Why are the left such pussies?

Why are the left such pussies?

Here's a thought for the cucks who can't see anything wrong with this: imagine a woman writing this about men. You Can't, can you?

terrible parenting

youre not white

There's nothing wrong with anything on this list. Do you hate women or something?

thats a jew spreading lies


Have sex with them and kill them

He's probably projecting like the majority of these virtue signalling faggots seem to be. I doubt you would have to dig deep into this guys past to find out he's a pedo or some other sort of sexual pervert.

They can't find any other way to get a mate.

Most women will find that tweet pathetic, pandering and sort of demeaning.

>Do you hate women or something?

Don't you have a mart to be sharting in?


that is not his name, his parents did not name him that. he is a soft faggot hiding in the closet


At the very best, they'll see it as "comforting," but they'll never see him as a potential mate.

You're right. But the need to shout it out to the world is just shallow virtue signalling and suggests all women are the same and need to be hired for being women, rather than individual merit. He's a cuck, an ulterior motive filled cuck


>amplify their voices

How horrific. Most women are insufferable without a megaphone.

first post

>imagine a woman writing this about men. You Can't, can you?

That's because women are cunts. Men can actually care about women.

That guy sounds like a predator/ seriel killer.

>you have to eat all of the eggs

This is the biggest faggot I've ever seen and his post is entirely about women, fascinating.

nobody likes a doormat, not even dykes

This user gets it


Like all male feminists, he is a huge liar. If you could follow him around secretly and record his conversations you would find that he only gives lip service to women (not the physical contact kind either) and is disrespectful to any woman who is not out of his league. He orbits the women he can't get but idolizes and thinks that maybe they will let him touch them some day.

He was doomed from the start
What's over/under on this guy being a creep/rapist?

A carnal thought would never even enter his head...
What an honest man.
Actually a creepy sneaky manipulative liar trying to learn the tricks to getting to show your willy to women.
But women are the eternal victims mostly of themselves and they ask for this. It's not what they want though. In my experience they do anything to get near a man they think will fuck them. Truth.

Any of these sound plausible.

>le-blue check mark

things I love to do to children:

1) listen to them
2) believe them
3) support them
4) not molest them
5) be their friend if they want
6) share their perspective
7) tweet nice things about them
8) amplify their voices
9) thank them for being so cute
10) love them (however they want to be loved)
11) not rape them

See I'm such a good person, guiz!


>2)believe them
The fact that he says this, to me alone is a Freudian slip that he subconsciously admits they're full of shit. If they were so honest and believable, you wouldn't even have to say it. Here what he is unironically saying is that his default position is to just believe what he is told by Women. As if they were an authority figure - you could just change Women here to the "Legacy Media" and it's almost the same statement.

Um that is what I pointed out. The way he saids it screams jeffery Dommer.

>I-if they want

This reads like a pol parody

Who takes the time to make these?

The entire list is female-centric, filled with the usual desperate behaviors that betamales do in the misguided hope that they will impress a woman. In reality all of the things on that list put women on a pedestal, which is the worst thing a man can possibly do if he wants a girl to actually like him. Men who are the most successful with women are the ones who are the least likely to do any of the things on that list. Remember that women instinctively rate men on their sexual market value and base their interest level in you on how you size up. Let me tell you niggets, sweetiepie suckup cucks rank at the bottom along with the hunchbacks and retards, and only wealth or good looks will give you any redeeming qualities, at least until she finds someone she thinks is better than you, and then you're back at the bottom of the pile again. A poor man who does none of the crap on that list, but keeps himself in shape will get 100x the pussy a rich man who does the whole list will. Unless you count buying whores as "getting pussy." Men need to worry about themselves first, because that list is lesson #1 on how to make a woman have no respect for you.

Comic artists.

>giving women the right to vote

Tbh he sounds like a predator to me. Saying what he thinks they want to hear.

People who know how humans operate, and want you to know it too.

Bet he gets more pussy than your incel shitposting does.

...but that's a motive, and not a "who". IDK the answer to your direct question.

Woman's 10 desires:

1 - Cum in her armpits
2 - Cum in her ass
3 - Cum in her pussy
4 - Cum on her face
5 - Cum on her tits
6 - Cum on her ass
7 - Cum in her hair
8 - Cum in her eyes
9 - Cum in her ears
10 - Cum in her nose

11 - Cum in fruit
12 - Cum out the window


I know they are harsh, but I've found that women are even less likely than men to have enough self-knowledge to debug themselves.

If they weren't at least partially true, they would bother precisely no one.


this cuck is apparently a COMEDIAN, so apparently he's actually funny somehow

seriously, who feels the need to go out of their way to make the STUNNING AND BRAVE declaration that women are humans? like what skeletons are in your fucking weirdo closet that have you sweatily shrieking about how cool and woke you are to women on social media


He's like a human sock puppet.

Well aren't you special

Oh it's a kike

Then have sex with them again


Women don't appreciate any of those things. They'd rather be mistreated and try to change a boy who's bad.

Ya know, going back and reading that list original again, I realize he's either creepy as fuck or his gf hacked his password.

ITT friendless virgins


Weakness attracts weakness.

I love how often this tactic is used against people on Sup Forums.

Based Trubisky.

So often because it's true. You have an entire community of asslords that post here about how being friendless virgins is a virtue

>You have an entire community of asslords that post here about how being friendless virgins is a virtue

Not sure what board you're browsing.

nobody ever said taking the red pill makes you popular

Found the butt hurt roastie

things I love to do to women:

find em, fuck em, forget em

This guy is a rapist. No one normal does this.

Things I love to do to women:
>Jizz on their face
>Jizz on their tits
>Jizz in their ass
>Jizz in their pussy
>Jizz BETWEEN their tits
>Jizz between her asscheeks
>Jizz in her mouth
>Jizz in her food
>Spank her after jizzing in her pussy
>Making her pregnant thus helping my people not die to mudslimes, kikeshits and niggers.

11) provide a black bull
12) raise the child

They aren't alpha and get girls wet so the only attention they can get from girls is from being a gay best friend.

Feminothings will take all the attention they can get.

It's a symbiotic relationship where neither party is truly happy; unlike when she gets fucked by us Chads, where she is high from the feeling of us, and we enjoy using their stupid bodies.

I like to do all those things with women too, except for the homosexual tweeting.
But women aren't worth it so I don't anymore.

lel thats like the list of exactly what NOT to do

1.Fuck them how they've never been fucked
2. Dominate them
3. be a man for them
4. you don't need more

I bet that faggot will be accused of rape within the next 6 months.

jesus christ what a beta cuck. he probably unironically wonders why women hate him, never take him seriously, and why his father is embarrassed of him.

>hire them
Wow, patriarchal much?

>to women
>with women

what an absolute shitlord wanting to force his dominance upon all womynkind, not to mention a giant mansplained list.

its the soy

Things i love to do to women:

1) mock them for the shit they say
2)say i trust them and believe in their powers, have a backup plan anyway
3)leave them to their own misery
4)under no circumstances ask help with something important
>5) be their friend if they want
That's so pathetic I got nothing
6)laugh at their idiotic perspective in front of their face
7)mock them even online
8)silence them in every way possible
9)judge them for their deeds against mankind
10)get to fuck them either way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
