Talking about a pedo creep check this guy out

Now this is a real creep

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How people haven't lynched him yet, I'll never understand.

just google perv Biden hes such a pedo he just cant control himself

I'm sure the actions here are described quite accurately in some psychology textbook about victim and predator

standards for us and standards for them.. clear as motherfucking day.

There's definitely something going on

There's this little thing called the Secret Service


Watch how the shills hide from this thread.

why is he grabbing her? can anyone from leftypol explain? Is he within his pedo rights? I don't know, it's the current year and I'm a conservative.

that girl is scarred for life

my uncle would rub me like that when i was growin up after he gave me the sleeping candy from the game we would play whats wrong about that

nice x2

why did he do that
it looked like he was trying to rub her lil nippy

w-what game d-did you play?

What does Jeff Sessions know about Joe Biden that the general public doesn't know?

I'm not sure I see a problem. I treat dogs like that, I don't want to fuck my dogs. I'd fight you if you called me a Canadian IRL.

You HAVE TO SEE THIS ONE go to 22.30 into this video he says shit to this girl and then he asked if he can have a pic just with the little girl lisn to the people and then the dad moves in and says dad going to be real close wow

>"See you back home I hope."

Democrats are the deep state. And like the deep web, the deep state is all about child porn. If you voted for Hillary you should be ashamed and even afraid to admit it in public.

Uncle Joe "Hand-Slide'n'" Biden?

At 23.38 you can hear the dad say dadss going to stand very close they know hes a pedo and are pissed they told that little girl about him that's why she acted that way when he sad he wanted just a pic of here she like O MYGOD HE IS A PEDO

god damn that's hot moar like this plz

>Now this is a real creep
We know.
Where have you been?

I think the real question is where has everyone else been?? so many videos pictures of this sick fuck and nothing but silence.. the hypocrisy is too much for me to bear.

Fresh OC


Larp Larp what is a larp, a larp is a person whom is just learning to play a harp, they can not sing for they do not know the words to the song, those that know the song know how to sing, those that can sing know what I mean, those that sing the song others find curious, curious is a curious word it gets others to look and think, those that use this word know what I mean.....Fallow this White Rabbit I will lead you

Sir i come ihere from my class r / the dolan im must a make a 9gag report on happenings, but sir why is this old man touching girl in funny places, im scared to go pee now Sup Forums sir. Can you please guard the door Sup Forums Im scared.

did somebody say pizza?

Where does Podesta have property in California?
Mountain south of Oregon north of Sacromento
what is five miles from that homestead in the middle of the woods?
Follow the white rabbit it is a camp for KIDS

it's ok jimmy the bad man has left the building but there is a chance he will come back in 4 years so keep your asshole tight.

Where oh where does John Podesta's daughter work?
Why she is on the board of trustees of Doublin School District in California

This shit runs deep.. which makes sense coz if you wanna be a pedo you gonna have to work hard to keep it hidden.

Damn does he have balls. He's brazen about it, he doesn't even bother trying to hide it. There's countless photos/videos like this, touching women on inapproate places, sniffing their hair, rubbing them. And the nigga knows he's being filmed.

Curious curious the deeper the hole Fallow the white rabbit follow it close

Falling in the hole I see the rabbit hopping out of the fires of California that burned so many acres
the emerald triangle is a wonderland where so many have been lost through the years research the missing persons list for that area and you will see I am not a story teller but a reveler of facts

Just imagine if that was Moore instead of Biden on the video footage. Lol

Are you still with me, Larps, harps singers and lookers, California Jerry Brown likes to Bound off to the Pope as California burned to the ground, what does it mean, are they getting close, take a look the web is in front of your nose


BIden's a genius. Don't talk about it. Don't do it in secret. Do it in public, get it videotaped. Apparently this is the way to get away with it.

why oh why did I have to spy something so odd in California with my wondering eye

alpha as fuck

Trump loses to Biden, he was the only one capable of counter-bantz

imagine if moore stayed a democrat and you would never even hear a damn thing.. the democrats played a smart game by getting the MSM in their pockets.

>Biden 2020!

paradise ranch?

you can tell she feels his erect penis/junk pressing against her.

Her facial expression says it all.

She starts off smiling and then Biden starts touching her. She freezes. The she purses her mouth and starts looking around like she's scared.

You can literally tell when it happens.

The Bombard body language videos on this fucker are perfect.

This will come back to haunt him if he runs in 2020.


If it doesn't then you really truly know the game is rigged.. but people say TRUMP WON! well guess what?? he isn't on video molesting women for 8 years.. my god liberals are dipshit faggots.


meme flag faggot. that is very creepy though how he ignored the lass handing him something and went straight for the kid.


is that where that shooting happened today?

he is the END BOSS

idk why is she? i live right by Dublin not doubloon you goddamn ass pirate

I posted about this on some forum and all they would say is "well nobody accused him of anything so he's all good" really nigga?? are you fucking blind?

The RNC pulled funding for roy moore based on flimsy ass accusations and yet this here creep pedo is scot free and is about to run in 2020.. is this motherfucking real life?

Keep this shit bumped niggas

Democrats are always held to a different standard.

So for someone more or less completely new to this situation (myself) could someone explain it to me? (detailed please)

Bumping this thread because of the obvious slides going on

google biden creep and you see numberous videos and pics of him doing some creepy ass shit such as smelling hair, kissing their ears, rubbing their bodies, and just general cringe shit..

unironically came

someone's been leaking shit on Biden lately. Lot of stories of him doing shit like this, intimidating female SS, and other 'inappropriate' stuff.

Someone doesn't want him to run, that knows him well.

d-did he just smell her at the end there?

Again with the hair stroking. Jesus.

He's done this to many women.. but hey don't look at biden, look at moore!!!

DC is full of pedo enablers that protect each other at all costs.. this is why pizzagate went nowhere.

you do know that although Biden is very creepy, there is a distinct difference between being a creepy old man and being in a relationship with a teenager, correct?

So if a woman accuses biden it validates it for you?? even though there is plenty of evidence of him being a pedo on video?? seriously dude?


If he's doing this shit in public what does he do in private?

ok so you don't get it

>licks lips
>looks at baby

No what you don't get is that you are judging someone based on words and not video evidence.. I am not a idiot zealot who loves to believe every single accusation that a woman makes.. grow the fuck up.

He does what all his pedo buddies do in DC.. fuck kids and get away with it.

I don't know if I should click a link that's the "pedo file"

I wouldn't

Nobody even cares about bob menendez's trial and the evidence that he was fucking underage prostitutes.. man fuck the media and fuck all of you dipshit liberals.

How can user help?

Yeah Biden is a sick fuck. Someone must be protecting him

yea but if they're prostitutes they got paid for it so is it really rape/abuse? honestly depriving young women from making a living in this patriarchal world is really worst crime imaginable.

Yeah the other elite DC pedos are..

Idk. Hand on stomach is kind of weird, but a bunch of people accusing others of pedophilia can be harmful. If you're wrong, you simply help usher in the age which you (me too) hate: that is one of fear and reading sex into everything. Where is the line drawn between an honest fellow who loves (in a pure way) the innocence of children, and that if a perverted fellow who lusts after young flesh? You must be careful in your judgements.

It's more hard hitting if there were no cameras, and a teary eyed victim describes in her own words what Biden is seen in videotape doing to her.

"take your hands off my daughter"

Ummm.. did you see all the videos or just one?? it doesn't take much to see what a creep he is being to the females.


There's just so many videos and pictures on Biden crossing the line with women of all ages that the MSM is now immune to it?

Hes republican and support Trump
Leave him alone

well shes asian so at least he is not a racysss

go democrats!!!

You live under a rock?? the MSM protects democrats and go hard at republicans if you haven't noticed

>file name
haha; I've seen this before, but did not realize the Elf was slapping PedoJoe's hand away.

You forgot to take your 5pm pill there buddy.

fuck sessions.. useless turd, but he knew what a pedo that bitch biden is.