
That's from Kaiji, right? They make food look so insanely delicoius looking.

Other urls found in this thread:


Niku is good for growing boys and girls! Eat your niku if you want to grow up big and strong! Don't be a smelly, fat otaku who only eats carbs!

Mods are asleep, post food porn.

this isn't fair..

Why is it raw

>Why is it raw
user, I...

Because it's not.


This is making me hungry. I haven't eaten yakiniku for like a month now


That's a big pan.



I already feel stuffed by only looking at that
How can white people consume that much



I'm going to assume you made a typo there. Only whale people can eat that much.

Why are they frying the bread?

When BBQing you never put some baguette on there or something? It's tasty.

Sliced onions


Not the onions. I meant the bread on the left.

That's clearly not a barbecue.

It's not. American bbq like that generally ends up with a pinkish internal coloration like that because the outside (what looks like char is actually just the surface that's been caramelized with melting fat, oils, smoke, and juice) keeps a lot of the juices in the meat from exiting.

It's smoked slowly over a long period (anywhere from 6 to upwards of 12 hours, some go for over a day of being smoked) over low heat.

It's a mushroom

It's not a serving for a single person you dip.

Have you literally never gone to a BBQ pit with your friends? You split orders.


I want to marry him

BBQ is an event. It's meant to be shared with friends and family.

>with your friends
Well that's the thing

Stand in line.

>eating meat


Just where do you think you are

Go be a flamboyant vegan faggot elsewhere.

How long before Jack?

I love baking bread.




Is that you Sam Hyde? I didnt know you visited Sup Forums.


Not everyone is a NEET loser like you, sorry

>that raw bacon

I sometimes can't stand white people cooking. They always put in an insane amount of butter and heavy cream and shit into their food.
I have not seen one cooking show where they didn't add sugar in to fruits.

Some people like meat instead of charcoal that used to be meat.

No you don't. I'm sure you let an oven handle that part and never do it yourself.

fuck off bitch I called dibs.

it's a mushroom. they cut a little star shape out of the top to make it kawaii.

You must go back.

how many of you faggots know the italian streed food?

im talking about porchetta, stracotto di guancia, lampredotto, ecc

>tfw my eggs always end up looking fucked up when I try to make weaboo omelet rice

No, seriously fuck off with that retard.

Can't have fucking webm threads on /ck/ without faggots derailing it with that shit.

as apposed to who? black people who just dump Tabasco on everything?



That steak looks really fucking dry.

Is this the ja/ck/ thread?

Shabu-Shabu is better

Fuck off.

No, fuck off.

Cut with all the skill and grace of a drunk buffalo.

Well that's a heart attack in a bun.


My favorite dish is cock.


So, how does Sup Forums prefer it's rice?

That exists.


Without a bowl.

Why do mayonnaise jars that big even exist. Fucking burgers I swear to god.

Other report.


What video is this? I cannot find it on his channel.

With a fork

Yes it is. Also it's cheaper.


>frying bread

With salt.

Is that dude literally autistic? I just can't comprehend how someone can do that much cooking and still be so consistently terrible at it.

and fried

Not as bad as the guy who keeps posting them every chance he gets.

You're too late senpai

>Do dumb shit and put it on YT
>Morons will eat it up
Welcome to 2016.

Looks like something I'd eat. What did she put on the ramen, though? Hominy?

And before you ask, I'm not fat.

this is Sup Forums, not /r9k/


Merely pretending to be retarded, and people buy it.

How do first worlders deal with the cognitive dissonance between finding Jack's videos disgusting and enjoying raw flesh with a burnt coating like in this webm? They're the same thing.

Two raw eggs, butter, soy sauce and furikake

>vegan displays retardation
Go fuck yourself with a pineapple.

"That'll be $22.50."

It's really obvious when posters are from 2013+, you know?

It's like watching flowers bloom.

I always wondered, do /ck/ crossboarders watch cooking anime like cooking master boy or shokugeki and just roll their eyes because of how retarded it is or do they try out the recipes themselves?

I think people were doing some of the shokugeki recipes in the threads. The anime is stupid, but pretty good food porn.

Stop, stop, it's already dead!

It's raw!

Also why can't people understand that raw celery/carrots/peppers/lettuce/tomatos/etc are disgusting. Filthy leaf eaters. You don't eat potatos raw do you?

Like most of Sup Forums they are too busy being hostile xenophobes making dank maymays all day.

White, cooked with salt and garlic.

>mods deleting this but not the jack webms

fucking fags, the lot of them.
