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youre on the wrong side of history, you sexist racist homophobic islamophobic transcryptofacist nazu

Didn't win by much cuckboy.

we still won tho you racist

Damn proud of it. I hope you paint me in your progressive books as the bogeyman.

against a sexuality?

that's right, you transphobic nazi filth

>post yfw pol gets btfo by gays getting equal rights

Australians should probably stop posting until the heat dies down.
You guys really let us down.
I NEEDED this.

Did the yes faggots really win? I hope the fuck not but that if they do they take to the streets acting like total degenerates while trying to involve every child they see telling them they're on the right side of history now just so all the parents can go what in the actual fuck and call their representatives to say they've made a huge mistake and they need to vote no in parliament.


>projecting labels
Yeah alright man. If you say so.


> It was rigged
If you believe this you live a sheltered fucking life.

>Being happy about the fall of your society

If we had the option to vote we would have voted no.

Congrats, you're two years behind us as usual. Another two years and you get your own right wing populist.

>Jeff Sessions stated in the Judiciary Committee meeting that he was going to use independent prosecutors to evaluate the case of Hillary Clinton and more specifically the Uranium One case and their involvement in the transaction.
>By using independent prosecutors he can then claim impartiality from republican or democratic parties claims of bias. This is doubly interesting with his claims that there should be no investigations going forth solely on appeals to emotion and that by stating that it won't invalidate the investigations findings in the future.
>This removes any kind of discussions or attempts to undermine the findings by claiming that Sessions and the investigate party was coerced by Trumps administration. This way there is no way for the hanger ons in the DoJ from the Obama administration can't actively hamper any future investigation.

Link. You fuckwit.

Which state do you live in?


i identify as a trans poc womyn, therefore you are not allowed to question what i say

listen and believe

YOU'RE on the wrong side of history, and when your kid kills itself because you let it believe it was a LGBTQWTF transgender snowflake, I will be right here laughing.

We have our man. Just need to get him in office.

Nah I'm good. I only believe in things that matter.

I'm asking because you know that would never happen if the entire nation took a vote.

I blame your cuck media like john oliver and reddit.


Around 60% voted yes over all states. The Australia you believe in doesn't exist anywhere

That's it there's no hope for Australia

>Jeff Sessions stated in the Judiciary Committee meeting that he was going to use independent prosecutors to evaluate the case of Hillary Clinton and more specifically the Uranium One case and their involvement in the transaction.
>By using independent prosecutors he can then claim impartiality from republican or democratic parties claims of bias. This is doubly interesting with his claims that there should be no investigations going forth solely on appeals to emotion and that by stating that it won't invalidate the investigations findings in the future.
>This removes any kind of discussions or attempts to undermine the findings by claiming that Sessions and the investigate party was coerced by Trumps administration. This way there is no way for the hanger ons in the DoJ from the Obama administration can't actively hamper any future investigation.

> The Australia where everyone gets a fair go doesn't exist
Why do you reckon the Unions control half the country despite record low membership? Aussies are gullible with this shit.

we had one job

Make your own media.
I thought more people would watch the Big Lez Show

no, because our glorious LGBTQIAP army will exterminate the patriarchy and all h*teros

your rights end where my feelings begin.

>The bogan-man

Now to legalise child marriage and further the downfall of western society.

So you think the government should infringe on the freedoms if it's citizens for no good reason?

YES! I want to marry a 9yo loli.

>"your tears" meme
>cries up an entire paragraph worth of deflection in a desperate attempt to change the narrative
Trumpers are so predictable.

Grats Australia. Loving all the butthurt from all the homophobes.

>Jeff Sessions stated in the Judiciary Committee meeting that he was going to use independent prosecutors to evaluate the case of Hillary Clinton and more specifically the Uranium One case and their involvement in the transaction.
>By using independent prosecutors he can then claim impartiality from republican or democratic parties claims of bias. This is doubly interesting with his claims that there should be no investigations going forth solely on appeals to emotion and that by stating that it won't invalidate the investigations findings in the future.
>This removes any kind of discussions or attempts to undermine the findings by claiming that Sessions and the investigate party was coerced by Trumps administration. This way there is no way for the hanger ons in the DoJ from the Obama administration can't actively hamper any future investigation.
Thanks for the bump friend.


How much you wanna bet this little twink voted Yes?

nothing wrong with destroying wh*Te society

No problem buddy. You're doing me a favor every time you republicunts open your mouth.

t. Citiboi


> "Here lies Straya, son of Britain, Lord of the shit post. He is dead then. It's as I feared."
> Takes a large and battered book from a corpse's hands
> "The year is twenty seventeen. We drove out the EU from Great Britain and took the exit. We slew many in the bright sun of Trump's inauguration."
> "They have taken the Opera house… and the MCG.'"
> "Drums… drums… in the street."
> "We have barred the outback… but cannot hold them for long. The voting polls shake."
> "We cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark.'"
> "We cannot get out…the poofters are cumming"

Of course not. Aussies are very gullible along that line of rhetoric though.

>Jeff Sessions stated in the Judiciary Committee meeting that he was going to use independent prosecutors to evaluate the case of Hillary Clinton and more specifically the Uranium One case and their involvement in the transaction.
>By using independent prosecutors he can then claim impartiality from republican or democratic parties claims of bias. This is doubly interesting with his claims that there should be no investigations going forth solely on appeals to emotion and that by stating that it won't invalidate the investigations findings in the future.
>This removes any kind of discussions or attempts to undermine the findings by claiming that Sessions and the investigate party was coerced by Trumps administration. This way there is no way for the hanger ons in the DoJ from the Obama administration can't actively hamper any future investigation.
No problem. You should watch the meeting on youtube so you can see for yourself.

You probably will just deflect though.

Every great nation has fallen when they allowed the gays to roam free. Welcome to the Club Australia. You have joined the club of the doomed. Congrats.

What did Australia vote on?

Someone pls make fake posts of Kevin Spacey congratulating/celebrating the result

Trump, and Americans don't give a shit about Australia bud.
You wanna fuck up your' homeland then go ahead and do it.


I'll be every single one of those buzzwords, because what I am doesn't matter right?
Fuck off buddy sage, and you will find out who is really on the wrong side of history soon enough.

the end of bigotry.

here u go

>homophobic islamophobic
The electorates with high muslim populations had the highest No percentage

>Highest percentage of NO voters in the country were in western Sydney.
Really activates my almonds

drumpf BTFO

>civilization starts out poor and strong and moral
>grows great and powerful and rich
>grants more power to women and faggots and foreigners
>grows decadent and weak
>replaced by poor, strong, moral civilization

Do you legitimately think it's just pure coincidence that patriarchal societies with conservative sexual morality and fairly strong xenophobia are the historical NORM, and that societies that start to deviate from that as they grow richer fail shortly thereafter?

theyre not buzzwords, it describes what you - and everyone who didnt support HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON - are.

Reckon you could make it saucier? Maybe with him posting a captioned photo of himself? Normies don't read

All fucking aussies should be shot and killed. Have fun getting infested with aids faggot. SAGE




Is that a picture of your two dads?

I never knew my father. You're lucky op.


Can you find a pic of him alongside a young man smiling

mate if you want a cock slapping in your face that's your choice
it's funny because most of you don't intend to have a family and don't want kids
so marriage is basically: for la plata

gays = jews


You need to lift your bait game mate.

Just rape all the niggers now it is legal.


Also just quietly, seems like we have free licence to marry whatever we want now, since the "OMG MARRIAGE EQUALITY WHY DON'T YOU SUPPORT EQUALITY BIGOT" argument clearly works

Can I marry McDonalds now?

I mean you can't really tell me no and not be a hypocrite now

Posting a twitter of a pedophile, kill yourself.
I'm not even a bigot I'm a middle of road kind of guy, but trying to normalize
HIV/AIDS and not being able to procreate is garbage.

>you probably will just deflect though
>says the guy deflecting on a thread about Australia
Repugs really are masters at projection :)

lets do this
>you're not white

I'm officially moving to Poland.

Taking my 100G home deposit I was saving up and fucking leaving. This country is officially 200% fucked 3 ways from sunday, and this is how it starts.

The whites will breed themselves out as the muzzies rise up and then eventually flip en masse and take the country. I don't want to be here, as a 50 year old man when that happens. Fuck. That. I'm out.

Literally booking flights as we speak.

>Still thinking you can beat the gays.

Time to move on.

>Jeff Sessions stated in the Judiciary Committee meeting that he was going to use independent prosecutors to evaluate the case of Hillary Clinton and more specifically the Uranium One case and their involvement in the transaction.
>By using independent prosecutors he can then claim impartiality from republican or democratic parties claims of bias. This is doubly interesting with his claims that there should be no investigations going forth solely on appeals to emotion and that by stating that it won't invalidate the investigations findings in the future.
>This removes any kind of discussions or attempts to undermine the findings by claiming that Sessions and the investigate party was coerced by Trumps administration. This way there is no way for the hanger ons in the DoJ from the Obama administration can't actively hamper any future investigation.

not deflecting, just posting this everywhere so people can see what happened at the judiciary committee meeting instead of arguing about policies that already went through. It worked too, because here you are arguing about it. So thanks.

I didn't support HRC strictly because she defends rapists, and leaving American service members in foreign countries to fucking die.
Both candidates weren't ideal, but I am not voting for a known fucked up person.
Is a whore.

Mission accomplished :)
So long sucker!

Gaytime=/=gay marriage you sun-baked retard. One is food, the other is for fags.

> a none binding postal survey causes this much butthut
What's up your arse? Oh right...must be a cock! HAH!

and nothing of value was lost

They certainly hit the floor running this morning.

>Aussies like OP are shitposting to cope with the Yes vote result
>Libruls screeeech,rage and kill themselves when they lose
Aussies really are the master race.

Someone make a creepy George takei congratulations pic

Every single time I see a poofter now I’m going to yell Allah Ackbar at him
This vote should scare poofters in Melbourne and sydney and its given us the greatest tool to make them shit their leftie gaping arseholes instantly


This needs weaponisation

I met a strayan fag couple in gayrope this summer and they were pretty chill and funny. good for them. faggot marriage is a good thing and orphan children are better with them instead of growing up alone

you guise need to loosen up on faggots and abortion

That's what I say when I see a faggot die of AIDS.

>3 (You)s
why couldnt you give me 4

It only works if people actually read the shit you wrote. But it's becoming easier and easier to spot a whining trumper. Just look for the shitty handrawn meme alongside his rantings.

fuq u mean can you marry mcdonalds?
Do you mean the corporation itself, Ronald McDonald the mascot, or the CEO?

>the adopted kids will learn to cope with getting raped