You hear a knock at your door and look through the peephole and see this

You hear a knock at your door and look through the peephole and see this

Other urls found in this thread:

What happens next?

jokes on you, i dont have a peephole

Do people actually think Misaki's an angel or is this some ongoing joke?

pretend I'm not home

i like this anime

I like to think its all a joke and that Sup Forums isn't filled with /r9k/ tier losers


Let her in. We can work through our feelings of inferiority together by trying hard!

Well, it's human contact.

im not a loser im a hikikomori asshole its a real condition show some respect

Pretend I'm not home, and make sure to keep my curtains closed from now on.


Don't depend on women with BPD or depression, the moment they gain a semblance of being above you they will leave.

Learn from what happened to Satou and focus on your self.

Please kill yourself and stop taking my tax money

Will she have with sex with me before she leaves?

jokes on you i don't open the door unless someone has told me in advance they'd come


Oh totally, that's part of the dependency. But like I said to my ex "I was a virgin for years before, going without sex is not a problem, now piss off".

I think honestly, in reality Misaki would be far more like the manga counterpart.

I think you should bend her over a park bench and fuck her with your stinking, rock-hard fuck staff until she’s dead. Use your keys to rip her creamy little dick cavity to shreds. Smear the blood all over your face and shaft. Then, you should shit into her mouth. By this, you will show her that you are in the dominant position, and that you don’t care one way or the other about her behavior. It’s the next best thing to fucking severing, which you should promptly do while you vote her life a five and give her ass AIDS. Nuke her from orbit, but at the same time, make sure you’re using fire. I am a big fat faggot. I like to pick my nose and put the boogers into my erect penis. I like to pee out little rods of my compressed penis booger. God is a faggot. God is a nigger. The Lord God Jesus Christ is a worthless faggot. I kill everything I see. I can’t stop fucking. I wish I could have sex. I want to fuck so bad. I can taste your fucking vagina juice. I am a nigger. I am a stupid stupid fat fucking nigger. God is Hitler’s faggot. There is no such thing as a faggot.

Go on.

Are you alright?


Thanks for reminding me to apply for free autism bux.

Hey, Senpai, would you prefer it to go to him or more suppressing 3rd world people for Arabic Israeli masters?

So you're a nigger faggot?

If you don't like contributing money to other people in society, go and become a hermit somewhere. I would, if I could, but I'm lazy. It's far better for the government and economy to just feed people like me and hope we stay complacent, than to let us dies and risk throwing the world into chaos because moralfags got upset about it.

I prefer the manga look. What does this say about me?

Y'all need help. She's a lot more manipulative and selfish.


If a park bench is unavailable, a park fence will do just as well

That would feel more genuine in some way.

You're not listening, help your self dammit.



That's pretty edgy.


that anatomy


But I'm not even a NEET anymore.

You're still a khv tho

Who cares?

Looks fine to me.

>NEET but still get laid
thank God for Tinder and my good looks


god damn

is nhk a masterpiece . ireally liked it but i can't consider it as a masterpiece . it made me feel like a big loser who has nothing to do and i think it told me to kill myself

someone post the other one
you know the one

A lot of people consider it a classic. I don't know weather it's a masterpiece or not.

It addresses the problems many of use have. It's a masterpiece in my book.

please don't listen to him.

Now I'm curious.


it's a pepe poop image

>Sup Forums telling me to get a life

I've already had enough granola bars, I won't be tricked again.

I need a Misaki.


>implying I dislike having complete freedom of time, no responsibilities, and not having anyone bother me
I really don't care if I don't get my dick wet either.

No you don't. No one needs a Misaki.

Holy shit

Everyone needs someone, user.

Not everyone.

You are not Japanese, stop trying to be one! The whole hiki thing is a cultural thing, something us gaijins do not fucking need in the west. If you were not infatuated with the Japs, then you would not be a hiki.




I'm sorry

Kill yourself froposter.

Get the fuck out of here bitch.
I don't need you to fix my life

>muh pure japanese neet culture

/r9k/ was a mistake

>implying that similar concepts do not exist in the west