Dragon Ball Super

what did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe he's turning into a makaioshin?

Real thread here

>Zamasu was Copy Vegeta the whole time

Thanks user

This thread was made first. Fuck off cunt. Delete your shit.

I'm the official thread maker. No one can make these threads but me.

If I can't have my way
neither will you

fuck off ningen


t. Zamasu


Exactly what is going on here? Did fusing somehow cause them to be affected by Beerus's actions?

What's wrong with this one? I already took off my shoes.

>That Trunks OBARI POSE

End it.

Gee Sup Forums, 4 threads?

>Zamasu literally became Two-Face

>"you could call us kindred spirits"

Trunks and Mai love each other very much and will have many ningen children after the gay ultra ningen hating god is defeated. They will then live happily together forever being known as the savior of all ningen.

Nothing's wrong with this one. That guys is just a retard who wants people to post in a thread he created. How sad.


what a slut. Vegeta confirmed for cuck

>tfw excited for DB again in the same way I was when I was a kid

I knew he looked familiar.



Trunks is the worst thing to happen to Dragon Ball.

Mai also looks shit without her makeup.


Pack it up fellas, we're witnessing the absolute height of Dragon Ball Super.
Everything after this arc will be a disappointment.


Utterly wrong on both accounts

How strong is he going to be? He seems to be having some trouble judging from the preview. The only reason that I can think of for this is Zamasu's immortality.

Zamasu is NOT gay

Trunksfags, report in. Where are we currently located? How jealous are Gohanfags (cucks) right now?

>10/10 Handsome
>Much, stronger than Gohan even without his free "mystic" powerup
>Non succubi gorgeous pure (virgin, unlike Videl) waifu

Feels good bros

jokes on you retard we still have the Gohan arc to look forward to

why do people keep calling him vegito

>absolute height of Dragon Ball Super.
honestly this saga has been shit since around 62 with the constant back in forth to the future. and just nothing happening to advance the plot.

NYC Trunksfag here.


Videl was definitely a virgin until Gohan

This arc isnt that good man.


Where are you at?

Buuhan also had regeneration. Zamasu is just not a pushover, he is clearly comparable to Vegitto in power.

So fused Zamasu isn't perfect right?

Black =/= Zamasu power level-wise and only gained a decent boost and the immortality perk?

Immortality isn't regeneration retard

>How jealous are Gohanfags
Trunks wouldn't be anything without Gohan, you filthy fucking ningen.

>not calling him THE ONE

Who is this smol child

His name is Shin-chan

Brooklyn, user.

That's a different Gohan, though.

Faggot, Zamasu literally regenerated his whole head when he shielded Black from one Goku's blasts. Get your shit together.

Super better nail the fusion right. I don't want to see some gay twirling shit like the Zamasu fusion when they should just smack dicks together and merge.

Zamasu is able to regenerate, but yeah his immortality is different from Buu's regeneration

The cool Gohan, you mean

>Where are you at
my dick hurts

I'm here user.

They have half immortality, while the other half is being affected by Beerus' destruction attack.

fuck off
Gohan is /our/ boy


The twirling works for Zamasu and Black, really hope Goku and Vegeta don't do it

>zamasu still has the time ring

Hipsterburg or Timbland?
I'm so sorry, user.

>while the other half is being affected by Beerus' destruction attack.

why would he be affected if he still has his time ring retard?

Plot twist. Black isn't actually past Zamasu who stole Goku's body.

think they'll ever wish Future Bulma back?

>this fucking meme
Beerus is fucking irrelevant. The halo was broken and is having an effect on him.

>That guys
>Calls anyone else a retard
Lel, take some more Adderall, retard.



So Father-Son Galick Gun confirmed inferior to Kamehameha.

Should have used Final Flash instead.

what the fuck is wrong with supreme kai

lads, why is he turning purple?

wtf She used to have blue eyes? What a downgrade. she looks so plain now.

>that hand

how smug is vegitto going to be while talking to bulma, Mai and Trunks

Being this fucking flustered. End yourself lol

FF is supposed to have a long charge time.


she can still get blu contacts don't despair user-kun super's got ya

Why didn't they just do the Super Saiyan God Ritual for Future Trunks in the present timeline so he can also be at Saiyan Beyond God level?

No, she had black eyes, then Toei decided to make them blue

It'll be interesting to see Bulma's reaction to him, considering she didn't see him the first time they fused


I hope Zamasu's messed up half is the result of him losing in an energy sword fight against Vegito.

That's the Supreme Kai fricken moron


Wah gwan yout

My fucking nigga


Yo, but deadass? Mai is great.

>Smash will never be this fun


I think it's from him getting hit by the Final Kamehameha. It'd be cool if they beat him with a sword battle.


to be completely truthful, fuck the original manga colors. i will never get used to blue hair trunks. and now that i've seen mai blue eyes i don't think i can look at dbs mai the same. she's literally worse now.

>post apocalyptic world


All the animation budget goes to this episode & the next.


Best Mai B


>fuck the original manga colors.
you're a fucking moron. Trunks in the manga had purple hair to match the manga's purple haired Bulma.
The only reason he's blue to match the current DBS Bulma is because Toei fucked up originally.

I miss Funi

Yes I know fuck you anyways