looking for a savior. Only newfags and plebbitors need that. We our own gods and our own destiny.

The people who make this place what it is find new ways to communicate with each other.

Ascribing Trumps rise to this board this the height of solipsism. Also
Kys my dude

>i want to browse an image board at 56k speeds and have to sort through 40 threads about whatever new news item is actually an inside job

lol if Sup Forums gets rekt you can kiss this whole thing goodbye. Ever been to 8ch? its 10x worse than this place , slow , and the mods are insane.

The reality is one day Sup Forums will do something that will be outside of acceptability for the government and ISP's and they will destroy this website with no warning. And all of you will be gone. There will be nowhere to go to. You wont have time to regroup. Your "anonymous" army will go up in a puff of smoke. And the only remaining force for good is going to be the alt right.

>If spencer is controlled oppostition then there is no movement and we've already lost.
you're a fucking idiot if you think that white nationalism is worth your time.

friendly reminder: nationalism = faggotry.

globalism is inevitable.
global collapse is inevitable.
just gear up and train.

you're reddit cancer
there's a surprise



well, trs just did the best shoah they ever did and anyone even flirting with the alt right should hear it. the past few have been a tad low brow, but this one crituqued everything from an cap to (((them))) to trannies.

also spencer is a smug rich kid. that is where people are getting this sense of controlled op from. he says stuff that seems to sabotage his message sometimes, not because hes controlled op, but because hes stroking his own ego and trying to win points for being a witty big brained nibba edgelord courting controversey.

>21 posts into the thread
>17 posts by this ID
>*Heebraic screeching intensifies*

Spencer was a nobody until the msm made him one. How is this not obvious to retards idk. His website and google traffic was nothing until after the election, and in all seriousness nobody here outside the vocal minority of stormfags want anything to do with David Duke, let alone a David Duke-lite. He's controlled opposition.



You're actively working to divide the populace by saying you should value your ethnicity and skin color ( IDENTITY POLITICS) over your country.


Whether Spencer works for the government or not is irrelevant at this time. Bush Senior used to run the CIA so that I something to pay attention to. What anyone claiming to be Pro White must preach about and prepare for is the coming demographic collapse. I hope Spencer picks this ball up and runs with it if he has not already.

The White Demographic Collapse is coming in about 15 to 20 years. That adds up to a period between 2032 and 2037. Why those years? Simple. Most Boomers who are still alive will be in their 80's by then. Whites will not have had as many children as the darkies who will no longer feel afraid of the Old White People and there will not be many white cops, white national guardsmen and white military willing to force non white integration on their own communities. (I bet you don't know that forced integration is something that white people forced on white communities they didn't live in.) There simply won't be enough white people to put a white face on forced integration. Combine that with the Boomer die off and Old Rich Whites being easy robbery targets for the darkies and you have the collapse of not just White Power but of White Guilt. It is hard to hate yourself when you are attacked for crimes you had nothing to do with. While the Boomers might still cling to their White Guilt, their children and grand children who did not mix race will not. They have grown up in a time where white people are collectively guilty for the crimes of the past. They see themselves as victims of a slander campaign and the only thing holding them back is their Boomer Elders. Remember the 2032 - 2037 spread. Remember you can only read such theories on places like Sup Forums.

>We don't need a leader.
What sort of fascist says this?

I don't understand why it is necessary to act like a retard in public to effect change. That's all he does.

>he had been active for 10 years and done very good interviews w bowden. Everyone countersignaling is either Greg Johnson, cointelpro or ignorant

Bowden was great, now he was real potential leader material. Not that we necessarily even need a leader right now.

Spencer is a self-promoting faggot. Johnson is a literal faggot.

They're retarded shills you absolute fucktard

How low iq do you have to be to fall for anti-Spencer shills or even consider the possibility he's a "plant"?

What is Spencer going to do to stop Sup Forums from getting rekt? And why are we even talking about Sup Forums getting rekt? Is it getting rekt soon? Do you have any reason to think it is? Or are you deflecting from the fact Sup Forums has rejected your false prophets?

i think the idea of a “movement” is dumb. just see things for how they are, better yourself, have a family and live a long fulfilling life.

>we are a judgeo christian nation, fellow magapedes

Show your flag Rabbi. Stop using labels and start making real arguments.

No. you will wake up one day and this site will be gone and there will be no information for you to find a new home.

There will be 10-20 new "chan" sites that all suck and the excitement will die.

I really want you to embrace how FAKE Sup Forums is as a force and how easily it can be fucking raped.

>posts an image which contradicts his own narrative
>it shows searches for Spencer going back to 2004

lmao you're so bad at this it's actually pretty funny

>he wasn't famous until he became famous

What a brilliant insight you have there kid. Have a lollipop.

This whole "Spencer is CIA/Jew plant" is a really pathetic attempt to divert everyone from the truth that Spencer is a paid Russian shill.

>Wants to sell Eastern Europe down the river to Russia, while copying our tiki torch marches
>married to a Russian, that runs RussiaInsider and translates for Duigin, and is a communism apologist

I'm just pointing out that you don't strike me as much of a traditionalist or very politically far-right at all if you don't think we need leaders. Pretty suspicious.

>There will be 10-20 new "chan" sites that all suck and the excitement will die.

You really don't fucking understand this place or the people who post here.

Can you please fuck off back to whatever slime pit produced you?

Yea cause if the far right has no leader then it's lost. It's never had a leader. It's always been hard to pin down and attack because of that.
A guy like Spencer though?
He's the bullseye. We're the target.
He paints us up juuuust right.
He's a weapon. Against us. Fuck him.

>Can you deny charlottesville was a strategic disaster?
Was Trump saying grab them by the pussy a strategic disaster? There is no bad publicity.

Spencer is a fucking zionist you retard. Russia doesn't support Israel.

Uhh how do we know that's CIA ?

>we've already lost.
> we've lost anyway.
Fuck off cia

Show your flags Rabbi's


Not planned by Spencer. Spencer was not involved at all in the event's organization. He was invited as a speaker. Next?

>do you have any reason to believe it would be rekt

ya they are taking down sites like the daily stormer.

What happens when they decide to take down Sup Forums that is even more influencial?

??? He wasn't famous until the msm ran story after story about him, yeah.

He did have that "russia is our friend" chant which was kinda non sequitur.

Notice how these disinfo threads usually have a cropped version of this picture?
They crop out the smoking gun.


How do we know the last word is "Bush" and not "Kush?" How does anyone really know anything..


>implying you're not the kike.
Also, not an argument, mutt.


I'm British, could show the flag but I like my swastika more thank you very much. Looks like you're struggling to address my point, friend.

Aww see. Not in the USA. Shut the fuck up and focus on your own country faggot. Spencer is a scumbag

In 56% white countries it might be but not everywhere and even the very mongolised nations with le 56% face could be restored with an aggressive eugenics program.

The Daily Stormer is opposition. Theyre taking it down because we Sup Forums reporting it. Anglin is a Jew, a race-mixer, a pedophilie, and a pro-Israel goon. Fuck Anglin and the DS. How bow dah?

>Russia doesn't support Israel
Are you insane?

That's what you get for putting all your eggs in the basket of an eceleb

Does he have any plans of creating a political party? I don't get what is his endgame. Become some kind of Bannon?

What is this image trying to convey?


And he's into trannies obviously.

is that picture supposed to be proof of russia supporting israel?

>no arguments
Shut up, you mutt. Spencer is one of the few people fighting for whites in your country. I can see why you'd hate that, you fucking mutt.

Richard Spencer is a faggot and a pussy (he got punched and ran like a coward in tears)

He also likes to karaoke and talks like he enjoys eating sperm. His idea of an ethno state existing in the U.S is ludicrous and would never work. What makes us strong is our unity. A good majority of our soldiers are hispanic, I bet you didn't know that because you are a close minded idiot that can't see how things really work. We need those poor south americans because they keep our farm industry alive. The truth most amerilards don't want hear is these south americans work harder than white americans and they do it for cheap, how can any capitalist argue with that? It's a win/win situation.

Based stickman had it right, CIVIC NATIONALISM is the only way moving forward and guys like Richard "my wife is a communist" Spencer doesn't seem to get it, he lives in his own faggot bubble just like Enoch and his followers.




Question his gayness if nothing else. Could be a tranny.

Then shut the fuck up.

>the daily stormer is opposition

These are the people who make anti spencer threads
