/fsg/ Fascism General

Thread for discussion of Italian Fascism, and other forms of fascism, Mosley, Codreanu, Falange, etc. Also for sharing fascist literature and information.

A Fascist general for Fascists and those interested





Be respectful and please try to keep conversations relatively "intellectual"

[Discord link] - Fascism General server discord gg/GcdEcpE (Discord link actually works)

Good fascists/similar or influential people to get an introduction

Oswald Mosely
Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Stepan Bandera
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
Ettore Ovazza
Gaetano Mosca
Friedrich Nietzsche
Charles Maurras
Enrico Corradini
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Johann Plenge
Alceste De Ambris
Gabriele d'Annunzio
George Lincoln Rockwell
Juan PerĂ³n
Giovanni Gentile
Julius Evola

Types of Fascism

British Union
Meme futurism
Clerical Fascism
Brazilian Integralism

"[Fascism] was an explosion against intolerable conditions, against remediable wrongs which the old world failed to remedy. It was a movement to secure national renaissance by people who felt themselves threatened with decline into decadence and death and were determined to live, and live greatly."~Oswald Mosely

Other urls found in this thread:



bump for the goyim



Bumping with a great recommendation, surprisingly easy read, with good style to boot

which fascist had the best aesthetics?
Codreanu's hair sort of balance's out mosleys effay style tbqh

In about a month or two I will have hair like him, should I let it grow or get a fashy crew cut?



Fashy crew cut

I always wondered what Codreanu thought of Serbs

Anyone here watch cultured thugs videos? I find his use of classical music extremely comfy

Hm, actually doesn't say anything about us, however given the good relations historically, I'd imagine he'd be partial to our people; probably hated Yugoslavia though

Mosley of course.


Just getting into Fascism as a political theory lately
But, has anyone else notice how many successful systems are out there that are basically Fascist?
A good family is fascist. A proper business even.
Fascism gets a horrible rep.

Letting go of a little chub there Big H

Post quotes


I've been reading this. Based as fuck


Fuck yeah. Watch his prison story if you haven't, it's epic and comfy as fuck.



Can I get a link? I can't seem to find it




Thanks brother

Mussolini had style.


ultimate redpill

had that on my to-watch list, may get to it tonight.

>ywn see a white orthodox ethnostate in your lifetime

>Types of Fascism
>Meme futurism

Is this like meme warfare or is it actually real?

>that almost get
have a young ozzie

Do Romanians not consider themselves white??

So uh... Can there be fascism with the American Bill of Rights as they're written?

Of course,true romanians see themselves as white,but they either go abroads or suffer in this post-communist system that enables foreigners to come and profit off our land. Also gyppos are being paid to multiply like rats by social welfare,because them corrupt parties need retarded sheep to vote for them,so they promise gibs.
It's all so tiresome

I've been trying to find William Dudley Pelley's works. Unfortunately many are expensive and some have been edited by his son in law and daughter. I found a pdf of one of Pelley's Liberation papers though he released for the Silver Legion that is great though.

>Also gyppos are being paid to multiply like rats by social welfare,because them corrupt parties need retarded sheep to vote for them

Such is life in democracy

>Friedrich Nietzsche
>Julius Evola

>a product of the (((enlightenment)))
>compatible with radical traditionalism

nigga, I ain't giving up my Bill of Rights. America was a great socially traditional society before it was kiked and can be even greater given the right leadership.

*inhales deeply*


You're a bunch of SOY BOY, KEKED, PUSSY BETA, FAGGOTS furiously fapping to other cucked and failed faggots.

You idiots are so SPOOKED.

To be fair OP did say "similar or influential people". And didn't Evola call himself a super fascist

Well yeah,it's like Codreanu described it in his book.

pic related you fucking deluded asshat

I think about that quote a lot, especially when reading twitter exchanges like this

I know what you are referring to,sadly. The orthodox church is infiltrated by the corrupt part known as PSD,and serves only to finance it,and to use faith as a tool for extortion. The church doesn't really care if gypsies multiply or not,as long as they're christianized. Russia has the same problem.

You can be universalist and EthnoNat at the same time

St. Corneliu's Day is on the 20th


Can you guys stop trying to fix your gypsy problem by sending them to London too beg

It really doesn't help when most ''christians'' nowadays agree with a multicultural europe and move their efforts towards christianizing africans.



I agree most modern Christians are cucked but I don't see why Christianisation means you have to let them all in

Bowden isn't really facist , good speaker though

We don't do that. They move out of their own initiative because gibs are better there. I am sorry for your situation too,though...

Opinions on Niccolo Bombacci?

Funny he actually went to Romania to get married and back into the church

I used to be a fascist, but I've become convinced that the fascist ideology has become too tarnished in the eyes of westerners.

I think in order for any realistic political movement to gain traction, we need to not only re brand ourselves, but evolve into a new ideology.

>evolve into a new ideology

aha, which one?

/tactical avoiding bites

Why did Hitler allow the Ustase kill Serbs?

Anyone have some fascist approved music?


This whole channel is great

Obviously i'm not recommending an "international" but I think a conference of leading reactionary, fascist, natsoc, and etc could work together on determining that.

Fascism is not particularly robust philosophically, it's not an all encompassing theory. We can expand in every direction, create a strong philosophical foundation.



Well, major social theories was created and based on some realities, time realities, as you can see we live in different times and different realities. Soon robots will do our jobs, we need something new, I am sure of that, but there are not to many options.

Also, any chance in society or new social order must survive the old one or remove it by force, and that means war or civil war or anything like that. It is in history. One major problem that we face, whatever we are thinking at, we are trapped by the current system, including financially and military, which is controlled by politicians who of course have interests to protect the rich peoples. Very complicated. I don't see any escape for any kind of ideology from this with out civil war.

>latest upload is Rhodesian
What a time it was...

I disagree completely, the American empire is undoubtedly in decline. We're looking at the next geopolitical crisis in the face, possible civil war in the west.

We need an ideology that can gain traction in the population, that we can actively recruit talented individuals into. A revolutionary vanguard, organized, armed and trained, could strike in a particularly vulnerable state.

Rhodesian bush war aesthetic is the best


Does anyone here know the symbology behind BUF's lightning bolt? It always struck me as out of place and very "modern" for lack of a better term.

It's a good one. A great example of what will happen as we become a minority too.


Think the Mesmer.




>We need an ideology that can gain traction in the population

that's one of the problems, when you have different ethnic groups all together is very complicated, is either one group or another. so which one have right by nature ? of course the native one. this will be very hard to be explained and accepted and you know that.




Fascistball IV:

Hello fellow fascists

> I hate Classical Liberalism and the liberty movement because it will mean the end to the political and the great dramas that give life meaning through the shedding of blood arbitrarily

Everytime I think of Fascism, I picture a group of men busting into a house and holding someone hard pressed against the floor for 6 hours and the realization finally dawning on them what it truly means to lose their freedom and to be at the mercy of total control...total authority.

There's nothing orthodox about it. It is heresy.

Got any more?

Fascism is a very modern ideology in the strict sense of the the word

You're fine, we're all friends here.

Strasser was actually pretty great. He advocated a libertarian confederation of communities and perfect class collaboration by diving profits between industry, the workers, and the nation.


So Sup Forums why aren't you a strasserite yet?

Because no private property = economic collapse

The future is bright

and a huehuehue to you my monkey friend

I had a good get about that

> two of which are actually agnostics
> yet another being an atheist
> ignoring all of the non-jew intellectuals that spawned the enlightenment and the liberty movement
Piss weak mate.