Is Taylor redpilled?

Is she redpilled, and if so will she ever come out as an anti-semite?

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She left country music. She's basically a low rent MIley these days.

Man are you all going to disappointed and question your mental health when she makes an anti-Trump tweet or denounces the alt-right.

I know the feeling all too well. I still can't get over him.

she is MK ULTRA'd. Pray for her soul.

This isn't politics or news. Fuck off.

>This isn't politics or news
But supposedly Taylor is the "queen" so that makes her Sup Forums related. I don't know, I think it's as retarded as you do.

she looks so much better without all that disgusting make up

>anti semitism isn't political
Explain yourself mr faceberg

>Is she redpilled

shes jewish

>and if so will she ever come out as an anti-semite?

no, she is a jew

you people are literally retarded if you think otherwise.

He parents are bankers.
You are willfully ignorant if you think she is redpilled.
Her handlers are just playing it smart and telling her to keep politics to herself because it will cause the least amount of damage to her career.

Looks like someone isn't going to get laid for the next 10 years

Yes - she is our aryan Goddess!
Heil Swift!

And you still believe (((they))) haven't deflowered her? It is mandatory to be relevant in the media, after all.

>Her handlers are just playing it smart and telling her to keep politics to herself
Wow. She must have the world's best handlers then. Why doesn't every other actor/VA/athlete follow in their footsteps?

Unlikely and no, never


I have a no makeup fetish :ยข

Yeah. I'm glad he's still quieter about politics, especially on social media, than most others though. So probably not one of those batshit insane SJWs. But you could imagine the crushing of my spirits when he talked about his faith in democracy after the election.

Taylor is more or less a Jewish plantation or CIA agent. There is no other way that she became a symbol, because to normies she's just a liberal pop icon. Her music is atrocious and there are zero signs that she's alt-right.

>Why doesn't every other actor/VA/athlete follow in their footsteps?
Obviously their handlers are dumb.


I find makeup literally disgusting, it equal to having spit on you face to me, I'm quite disgust-sensitive, I can't look at a woman with a makeup without being disgusted.

>never spoke out against Trump
LoL you normies can pretend she is not our Queen all you want. Tay ODs on redpills nightly. Every other artist ever has come out against him. Rumour have swirled forever. She could kill them with one tweet - but she never has