6 Eyes?

With the world lashing out at Brexit/Trump's America, is it time to invite a 6th? If so, Germany or Japan?

Fuck Merkel.
Abe's a bro.


Actually, we should just kick the USA out. CIA clearly cannot be trusted. Your use of Islamists has come back to bite us all in the ass.

Ireland because English

Isn't there already like a 14 eyes coalition?

These guys get it.

These are the countries I love most in the world. Don't invite anyone else.

Ireland, remove Canada.

I think the levels are based on tiers of intelligence shared with 5 eyes being the equivalent of no secrets among members.

yeah a gibsmedat 'country' with a gay paki prime minister just what we need. How the fuck does Ireland not catch more flak on here for that.

>14 eyes
The "Nine Eyes", consisting of the Five Eyes plus Denmark, France, the Netherlands, and Norway.

The "Fourteen Eyes", consisting of the same countries as the Nine Eyes plus Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and Sweden.

How about instead we remove Canada.

Irish really are bros. Great place. Love visiting.

BND is already treated as cooperative but not fully trust worthy.


"Germany is reportedly interested in moving closer to the inner circle: an internal GCHQ document from 2009 said that the “Germans were a little grumpy at not being invited to join the 9-Eyes group." Germany may even wish to join Five Eyes."

white south africa.

Japan 100%, based country, based people completely uncucked.
Germany is beyond repair


Depends on which former Axis power America needs most

Germany to contest Russia? or Japan to contest China?

>No secret among members
>Canada it's included.

is this the ultra-cucks club? oh yes, it is!

invite sweden

Chinks are more based than Japs.

There's a reason it is these countries. Don't invite cunts that don't speak English.

>no secrets among members.
>it's "we're a bit busy spying on our other allies right now, so please spy on your own citizens and then send us the reports" - cheers, CIA

Let's invite fucking BASED israel, our greatest ally!!!!!!!

Invite Japs
Trade Canada for Poland

considering most of usa canada aus and nz were populated by them.,

white niggers

>is it time to invite a 6th?
maybe a white country this time

Not yet they're not.
Nips are the englishmen of asians, honourable, xenophobic but empathetic and hard-working.

Chinks are classless, soulless, heartless robots with no honour, they have the right views on things but nothing else. They're practically kikes

>EU flag
ironic desu

everything i say is true, learn this by heart

ireland - wouldn't fight in WW2
germany - killed you grandfathers brother
japan - killed your grandfathers other brother

It'd be a disgrace if your forefathers could see you all now sucking the dicks of their hated enemies.

Japan obviously.

fuck off potato nigger


If any country is getting taken out its yours pipsqueak my county is bigger than your shithole island

South Africa


They're basically Asian Anglos

>autistic island people who took their sailing hobby too far and they're despised by the mainland next to them


i second this

>Germany or Japan?
I say china since those 5 countries are infested with streetshitters from asia.

Yeah nah we are going with the EU so long anglo sphere enjoy your 56%

Anglosphere union pls
Also Ireland can be part of it too but they aren't conquerors like the anglos (couldn't even take back Belfast)

fair enough, but your fag loving nonsense is almost no better.

>Thinks landmass makes up for being a French speaking, leaf filled Islamic shit hole that elected a drama teacher as the leader of their country.

Seriously though how do you have first place in third world suicide rates per 100,000.

Abe and Trump are literally bros

Add: China,Japan,Philippines,Ireland
Remove: Australia,Canada

Australia and Canada cant be trusted at this time most of China,Japan,Philippines, additionally Ireland are all pretty based and respect orange daddy.

germany will be the enemy (as usual) so stop trying to invite them to the anglo alliance you fucking 52% larper

Its actually the other way round.In order to circumvent their domestic laws everybody spies on each others citizens.

So if the CIA/NSA etc wants to spy on someone in the US and doesn't think the FBI will do it they will ask brits etc to do it for them and then give them the report. Was in the Snowden links.

Its primarily a signials int thing. The majority of elecrtonic spying on Russia is actually done in/by the UK and passed onto the US. Australia also does most of the stuff centering onChina. These countires also benefit from the resources and satelites of the US.

Within the brexit thing a very important strength for the brits is they supply something like 50% of all info to interpol as well as directley to various eu goverments. Without a security agreement the EU will quickley find itself in the dark.

No autistic germans are allowed in our clubhouse.
And japs smell funny.

The correct choice is to remove Canada, and include a white country like Poland or one or two similar.

Look into your heart, you know I'm right.