Brit/pol/: Church of England Edition

>Parliament to get binding vote on final Brexit deal

>Emma Dent Coad MP accused of writing 'racist' blog post

>Paul Mason: This weekend’s march in Poland proves the far right isn’t going away without a fight

>Carwyn's clique played "mind games" against Carl Sargeant

>Pressure grows on Carwyn Jones to order Carl Sargeant inquiry

>Theresa May says Brexit deal will help 'counter' Russia threat

>'White Europe': 60,000 nationalists march on Poland's independence day

>Farage reveals how he will LEAD Brexit frontline if 'establishment' BOTCHES divorce deal

>'We will have NO control of borders, courts or money' Gordon Brown BLASTS Brexit red lines

Other urls found in this thread:

first for eu army posting

is this good for nato and the uk? armies on the border of northern ireland when?


it will be a hilarious joke, nobody on the continent wants to fight for this shithole of a continent, some would fight for their own nations but not for the eu

>got called a blasphemer in greggs, lads

Amerifat law student here - spending 6 months in London at Queen Mary's next year.

Where do /ourguys/ concentrate? The entire city can't be overrun.


Based Danelaw bros


nice bum on the chick in the donut there

Genuine question lads.

Should I stand for council?

Anything happen today?
Also, don't understand Hope Not Hate. I thought we're all hopeful- hopeful not to become a minority in our own country.

Yeah and I'd make it look like that doughnut too. With sprinkles, iykwim

How do we solve the gammon problem lads?

Depends, are you a paedophile?

He wrote to me once.

Spending a few minutes imagining the Americas as an Anglo ethno-continent
What could have been

With pineapple, chips and a fried egg.

>Theresa May says Brexit deal will help 'counter' Russia threat

I don't know who's shilling who anymore

>cant beat le pacy nog fc Z

>inb4 15 years of prison for this post

counter russia lol snake may exposed

If labour you .. winrar ok .. Brill

Why are Yanks so shit at footie, lads?


Tomorrow's main agenda.


What is it about that region?

feel like pure shit just want Williamson as whip back x

>Ken Clarke
Imagine my shark


Now Micks won't be raiding their credit unions to watch Ireland fail in SlavSquatLand.

N-now they can spend their hard earned euros on pats from their Anglo-senpais. . .

them ((((Noses))))

ugh why are they all white

Whitehall user called it

Sorry for going off my rocker a bit a few threads back, lads. I was in a bad mood. I apologise particularly to the user I was being an absolute cunt to.

I stand by everything else I said, though. There can be no political solution to our predicament now.

Line em up and gun em down

You are more than welcome to pat my head if you still feel a bit low, A-Anglo-senpai. . .

Listen Lads I shared you Blokes here ok ..
Go seeing my *mother* tomorrow nite at the home, been doing last months ,she dolally tap =alzheimer's !
But Guys me an my two sis she sold .. an as lil kids ..:(
Good sis died , an other Never sees me after my paki fite clube .. was made a racist thug .. an I wasnt .. they came on me like a kid an tuck 14inch knife an Slaughtered them .. my jury was paki I got life ...keks ..!!!
I feel I need to smotther her now ..

Fucking WHY THE FUCK are we talking about Russia now?

So is stuff really going to get worse before it gets better or should I off myself soon

>interview with london school kids on bbc
>two slavs and a paki

>they are all fat, except for beta male.

They crave the gravy train jobs in the EU.

hi potatoman

the fucking state of the Tory party

G-good Evening Honks.

look at that soyboy centre right
pure and simple low test, hes androgenous as fuck

Holy shit look at Paul's big ass fucking tie

It's never going to get any better and will continue to get progressively worse. Don't kill yourself though, lad. You do not want to miss this shit. It's going to be bats.

should i have wank

what a fucking freak lmfao


That's a big tie knot...

>pure and simple low test, hes androgenous as fuck
He probably doesn't even have strong Anglo hands.

You may have a head pat, potatoposter. There you go.

that is a good honk

get gf

I cannot end ..Her ok.. x


SIR Mohhamed Farah


MUH .. NO .. .. an ..well Listen ..We ok .. :)

Sir Mohamed Muktar Jama "Mo" Farah, CBE

Fucking racist pleb

T-thanks. . . I hope you feel a lot better, A-Anglo-s-senpai. . .

had one. fucked it up. she was a 10 to. feels bad
pic related

Why do I get the sneaking suspicion that you are Preusse in disguise, Schizoposter?


hes been on the strongbows m8

indeed this he looks like you woudlnt even feel a headpat from him

he would probably do it in that gay way that faggots do, you know all flimsy

sorry bro

For you

Even if an EU army ever comes into being there is no way in hell that ROI will be part of it.

>he looks like you


>he would probably do it in that gay way that faggots do, you know all flimsy

Only strong, reassuring pats can satisfy my cravings desu.

learn to read you dumb potato queer, I said he looks like you wouldnt even feel a headpat, not that he looks like you

Was talking to some lads at uni today that are pretty red pilled.

I thought you said they'd all be lefties here?

Good gosh, surely he must have had about 27 cans to type like that? Do you suspect that it might be Preusse as well, or?

describe her naked body

If any of you are legitimately at a loose end this Christmas.

>the pint is compulsory and keeps the Pakis out

Why do northerners call Pints "scoops"?

It will literally be non-whites given arms to suppress European revolt.

I'd be embarassed to go desu.

S-sorry Anglo-senpai, it was just your grammar and punctuation was so dreadful to read desu. You sounded like an Anglo who patted a Mick's head too many.

Never heard this apart from that vid

Bet it would be a majority old boys with great stories

Big vote on BBC Parliament right now

Do you wanna be this much an offensive an banna-able poster here ? .. why ?? try be this edgy .. ! ??? LOLOLOLOLOL

So do Micks. I suspect that Northerners are simply more manly desu, with their big hands that can easily go around a pint glass.


ok thank you

i dont know the namefags that well desu
pic related sorta looks like her

That's good of them

Found this pretty funny as it fits the stereotype of Americans on Sup Forums.

''Lately, I've been warming up to Walmart and going to shop there more often. I'm starting to like it as a place where regular Americans can go, feel welcomed and fit in. I hope Savannah starts to allow truckers to stay at night. One of my local Walmarts do.''

I leaving it m8 , some here already grassing me up . Banned ! ..

oh shit how dare they. People trying to keep you down mate! Bad bad bad keep up the good fight ahahahahha

get it right paddy

I'll be alone this Christmas, as I am every years, but I don't mind at all. I just get wrecked and fill my room up with sick.

>Do you wanna be this much an offensive an banna-able poster here ? .. why ?? try be this edgy .. ! ??? LOLOLOLOLOL
What is the meaning of this, Schizoposter? Please explain yourself.

>i dont know the namefags that well desu
More power to you.

Aussie vote inbound

"'A part of Americana I had no idea about. Interesting to note that almost all the people photographed were white.''


lol ive had a couple beers and got propa confused cause you muddled the links up

xmas day snuff the cunt/Mother then ..
~I will repost lol
You Monsters here are making me an innocent guy bad .. ?

>Be me
>Waiting for bus today
>See schoolgirl tapping her legs autistically
>Mīn feolaga autist

Feels good living in a land full of fellow autistics. Pakis and niggers out as they can't be autistic!

damn nigel btfo by that girl who literally probably does have a penis on her face regularly

Fuck. Yes I did, didn't I? Sorry. Didn't realise. I went off and got absolutely fucked up after my tirade about coup d'états and (((the powers that be))) earlier. Only working solution available to me at this time.