Do you know your personality type?

>Autistic loner who never get laid

>Whiny faggot who enjoys getting cucked

>Boring normie with no personality who is happy working at a boring office job

>Confident, handsome, charming and smart, enjoy a largle circle of friends, a long term relationship and a fulfilling, outdoor job.

LOL at your faggots who didn't get ESTP or ESFP

Other urls found in this thread:

>a literal monkey

Sorry, I meant YELLOWat the bottom


>tfw ISTP but also an autistic loner who never gets laid

also INTP

Too late you fucked up, now go eat your sopa de macaco you nut.

I almost always test entj but one time I tested as an entp

Probably one the Purple Virgins

Tell me more about your intelectual superiority

entp master race
fuck yall
get laid more than you pussy ass cracka

Got laid at 18 to get it out of the way and went on to feed my thirst for knowledge.

INFJ ;_;

LMFAO at the monkey who only knows how to smooth talk.

What type sa ges shit threads that are not Sup Forums related?

ENTP here, was the only one in the group of 50 to get it, have only tested once and I'd say I described me pretty accurately.

I'd love to get licensed to give the test, I find it very interesting.

INFP or INFJ depending on whether I'm at home or in public while I take the test

>he doesn't realize that social context alters your personality

INTP is the zenith of autism(coming from an INTP

It’s okay, I’m INFJ as well. Also didn’t he used to be an old man?

>Implying getting laid is difficult
Holy shot you lesser humans see something so basic as a badge of pride no wonder humanity as a whOle is failing.

Ooga booga? Mooga la no googaa. Ongo Bongo.

I know a few ENTP and they are like girls, they see bitching in an eloquent way as the best thing and love dramatic situations





I can kill you in 50 different ways and make it look like a kitchen accident.

Purple is the only tier that brings absolutely nothing to the table due to their inability to function in society in any form.
Since they can't function in society, they should be put to death.

Yellow is the only tier that matters, as it's the only one that has everything a society needs.
hard workers, people to leech off hard workers.
Hot people and whores.
Literally and unironically all a society is.

>Be deep into INTJ
>Be also deep into pussy because Im not a social retard
If you faggots even knew how arousal worked, levirginity meme wouldnt even exist

i was offerd sex at 15-17 and turned it down

one couldn't have kids anyway and another wasn't attractive ended up with 3 kids and single.
It's not a matter of I can't but I don't need it.

30 year old virgin with $3-4k living in my mothers rental house. debt free

INTP, where everything in life is now 200% harder.

ISTJs are the actual only people that are needed in society.

p...please don't bully. I just want to work on things alone, let me have my lego's and bionicle

INTP, in a relationship with an INTJ, willing to have a lot of white children and totally productive... Being introvert doesn't mean to be useless

Yeah I got the old man in my results too.

Lmao thanks for the laugh!

INTP checking in to remind you all that we are the masterrace.

ENTJ Master race reporting in

No you are not, fucking liar

i like this one

nah, you guys are useless. the sentinel lineup are the only ones that are actually useful.

Actual monkeys

We are not the master race, INTJ are the master race, we are highly undisciplined, and is extremely hard for us to materialize our ideas and impose our will to power. INTJ's are all our virtues without that lack of discipline and will to do things

Perhaps to boomer trash.

>OP so retarded he mixes purple with yellow

>Confident, handsome, charming and smart, enjoy a largle circle of friends, a long term relationship and a fulfilling, outdoor job.
Also OP
Why would anyone listen to this literal sub 90 iq nigger?

You sound low IQ. You can't be INTO with an IQ under 140.

Us ISTPs are actual gods.
>constantly think of ways to kill leftists
>don't small talk like you autistic plebes
>literally fearless
>every action movie hero is based off of us
>best at what we do, always.
How can the rest even compete?

I messed up purple with yellow in the first post. It would be obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than a literal potato

I'm INFP and literally none of those apply to me.

And that's what YELLOW faggots are like. Literally too stupid to tell colors apart

ENTJ I get INTJ sometimes though

this, comeing from INTP

I went through some books I shouldn't have. Know some things I should not know about.

I don't judge people, I just know there are some things we all do, and we have to accept it, to manipulate our ego and stuff. When I say that people usualy think I try to be ofensive.

At first people think that I am very tolerant, then they think I am degenerate hedonist, then they start to think I'm ultimate conservative, and at the end they think I am just a sociopath.

In general INTP sucks dick. You can never run away from this isolation, constant paranoia. You can only pretend that you don't have anything to say.

INTJ master race reporting in.

INTP married with two kids reporting in.

>Autistic loner who never get laid

>Whiny faggot who enjoys getting cucked

>Boring normie with no personality who is happy working at a boring office job

>Confident, handsome, charming and smart, enjoy a largle circle of friends, a long term relationship and a fulfilling, outdoor job.

LOL at your faggots who didn't get ESTP or ESFP


Real talk, those sound more like actual disorders than personality traits. I'd see somebody.

ENTP-A master race. The rest sucks except maybe INTP. Prove me wrong faggots.

how can you predict the IQ of someone based in the way they write in an internet board? it seams like you are dumb as fuck and this is your way of hiding it

God damn it feels so good to be INTP-A

>Meme flag
I think I've drawn my conclusion from reliable sources.

The weak fear the strong, user

Y*llows are normies, plain and simple. Enjoy your sports and alcoholism.

>in a LTR with an alpha female who I gamed into oblivion to become submissive
>recent college grad with 3 streams of income, live rent free
>sold my tech startup 2 years ago for 600k
>Im lurking Sup Forums in office while watching the freeways clog up before my hour long/10 mile commute home

> lol @ people who didn‘t get yellow
> yellow is the new purple
The rest is true, sadly. T. Entp-t

MBTI is meme psychology.

You could take the test five times and get five different results.

>Confident, handsome, charming, and smart, lots of friends, long term relationship a fulfilling outdoor job.

Pics or it didn't happen

Exactly. Y*llows leave, this be autism territory


>>ENTJ sometimes INTJ
(47-51% introvert and 49-53% extrovert depending on the day)

Also, OP. I r married to a beautiful Finnish Korpi. Most purple get married.

>Claiming that you have a high IQ
>taking seriously MTBI

pick one

Fellow ENTJ here.
> got sick of having a boss tell me what to do now work for myself
> opinionated asshole
> push myself to hit high targets
> expect the same of others
> can't tolerate losers or people who make excuses
> fuck of with your sob story, what are you actually gonna so about it
> consider myself superior to others
> i don't go to others for handouts so don't you come to me asking for shit
> its obvious we all make our own destiny
> I'm always right
> be cool with me I'll get loyal AF to you
> have great group of friends and partner who 'get me'
I'm comfortable with who I am. One of the 3% of people who actually contribute to society in a meaningful way. Only did the test a few weeks ago for the first time, now it all makes sense.

How about I pick both and continue my shitposting.

ENTJ, the Fieldmarshall. I most definitely have gotten laid, and it was because of my ability to manipulate people. Then I throw them away like nothing happened.
It's fun. They're beneath me and I love it. Morals are for the weak.

I can tell you a virgin from the way you speak

INTJ master race here. Get in here fellow INTJs and help ourselves plot our ascendance as a different species of humans

Autism without all the faggotry, user. I can daywalk with normies. I've decided not to.

well, I don't know, sometimes I thought about to see somebody with that, but usualy when I talk with my friends, and they want to hear what I say, they generaly agree in the end.

Also when I had to deal with my philosphy professor on my university, he said I have very nice and interesting perspective. Maybe I am not as emotional as others, and analize every emotion, but I know there were some harmless stoics, that were considered ok people.

But if someone isn't into philosophy or doesn't know me good, he is rather damn confused, what the fuck am I talking about, if I am gay, pedophile, junkie or another psycho.

I'm definitely ENTJ but I retain emotion/value people, so I'm not sure what's up with that. I don't value people based solely on their use to me, but if I need something done I can definitely manipulate to get there if needed.

Sorry man, you're wrong.


> got sick of having a boss tell me what to do now work for myself
Main reason I got fired from my last job, told my boss to fuck off because she was being retarded.
> opinionated asshole
It's hard to contain the powerlevel at times
> push myself to hit high targets
> expect the same of others
The main reason I stopped playing vidya with friends, they suck and I hate it.
> can't tolerate losers or people who make excuses
Same here fucking despise people who says they're gonna do something and then end up bailing on me.

Sounds like you'd be one to subscribe to this philosophy.

Are either of you very happy? How are you holding up?

I wish I was just a normiepleb like ESTP desu. Hell, I'd even take an autismaloid like INTP.

>socially retarded until a few years ago
>decide I want to be social and get laid
>go through hundreds and hundreds of hours of video, a fuckton of books, everything I could get my hands on
>start getting laid trough Tinder
>I cant stop
>start catfishing to learn even more, try new bold strategies
>sleep with literally hundreds of women over a few years, sometimes cheating on my then girlfriend
>doing well in university, pretty much everyone likes me
>still can't stop catfishing on the side
Help me guys

ISTPs report in NOW

Let's be real. Everyone on this board sucks the INFJ dick There are no less than 50 Hitler threads a day/thread

I didn't know that an INTP could be as degenerate as you

Am proud of you brother. People like us aren't a burden on society.
I'm firmly in the ENTJ camp but redid it a last week got INTJ. Might actually read what that traits about. Took it last night, back in ENTJ again.
Yep, I hear you. I don't want to be a cunt to women, but im not here to fuck around
Hmmm. I mean I love my kid, my dog, my partner. But if they all walked out the door tomorrow im pretty certain I'd move on quick.
Hey bro. Fist pump venn.

>Has to use Tinder to get laid

>total sociopath, proud of it
>knows the number of people they've had sex with
>doesn't wear condoms
>will never marry a woman older than him
>eats the same fucking foods all the time
>brags about sucking dick
>brings up Sup Forums in real life

>strict yet idiosyncratic morality
>chubby white anime gf
>listens to nujabes
>gets frustrated when he loses games

Can't relate.

worshiping one man equationsignslashequationsign worshiping whole personality type.
You're forgetting the fact that most sjws are INFJ as well

I wonder which color you are

INFJ too, probably the loneliest type.
Find hobbies, stay busy.

How does this count as Sup Forums material? Also, what's the best way to find your mbti?

1-Who gives a shit?
2- Pic related


No one gives a shit about the man.. no gives a shit about what he ate for breakfast or how much he could bench. It was his ability to inspire a nation to do anything. You will need another INFJ to accomplish any sort of balance with the SJW's.

Purple: People history will write about.

Green: People history will write about.

Blue: People history will write about.

Yellow: People no one cares about.

thanks man

That's cool. You're probably more emotionally mature than me. Maybe that side hasn't developed properly for me.

If he would be INTP he wouldn't rather use whore app to whore himself like that, without devastating reflection of what he is doing and why.

But I don't know, maybe he is just ok with that he is a whore in the iStore. If he is INTP he definietly went through such way of view.