/IOTBW/ - Fight for our meme

Do Not Alter The Message.
Do Not Alter The Flyers.
Anyone Who Tries To Change Things Is A Shill.
There Is No Phase 2.

It's Okay To Be White. 5 words. Simple, elegant, effective. The plan is working. Stick to the plan. There is no phase 2.
If you take part remember; print the original flyers in the pic, post them in legal areas, be aware of cameras, and get home safely.

Do not trespass.
Do not Vandalize.
Do not post over other signs or flyers.
Do not say anything racist or provocative in the comments of news stories.
We are giving the left all the rope they want and they are racing to hang themselves. The goal is to expose the media's anti-white bias through their reaction to a harmless flyer. It is working. Stick to the plan. There is no phase 2. Anyone who suggests change is a shill.

We know the Alt-Right is trying to co-opt the campaign, the best thing we can do is post as many of the original flyers as possible so theirs look illegitimate by comparison. Same goes for the Left's inflammatory false flag versions.

To see our results so far check these links


Other urls found in this thread:


Original format

It's okay to be white.

Shill flow chart


How to diy stickers


Last collage i saw. :( need to find the maker for an update


Crazy ass SA user


DO NOT alter the message

DO make it more visually appealing


Seriously? I’m literally rolling on the floor laughing right now. You’re telling me that THIS is the best you cock-eyed little spergs could come up with? When will you realize that we live in a new era. The white man is going extinct, and it’s BEAUTIFUL. For too long you have colonized, enslaved, raped, and pillaged the minorities of the world, and your comeuppance has finally arrived. Nobody wants you, nobody needs you. There’s nothing you can do that will change the public’s opinion, either. So why don’t you just give it up? Enjoy what what little time your pasty asses have left, and accept the inevitable.

You people are absolutely pathetic, I almost feel pity for you. Almost.

So. We doing white friday boys? Also. Any new locations?

Stale pasta sir.


Stolen from 8gag:

>'OK to be white’ sign sparks overpass clash in Vancouver

>VANCOUVER, Wash. — A clash broke out between members of Patriot Prayer and Antifa at an I-5 overpass in Vancouver Monday afternoon sparked by a sign at the overpass that states, “It’s OK to be white.”

>Clashes began and both sides argued whether white privilege is real

It is worth noting Patriot Prayer had nothing to do with this, and didn't know it was going on until it was already over. Optics were good with no alteration to the message and everyone holding American flags. About 40 antifa showed up, and the media waited until the crowd died down before they felt safe to get close enough for pics. Traffic loved the banner, police did too, and someone running for Governor or Congress showed up in support


So im self bumping at this point. But we need to connect this to stories to garner support from our bretheren. How the anti white bias is harming them. Look at all the trannies coming from this because its not okay to be a white man. And they have a 75% suicide rate. I will look but ill take a guess and say transgenderism is within 3 to 5% of the white pop. Thats 2.25 or 3.5 percent of us there. Then violence. We are well below replacement rate, war, holy shit. Non white by my grandkids and my grandson will be fucked in the ass by my grand daughters black bull while her tranny wife watches. We literally have that to look forward to if we cant get the ball rolling and this is a major leap if we can get more traction and reinvigorate the movement

Also post salt if you have it. Sup Forums is sodium powered.

Oooo a new one

Took that picture a few days ago. Going to go back soon today and see if there's any new vandalism.

I did about 50 last night. I'm going to its the font so its bolder and easier to read. For some reason it wasn't showing up to well last night on my new thermal printer

Check my guide at it has the settings and template I used.



Some salt

Are you guys taping or stapling these up?

Little of both. I use shipping label stickers printed from a thermal printer. Pic related.

Tfw used nails

Thx my printer only 2 5/16 x 4 in but it work the same

And its dead again. I cant believe this has been successfully saged...guess its time to give pol a break and go shitpost irl some more til it pops back up

Think about this and start Red Pilling normal whites who will be having to suffer for the selfish decisions of the Jewish Masters and white Boomers.

The White Demographic Collapse is coming in about 15 to 20 years. That adds up to a period between 2032 and 2037. Why those years? Simple. Most Boomers who are still alive will be in their 80's by then. Whites will not have had as many children as the darkies who will no longer feel afraid of the Old White People and there will not be many white cops, white national guardsmen and white military willing to force non white integration on their own communities. (I bet you don't know that forced integration is something that white people forced on white communities they didn't live in.) There simply won't be enough white people to put a white face on forced integration. Combine that with the Boomer die off and Old Rich Whites being easy robbery targets for the darkies and you have the collapse of not just White Power but of White Guilt. It is hard to hate yourself when you are attacked for crimes you had nothing to do with. While the Boomers might still cling to their White Guilt, their children and grand children who did not mix race will not. They have grown up in a time where white people are collectively guilty for the crimes of the past. They see themselves as victims of a slander campaign and the only thing holding them back is their Boomer Elders. Remember the 2032 - 2037 spread. Remember you can only read such theories on places like Sup Forums.

Nice b8

pastebin doesnt work

Seen today in the far reaches of the known world

Bump mother fucker. Good work OP.

I'm here don't worry. I've been compiling pics for the next update and should be ready to finish it soon.

I did this template



I think we can revive it by agreeing on another day to do posting of flyers en masse.


Is it legal to post these in the UK?

The agreed upon day is white (((black))) friday

No, you'll probably be shot but that makes the dominoes fall and then chaos reigns

Forgot pic