Why are pedophiles always white?

Why are pedophiles always white?

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>ignoring all of islam

Why are criminals always black?

>(((Jared Fogle)))

Pedophilia is (generally) accepted in the black community. There are black pedos, you just don't hear about them.

>Why are pedophiles always jews


Why are pedophiles always gay?

sure boy...

lol. r kelly called.. not to mention arabs and all manners of slant eyed niggers. sage



Like R. Kelly white?


How can you of all people say that? Under that flag? Fucking hell the Left really do need purging.

Too much time in the basement, not enough sunlight.


The fucking ironing.

yeah, i wonder why?

York was arrested in May 2002. In 2004 he was convicted on federal charges of transporting minors across state lines for the purposes of sexual molestation, as well as racketeering and financial reporting violations. York's case was reported as the largest prosecution for child molestation ever directed at a single person in the history of the United States, both in terms of number of victims and number of incidents.

May I introduce you to a member of Boys Town, MR. LARRY KING


Why does little girl pussy smell like flowers?

spics are highest per capita pedophiles.

>1 in 3 children sexually abused in Africa

And, of course, jews.


Google "MadThad"

Blacks comitting crime are almost never on the news, but statistically they are overrepresented tenfold. Sa ge for stupidity

Blacks were on the news daily from 1980 to september 10 2001.

Muslims are white?

uncanny resemblance

Media slants news to make it appear all pedos are white. It's present in all races.

Blacks are more likely to molest kids than white people, it's just that it's more shocking when it's the "nice guy next door" who does it so it makes the news rather than someone living in a shithole gehtto which isn't very novel, just like serial killers.

why are the street poopers always brown?

In my area, it seems like the media only reports crimes committed by blacks. Blacks are over represented in violent crimes which is what they love to report.

Why do pedophiles always have weird smiles?

Jews aren't white.



Actually blacks are the most reported pedophiles

Why are you posting him here?

>Says pedos are white.
>Starts thread by posting a jew.

Why is Sup Forums always right?


Because in Africa, Asia and the Middle East there is no such thing as an age of consent and people don't give a shit anyway.

I just want to know why most pedos in Western nations always seem to be closeted homosexuals or left wing liberals.

JIDF seems very busy today.

thats a jew


Seems that most child abusers are white, but then again so are most Americans. I wonder about the *rate* of child abuse, although some races might be less likely to report abuse.

>1 post by this ID

>Why are pedophiles always lefties?
I bet all the famous pedos voted for Hillary.

Pedophilia and incest is a huge problem in black populations, but they tend to report less. 10 year olds getting pimped out and gangbanged etc.

I know someone that worked for sometime at a center trying to help minors that were being pimped, most of them are black. One case involved a 12-13 year that one was brutally gangraped by black guys. She was told by her black "daddy" it would only be one guy, but when she was pushed into the hotel room many guys were there that forcefully initiated the encounter.

She was pushed on her hands and knees, clothes torn down and forcefully penetrated, after a little while it was all soo much so she was trying to crawl away WHILE SHE BEGAN PUKING and they continued, laughing about it.

Blacks are pedos and fucking vicious, but "no snitching" applies to them as well, so they get off scott fucking free

this nigger's a Kike, fool. Most of these faggots are Kikes.

Why did Subway pick this uncharismatic monster to begin with? He can't even smile like a human.

>Ignore Muslims
>Call Jews 'white'
Figure it out moron.

Why are gays always sucking dick? We may never have an answer...


Unless you're some kind of social worker or cop, you're not going to hear about it because nobody gives a fuck.

>t. ex was a retarded social worker thot

Why are Jews always Jews?

>literally the only race to make pedophilia illegal
Try harder faggot.

islam is white

This. I didn't know it before, but I looked it up the other day and he actually is Jewish.

Wrong again Ahmed Islam are asians.

Back when he was first used as a spokesperson, it was because he had lost a tremendous amount of weight, and he did it by walking to the Subway near his home 2x a day and having a sandwich for lunch and dinner.

We only care about the white ones because only white people have standards.


Because rich/popular/powerful people are always white

Because the only justice systems and civilizations civilized enough to prosecute pedo's are a majority white.

It's like asking why they are always human.

but kikes aren't white, newfriend!

Yu Stoopid....

Get muh Sammich beotch


if (((Jared))) is white so is hawwwwwwwwwkmed

Arabs are white.

but im not white... waiiit a minute..
