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Looks like Mr God has made his choice

Judge Moore for Senate

K keep me posted


Thunder can be scary



Loud if true

prolly a fuckin meteor

They nuked Roy Moore supporters. But they have no idea if you kill your enemies they win.

Its gotta be nerve gas

K kkeep me posted

>Judge Moore

I'd rather we go with less

oh shit, Dutchsinse said there would be a ghost earthquake here that the USGS would try to cover up as a sonic boom just like San Diego and New Jersey!

Hey bro! Mom just put this post up on the fridge. "Moore" and "less" - so cheeky. So clever. Gold star for you, little buddy!


>be america
>get nuked
This is just part and parcel of living of living in a military superpower. Why is this news?

Sonic boom from a fighter maybe? Any word on military in the area?

It's probably just a weather balloon. Anyone else feeling sleepy? I think we should leave this thread and go to bed.

IS IT HAPPENING LADS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice try faggot

reaching super sonic speeds or 'booming' over US cities and towns is a federal offense as well as land you a dishonorable discharge if you serve in the US military
reason? long exposure to sonic booms can in fact degrade and eventually lead to the collapse of buildings

Agreed, unless it's a matter of national security, correct? Maybe an actual happening?

>sound waves can melt steel beams

Could be a meteor airburst. I was in Iowa a few years ago when a small meteor exploded over the tri-state area. Made a shock wave big enough to show up on the doppler sweep.

I'm in Bama now, I'll keep a lookout for any developments.



Here come the sleepy memes

Five bucks says it's the same fucking military exercises that made the last boom several days ago, which also had exactly this kind of thread.

>be Swedish
>be cucked beyond any known level
>change flag from yellow bands to yellow crescent
>utter fail at talking smack due to shit tier existence

A bolide?


I don't think you should take this one lightly, guys. John Podesta just flew over my house, and I live in the arctic so that says a lot

Man I'm feeling pretty tired user, aren't you too? I think I'm going to head out for the night.

Inversion Thunder

look it up

Someone blowing up some shit with Tannerite or TATP. Nothing to see here.

>be burger
>get your entire race replaced with shitskins in less than 2 generations








I choose Luuk De Vrij. He looks like a solid guy and has a dutch name.


>Podesta flies over your house
>In one of the least cucked european nations
>You didn't shoot him down in self defense of your children
Skyrim belongs to the Nords

Good one muhhamad

Take my happening themesong youtu.be/tR2-QHEpi00

Thanks Santiago, at least some mart sharters aren't completely braindead.

Honestly it was probably the USSS Hillenkoetter breaking out of the atmosphere again. NT officers have been reporting that their refueling mission would take a few days longer than they'd thought.


Sonic booms can do this. Obviously it follows the aircrafts so is heard across great distances

I'm old enough to remember when this was a big issue here with the Concorde

Psssht nuffin personnel, air control.

Hillenkoetter confirmed.
They always use "Military Exercise" as an excuse.


NASA testing rocket engine at Marshall Space Flight Center?

Judge moore broke another 14yo virgins hymen.


Shiiiiiit what could it be

Nice try, that's from a 2014 article


I kek'd


Dangit, I've been caught!

Fucking boomers

"sound of freedom"

Jesus, lost it. America truly is a parody


kek, bunch of gyrenes with 155 mm howitzers....what could go wrong?

Could be government testing of experimental aircraft. I mean the SR-71 sonic booms sounded like a couple soft thuds while it's going mach 3.2 at 80,000ft. Could either be something faster at the same altitude or something lower in testing.

My opinion is worthless though, I have no official knowledge of aviation. Could be a meteorite.

It's an old story from 2014, that's not what happened today.


It might've been Redstone Arsenal up by Huntsville. It's happened before.

it was probably flying howitzers
now go to bed goyim


A sonic boom only happens when you go from < mach 1 to mach 1 retard

>sound of freedom
cant get more murica

Could be a bolide, I wonder what the cloud cover in the area is like. If it's overcast enough it could be a bolide exploding in atmosphere and people just can't see the trail because it's above the cloud cover.

There was one in russia back in 2013 which was powerful enough to break the windows of thousands of buildings and vehicles in the surrounding area and was heard for many many miles around.

>same post time
Oy vey dat synchronicity!


it's just a blown speaker

Gulf Coast Alabama here. Didn't hear any booms

God smiting Roy Moore?

It was the sound of Roy Moore cumming into a 13 year old

9/10 times it's a sonic bomb

some jackass pilot flying too low




>Since the boom is being generated continually as long as the aircraft is supersonic, it fills out a narrow path on the ground following the aircraft's flight path, a bit like an unrolling red carpet, and hence known as the boom carpet.

It's probably just a meth lab in the mountains.

CIA faggot shill kys

>REPORTS OF 30 SHOT IN Maplesville
REPORTS OF 30 SHOT IN Maplesville
>REPORTS OF 30 SHOT IN Maplesville
REPORTS OF 30 SHOT IN Maplesville
>REPORTS OF 30 SHOT IN Maplesville
REPORTS OF 30 SHOT IN Maplesville
>REPORTS OF 30 SHOT IN Maplesville
REPORTS OF 30 SHOT IN Maplesville
>REPORTS OF 30 SHOT IN Maplesville
REPORTS OF 30 SHOT IN Maplesville
>REPORTS OF 30 SHOT IN Maplesville
REPORTS OF 30 SHOT IN Maplesville
>REPORTS OF 30 SHOT IN Maplesville
REPORTS OF 30 SHOT IN Maplesville
>REPORTS OF 30 SHOT IN Maplesville
REPORTS OF 30 SHOT IN Maplesville

Habbinin thread is best thread!

yep sorry bout that

Trumpets in 30mins

That's like half the entire town

CIA nigger

So no explanation yet?

Expertly memed.

So did a boom happen in 2014 on the same day or not?