Where to meet /ourguys/ in London?

Could any Britbongs provide advice on how to meet rightwingers in London? I'm an Amerifat law student who's going to be studying at Queen Mary's University next year.

Any advice on (implicit) school groups, private clubs, neighborhoods - really anything that will set me on the right path - would be greatly appreciated. Not particularly religious but I currently attend an Eastern Orthodox church, if that helps. My powerlevel is extremely high for the US, I can only imagined that I will be lynched in the streets if I revealed it while abroad.

pic moderately related

> inb4 every single person in London is a multiculti NWO shill

I'll be bumping periodically with random images from my Sup Forums folder

Thanks in advance for any help you might provide

I'm not too sure mate. The only right wing people I have met I have known for years. Unless you go to some sort of political rally, it would be quite risky to try and find other people like you.

I guess the only thing you can do is, talk to people and over time start "testing" them to seen if they could be right or not.

Thanks for the advice - are there at least neighborhoods that are considerably more posh or traditionally English?

errr, I suppose just do a bit of research of which areas have alot of blacks and muslims, and avoid them. Or literally just go outside the border of London ( to Surrey for example) and you will find people are more traditional. But even then you will still get the usual. Its just a more of a chance you will find more racist people.

Hmmmm, that might be tricky as the school is located in Mile End so I'll have to be at least somewhat close to there.

Are you experienced with UK colleges at all? I have no idea what the campus culture will be like - I imagine it's very different than the US. Over here, law is a graduate program - it will be strange dealing with nothing but undergrads (who I imagine will be several years younger than me).

Chelsea and Earl's Court

As a uni student at the moment.
Unis here (or atleast my uni) are pretty much all about muh diversity and muh lgbt. They will probably have events and societies promoting everywhere. I can't really say much about living on campus because I commute, but from talking to Americans it seems pretty similar.

You will prob meet alot of 18-20 years olds and the occasional mature student. Alot of people will dick about, but will probbaly fail the first semester or drop out.

Just use your common sense to get a gist for what people are like and you should be alright.

Are there any groups to look into or avoid? I'm told that most campus conservative societies are fairly cucked.

Surrey is all snooty cuckservatives
Essex and poor eastern suburbs of London will tend to have more racists

You'll find it almost impossible to find very right wing people in London, especially not around uni students. The city is full of ethnic minorities, and white liberals.

As others have said, your best bet at finding sound people is to leave the city and go into real England. However that's not workable if you're studying in London.

My insider tip would be see if you can befriend people in or connected to the military, they are much more likely to welcome un-PC shit and are generally right of centre. That's easier said than done but if there's cadet groups at QMU and stuff like that it might be a good start. Hope that helps.

conservative groups at uni are full of fucking tools that would have been bullied at school.

Join your local UKIP team, you can also find some decent conservashits who you can get on well with.

You could try going to EDl or BF rally, normally one every few months in London area, it's mostly football hooligans but they can be pretty based when their handlers are not around

Pretty much put your "im normal" mask on and go from there, just getting a general idea of what everyone is like.

Thanks for the advice. I'm concerned about approaching the military because I assume that connection to the government means the threat of consequences for un-PC thought.

That said, I once hung out with three paras wo all had Fallschirmjäger tattoos so you never know.

I thought UKIP was cucked these days? Or are they /ourguys/ again now that Nigel is on a rampage?

idk mate, if you go to a shithole like Staines you will find alot of chavs who are all racist.

I'll meet you at the Croydon weatherspoons if you want, not bothers to go up into central London though

Any excuse to post that failed Sup Forums meetup in England.

> mfw law school civil rights classes

>Queen Mary university

Funnily when I was about 18 I went for an open day, and that was the first time I ever spoke to a black person properly.

I didn't even want to go to the uni, just went on the train for a laugh.

You could try your uni's Christian Union. Not guaranteed to have right wingers but more likely.

I appreciate the offer m8 but I won't be over there until next year.

Doesn't the Anglican church support tranny kids these days?

I had to go Eastern Orthodox because most christian sects in the US are comprised of either unbearable liberal open borders types or morbidly obese Boomer patriotards

> tfw still couldn't stop my chuch from sponsoring a Syrian refugee family

>Mile End
Be prepared to be surrounded by niggers and paki scum.

I've lived in DC and Harlem, I think I'll be fine

>I chose my church on how edgy I can be and not any theological basis

You're a weapon m8

> theological basis
> your female clergy (lel) supports dissolving your borders, taking down images of Christ to make things more welcoming for Muslims, and giving little kids massive doses of hormones to prevent them from reaching puberty

I'll take the edge, thanks

Edgy is THE theological basis.


Idk man, just join and see. Besides, it'll have plenty of gen zyklon who are less likely to agree with any of that progressive BS

Mile end is getting gentrified now
Pakis are moving to places like Maidstone

>Queen Mary's University
lol. really, really islamic area. as in, the sharia patrol meme zone.

Presbyterian is probably the most Conservative sect over here
Except maybe one of them insane wog churches

> dat flag

Did you become black after the experience?

I'm sure I'll fit right in. Are acid attacks a meme? I used to get in lots of fights when I lived in the ghetto but I don't want to get my face burned off for retaliated against getting shoulder checked?

Add me on telegram im a regular in London and meet up with others in the far right
Username : joelp1

Sorry man looking for organic face-to-face meetings - can't be too careful about getting doxxed these days

We are being hunted

>are acid attacks a meme
>getting in fights
they fight in packs and will swarm you. do not engage. I've seen some crazy shit in that part of town. Keep yourself to yourself and don't stare people down or walk onto estates etc and you'll be absolutely fine. It's not ghetto in the American sense, people from all walks of life (race, class) co-exist but I seriously don't recommend trying to fight the local muslims of whom there are many.

What you mean by organic?

How pilled are you anyway, full 1488? Nigger h8er?

Oh, and with the muslims, the burger accent is probably like waving a red flag at a bull.

As I said, it's not ghetto in an american way. But don't try and act the big man.

even if they are literally half your size kek

Go to the most muslim areas of east london and look for a pub or a greasy spoon cafe which serves all day breakfast. guaranteed extremely racist ypipo will be in it. keep away from mainly white areas as the people are super rich turbo cucks

> the burger accent is probably like waving a red flag at a bull.

How so?

>Mile End

h-hey I'll be your right wing friend

It's a uni join the Conservative society you div or better still don't fucking live in the cesspit that is London if you are looking for right-wing people London is as bad as california it also happens to have more browns and blacks then whites making you a minority

Haha, you're going to get fucking lynched once they've sniffed you out.

Muslims don't like Americans. I'm surprised this is news to you.

I got a similar thing from a Turk while in Amsterdam. We pissed a lot of people off during our adventure in the desert, son.

I'll make another thread when I arrive

In my experience people like that are usually all talk.

The gang-fight stuff happened in the US as well, but so long as you were willing to escalate things immidiately people usually backed down or, even if it came to blows, never started things again. I'm a 6'4 boxer, it's easy to play king of the jungle.

"King of the jungle" you are a wannabe nigger who has only ever hit people in a gym in a proper fight you will get btfo because you only know how to throw punches your gunna get kneed or headbutted or even more likely shanked train your fucking brain before you actually ever try to follow through with this stupid personal sincerely a 6'4 kickboxer

Nice try GCHQ

>ask for advise
>ignore it
There's some good boxing gyms round there desu, so you'll still be able to train. Just realise that being 6'4" they'll only even start if they have a serious number advantage anyway. Even if not immediately obvious to you. As I said.. swarm.

> who has only ever hit people in a gym in a proper fight
> grew up in West Texas oil country
> lived in pre-gentrification Harlem when I went to school in NYC
> lived in most violent neighborhood in DC while working there

I'm not pretending to be some sort of invincible badass (I've gotten my ass kicked multiple times), but shithole living can be learned. Walking away from fights (especially street posturing) often encourages further violence. That said, London may be different (though I'm not sure why that would be, it's violent crime rate is lower and gun laws are stricter) - I really don't know.

Not saying you're wrong, just that my experience is different. Is it a muslim thing or something? Knives are fairly common (I've had to sprint away twice) but acid is unheard of, it really freaks me out.

We really don't hear much about UK crime in the states - but then again that could be because there is a spree killing every five seconds over here.


lel good luck with that. Do yourself a favor and work on your cardio so you can outrun the crazed muzzies in assault lorries.

As I said it's different to America ghetto. It's not actually bad if you didn't grow up on the estates round there, they keep themselves to themselves. Hence suggesting you do the same. Acting like a big man is just going to get you into trouble. Obviously if somebody does start on you - use your gut and do your thing. But if you're not staring people down or being stupid you're not likely to get started on.. It's full of posh students living next door to ghetto people after all

Mile End is in the East of London,its very (((diverse))).I'd be surprised if you'd meet many right wing people round there.All the working class white Londoners have all moved out.I'd be surprised if there were many white English at your university,but I'm not sure about the ethnic makeup of that. You would really have to join a right wing political group to meet other like minded people,and if you are very red pilled then you'll have a shock at the state of the East End.

London isn't anything like the ghettos in the US.Its mostly young blacks stabbing other young blacks.If you keep your head down,and don't make eye contact with anybody then you'll be fine.

> It's full of posh students living next door to ghetto people after all

Is Queen Mary considered posh? I don't know anything about the reputation of schools in the UK. I have heard that Mile End is considered "up and coming" which in the US means lots of hipsters.
