10 Recusals

What is the significance of Sessions testifying today that he has recused himself from around 10 active cases / investigations?
>Pic apparently unrelated

I ask because ten seems like a lot to me. Like a "Why even be Attorney General?" lot

Either he's pulling a Colombo or he's a closeted gay whose policy execution is flamboyantly gay.

He is a swamp creature.

they had him wire tapped same time Flynn was, everyone under wire tape is being investigated by Mueller except this fag

biggest disappointment this year


Mueller is investigating EVERYTHING from JFK - today.




nothing is going to happen, he spent all day licking the swamps feet,

Literally the only person that says that is a shill. You guys are fucking losers.

Isn't that the truth? He knew before he accepted the position, so why accept it? To be an obstacle?
That's what it looks like.
Nobody has the backbone to do it, but Washington DC needs to be replaced right down to the janitors & cafeteria ladies.

You're not actually dumb enough to think all of those have something to do with Mueller are you?

he has been compromised fag, they had him under surveillance
gave Mueller keys to the city
when asked about uranium one and clinton
his reply is
I dont know!!!!!!!
he let the IRS off for targeting Tea Party closed the investigation
your a fucking moron to think this failure is going to do anything

Another day another shill. You guys really need more talking points, it gets tiring seeing the shills say the same thing day in and day out. Ask your supervisors for more talking points.

Dude. You're not saying anything relevant to today. You have a FUCKING MEME FLAG. You're Jewish. You're a loser and you're ignoring the fact HE FLIPPED IN EXCHANGE FOR A PARDON.

He is an idiot.

no fag he said this TODAY
and who cares about my flag except cry baby fags like you
He flipped alright , went swamp to save his own skin
that fucker need to step down

Horrendous usage of the Semicolon.

Are all Jews this ignorant; or maybe it's just another method of destruction?

he literally spent all day trying to explain to his masters why Trump isn't impeached yet, and why he hasn't quit, and if he believe a 40 year old grab the pussy story
which he replied "YES"
he looked pathetic groveling for mercy

stay made schlomo. Israel is fucked and you know it.

Both soros and HRC have residences in nyc

Jeffy looked like a school boy try to explain to his mom he wasted masturbating,
He is the fucking right hand of god emperor Trump and he fucking up big time
shoes are too big for a retired boy scout eagle
and fuck the jews, Your ad hominem is getting old fag

If there are cases against senators and other political figures he worked with for years in the Senate it would be appropriate.

>Jeffy looked like a school boy try to explain to his mom he wasted masturbating,
Jeffy looked like a school boy trying to explain to his mom he wasn't masturbating*

dam auto spell

>NYC 60

>wasted masturbating
more correct tho

Nice dig
and not if you save it

>When you've lost arguing so you resort to pointing out grammatical errors


Jeff "Hi I'm a guy who sits behind a desk with a pencil and absolutely nothing to do" Sessions

He was hoping to get money from his private prison donors, he wasn't expecting to become Trump's bodyguard.

my own
try harder

>why even be AG
Many of us are wondering the same thing.

So far he's been one of the worst AG ever. All he does is recuse himself like a faggot

At this point I'm all for the military taking over and putting every last one of these fuckers in front of firing squad of immigrants and transvestites.

>meme flag
Please find yourself something tall and hop right off it

you have a point fag, nope

not tired of winning you tired of losing yet?

That means there must be 10 active investigations into the federal government ongoing right?