Special snowflakes now allowed in military

Welp, There goes honor in the armed forces......


>mentally ill
Guess trannies are back.

This is great.
Send all of these "people" to fight your wars and stay behind.

Missing the real story. Dropping standards and adding personel is an indicator that we're ramping up to party time.

They should do what the Nazis did with the Dirlewanger battalion and give them their own "no-rules" divisions as clean up crews/war-criminals.

Shouldn't we have Mandatory National Service just like our BFF's; where absolutely ZERO benefits can be got until after successfully fulfilling the obligation?
>it would be a shame to see so many non-hacking snowflakes leave the US
>especially when English is mandatory, as well as tip-top conditioning just to qualify
>imagine "Education Reform" that focuses on preparing the body, mind and soul for service to the nation; wherein, a life vocation results from National Service

This, also enlistment bonuses, plus the need to feel like you are walking on eggshells constantly like it is now. Shit i remember under george w bush you only had to give half a fuck in the military to do well.


>to meet recruitment goals
You really think anyone who isn't retarded would willingly risk their life in some third world shithole for a government that doesn't care? It's homsestly surprising that they can still maintain the military at this rate.

Bye, faggots.

That’s why they’re importing spics.

>it's real
Wow. Well I guess if it were up to me I'd be okay with these guys if it meant we could get rid of women, sadly I think we're still a way off from that. I wonder if this is because they know they'll need more guys for North Korea?

Ah yes, these two in pic related would make excellent army rangers. Why would you turn away these two able bodied fit females for military service in the first place?

Admiral Chandler reporting for duty, sir!

I'd send him in a door instead of wasting frags

Just like Australia, Lets give the mentally unstable weapons. The army is easier to get into than getting a job on the local council mowing lawns

You'd be 'wasting' 1 fag instead
>tee hee

At least they are not to fat to fight

>Get ready for the draft, everybody goes

have fun with that
self harmers are often multiple personality disorder faggots whom have been heavily abused in childhood which made their minds literally split, on top of receiving a walk-in spirit from the surreal as my honey one's puts it

If they're lowering the standards it means there is a big war coming

I thought white men were banned from the Australian army. Was I memed on?

These people will end up going crazy at boot camp or while deployed.

I can only imagine how many suicides will happen now.

>watches movie 'Split' once, believes in multiple personality disorder
Also nothing supernatural exists regarding the spirit comment.

>he believes the dramatic bullshit
Cutters, especially female, just want attention.

Had to throw this one back

This was my first thought. In fact, they'll be the first ones drafted. This is a great move.

>giving the mentally ill access to military grade weaponry
>good idea

As much as this means I'd a superstar to recruiters now, it also means I'd be bunking with potential section eights. I'll wait for the draft.

havent watched it entirely yet, only tried way after being hitched up to my hussy sweetie
have known about MPD for years thanks to conspitalk
sorry normies swim around weirdos and non human entities in total obliviousness
>nothing supernatural exists
you believe so?

Pretty much. Excluding people in the name of equality. Cunts fucked, moving to the US to farm corn and sit on my porch with my guns

no, they want relief from pain
the trouble is that blood feeds demons
inner psychological pain can be horrendous, hellish

>Taking degenerates
>Pushing them through a series of disciplined hardship that will either kill them or transform them into strong, functional human beings

What's the problem here?

You have a point. But will they actually be pushed or will they be in the snowflake platoon?

Mentally-ill? Can hardly speak English? Welcome in!

A history of mild-asthma? Fuck off.