Aren’t Vikings just niggers?

Aren’t Vikings just niggers?
>not known for any scientific achievements

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They’re also very scruffy and roughy, like default niggers and sand niggers.

the biker gangs of the dark ages (ps not all, or even most, scandis were vikings)

>not known for any scientific achievements
Yeah totally didn't have the most advanced ships around at the time. Not like they had a ship that could work in rivers and oceans with no problems. Could easily be carried on land by a few men. Totally not advanced.

They created trade routes, and this docu says they were one of 3 founders of Europe

Surprisingly, not really. Most of what is thought of as vikings is the 19th century idealization of them.

>What did vikings actually do?
They... traded. And were strong sailors.
>But what about the raiding?
It wasn't really a "lifestyle" as much as it was an occasional occurrence over a longer period. Mostly because raiding is not viable as a long term deal; people die, and defenses go up unless you plan to completely raise the place... at which point you just raised your future sources of income.

Vikings were particularly SOL because they couldn't support large populations to actually fuel a sort of client state deal.

Is that supposed to be impressive?

> le rest of the europe were peaceful and innocent

nice meme

The Vikings managed to rape some sense into the bongs, which is quite an achievement, although the bongs' latest invaders seem to be raping sense out of them now.

they rustled some jimmies in the 800s


Yes but they have rare attractive phenotypes so we have to tolerate them. Modern Scandinavia is very advanced but also very cucked. The exact opposite of Vikings.

good point we all know how valuable a phd in boat science is

Reminder: Vikings took over a good chunk of France, adopted Christianity and local customs to a certain extent, and then conquered England and replaced its elites entirely:

Upper-class British who once had a globe-spanning empire? Viking blood. (if you're ever curious why lower-class British seem so different from the upper classes, practically subhuman by comparison, it's because they're the real Anglos, who have lived as a race apart under their Norman masters)

Upper-class Americans who currently dominate the world? Derived from upper-class Brits, so the same Viking blood.

Note: the term "bigot" was originally an ethnic slur against the Normans, who were simply better than everyone else, and weren't shy about it.

> rest of europe were niggers, therefore Vikings were OK to be niggers.

WTF, was that an admission that Vikings were niggers?

Pure degeneracy.

In the historical context of its time, valuable as fuck.

They actually took very good care of their appearance

didnt women have a lot of rights in viking era? maybe they were always feminists

OP here
Of all rebuttals I respect and acknowledge this one the most
>stigma around then are fantasy of reality
I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, eduanon.
Like that compensates for anything.
I would second this, but it dosent answer the implied question of why would-be anti-degenerates idolize them. Still it’s a good response even if it’s the smuggest one I’ve read.

Impressive enough to reach the Americas which Europe always says was a some huge technological achievement.

No because you have to be sub-saharan african to be a nigger.

boats are not a scientific achievement was my point

That's bullshit, because of the money they stole they could take care of themselves very well. Also the meme about vikings not wearing armor is bullshit if they could afford armor they wore it.

Then your point was retarded.
>Principles still used to this day are not valuable

You need to behave like niggers, only then can you establish a civilisation. ALL civilisations are built on violence. The problem with niggers in Africa is that they're perpetually stuck in niggerville.

lets see

500 years ago... vs today

"raping" is refering to the raping of the LAND you fucking retard.

I know this is bait, but here's the thing:

>Advances shipbuilding by merging local tradition with southern designs for sturdy long range ships
>Lots of planning in their raiding, making sure they bring enough supplies to last several days while scouting out targets and maneuvering
>Lightning strikes on places with value followed by a quick retreat before retaliation or a proper defence can be mustered
>When all was said and done they decided they liked the places they raided and conquerred/settled them

>Loot and pillage mostly things near themselves, often destroying their own infastructure and black store owners stuff
>No inventions of note
>Doesn't conquer anything, no planning or ability to settle places
>Often they don't have a clue how or when they pillage and loot, they just do. Often gets hit by retaliation from other gangs or rounded up by the police after

There's a difference. The vikings were excellent at military matters, knew perfectly well what they were doing and had the foresight to not shit on their own doorstep
Compare to Africa, which is entirely shit

The vikings were militarily successful and had their own sovereign territory. They also did have technological advancements and achieved feats like reaching North America by boat before anyone else

Niggers in ghettos are just disorganized criminals, they don't even have a coherent governing system.

You mean like a canoe? you can go in rivers and oceans with it.

>"boats are not a scientific achievement was my point"
>leaf flag
>checks out

the initial point was scientific achievements what dont you get? A boat wasn't made from scientific principles then, they get no points for it just as they'd get no points for making the best cheese or the best mud huts

Basically, yeah. And while they had the concept of slaves and the custom of taking slaves, they never had a persistent slave class (because they fucked their female slaves themselves rather than breeding them with other slaves, and wouldn't keep their own children in slavery).

Why did they become christcucks overnight though. Especially with the gods they had. What a bunch of fags.

I think he means it’s unfair to label them niggers due to the fact that by our current standards, the world back then might be considered to be filled with niggers rendering the label of nigger completely useless.

>implying there weren't boats just like those in every european river
europeans used such craft to haul merchandise
snowniggers used such craft to haul rapists on their pimped up ride

>vikings got BTFO by pagan Lithuanians

>not known for any scientific achievements
um, no retard

Perhaps the most striking of Viking achievements was their state-of-the-art shipbuilding technology, which allowed them to travel greater distances than anyone before them. Their signature longboats—sleek wooden vessels with shallow hulls and rows of oars along the side—were faster, lighter, more flexible and more easily maneuverable than other ships of the time. But the Vikings’ exploring prowess also owed a great deal to their skill as navigators. They relied on simple but sophisticated tools like the sun compass, which utilized calcite crystals known as “sunstones” to identify the position of the sun even after sunset or on overcast days. Such innovations gave Vikings a distinct advantage when traveling long distances to foreign lands. In their heyday, Vikings were active on four continents simultaneously

Do you have an inkling on how technological advancements work?

They weren't that bad that is just a stereotype of them, they were traders mostly.

yep found the nigger.

1100 years ago actually

it's completely exaggerated by modern sources

Some niggers do too. Niggerdom is not compensated for with hygiene and attractiveness, despite what your dick might try to convince you of.

No specific reason to worship them as some sort of moral police, but it's very degenerate to spit on one's ancestors.
They did mean things sometimes, but sometimes they were honorable guards to christian emperors even.
Sometimes they were kings and ruled lands as well. Plundering and ravaging was done countless times later on
by christians towards other christians. The bad doesn't remove the good and the good doesn't remove the bad.

Post-modernism and cultural marxism is degenerate and they are very well known for trying to twist and smear history.
Have a more neutral perspective to history and its events and one will become more serene and peaceful.

Ok, get stranded on an island. You can obviously just pick a boat from a coconut tree since they are found in nature and not an achievement,

Women always had some form of rights in Europe.
Women have always been cherished here, that's why they are always in Pagan legends and pantheons.

One is conflict between states

The other is disorganized crime (and is just blacks killing other blacks most the time).

If the remaining Baltic peoples were bad fighters they wouldn't still exist they would have been wiped out by Slavs.

Eh, heavily exaggerated. It was still a very patriarchal society where men inherited everything first.
No female chieftains or commanders are supported by serious evidence. The celts were more into that.

>le horn helmet rape pirates meme
Putting that cliche aside
>don't drown in 5 feet of water
>can sails boats across oceans, which means they could probably handle driving a manual transmission
There they are already leagues better.

the rest of europe fought for blood and soil
snowniggers raided for greed and lust
today whites protest niggers chimpout - same diference

>>not known for any scientific achievements

you paraded about your ignorance right there

this is terrible bait

in short -
danes: conquerors
norwegians: explorers
swedes: faggy traders

Vikings literally means pirate in old norse.

Not everyone was a viking in Scandinavia during the the viking period

Viking is a career, they aren't a race. Not all Scandinavians went on vikings for a living.

A way for white men to be literal niggers and claim it as part of their culture.

ITT: Canadians buttmad that the only thing Canada has contributed to the world is the fucking egg carton.

Nah it's not that black and white, the people that went around the known world which we perceive as vikings were traders, and the people that stayed in their own countries were mostly farmers.

That technology wasn’t contributed to society as a whole I mean. The tech for that came from Asia first of all. And when it was implimented it was done so idependently of the Vikings. Maybe they did do that, idk, but they didn’t contribute anything to Europe and her science.

I guess that's why the Venetians raped and pillaged the holy city of constantinople? Get out of here with your fairy princess history, don't need to be ashamed for a little bit of blodspilling.
dont recommend canoes in the north atlantic desu

>it dosent answer the implied question of why would-be anti-degenerates idolize them
Why do would-be anti-degenerates respect the American colonists and Founding Fathers? And the Roman Empire? And the British Empire? They were all violent aggressors.

There's glorious violence, demonstrating strength and wisdom, and sordid violence, demonstrating stupidity, desperation, and poor impulse control. Raiding across borders is something very different from robbing your own countrymen who are letting you live among them.

Niggers in prison call people who leave their bedding area unkempt, "Vikings."
"What is you? Some kynna Viking or something? Dayumn!"
Meanwhile Africans were eating bugs off of sticks and living in mud and stick shelters while actual Vikings were experts in agriculture and nautical exploration.

Viking built Ships & forged metal
Nigger never built ships or forged metal and never will.

at least Vikings go back to the country they came from

You need to work on your reading comprehension, memeflag.

Is that technological achievement used to sail across the Atlantic accredited to Vikings or is it accreted to people much much later? Who really c o n t r i b u t e d that tech to Europe?

>knowing nigger prison culture

says a lot about you famalam

>However, most of these people would not have called themselves Vikings. In the old Norse language, the word víkingr means pirate or raider, and few of these Northern people participated in raiding. Raiding was a part time occupation, practiced by a small percentage of the population. Few Vikings were professional soldiers, although like all men in this era, they were familiar with the use of weapons. These people were farmers first and needed to take care of the farm chores most of the year. They were entrepreneurs: business men who saw raiding as a means of acquiring capital that could be invested in a ship, in a farm, or in a business. Others may have been on the lookout for land on which they could settle. Raiding was thought to be desirable for a young man, but a more mature man was expected to settle down on the farm and raise a family.

are you going to argue trial and error is equivalent to the scientific method?


I meant it as women tho, not land, so whose the retard.

my sides

>what are viking settlements

Middle eastern education for you.

important technological achievements are generally considered science and the Viking naval and navigational achievements were pretty significant.

u wot?

OP here, you’re the new first place reply.

Niggers don't need to build ships because George Soros gives them away for free.

Viking are good dancers:

>the Venetians raped and pillaged the holy city of constantinople
might be mistaken but it was plebs that raided the area (not the city) after being denied safe haven and meals before their crusade
emprah was being an unpious cunt and got rekt

I bet Koko has hurt people by tickling them so much their body hurts from laughing

I like the part where he grabs the turkroach pushing the woman

>not known for any scientific achievements

Huge amounts of navigation including the use of calcite as a sunstone, also didn't they develop crucible steel?

top post

>This is what retards actually believe

Yay, ships to pillage and destroy coast lands! SO FUCKING SCIENTIFICALLY ADVANCED!!!!!

wow its almost like people like rooting for their own race.

New #1st place
And won’t you look at that it’s a Swede.

Where were men like him not at that new year party in Germany when the gibs went on a rapeathon/molestfest?

What would you consider an scientific achievement from that era then?

OP, all people were niggers in times past. What matters is who still is.

>"are you going to argue trial and error is equivalent to the scientific method?"
>leaf flag
>again checks out

I’m actually at least average intelligence, I’m just not into history.

Did I say that?

Thats like saying we were all single cell amebo, not an argument.

You are wrong, that was the first "crusade", called the peoples crusade. Just a bunch of plebs. But the 4th crusade sacked Constantinople.

>wtf wheels to help you invade other countries you are le niggers XD

Just fuck off Canacuck, you realize war is one of the main drivers of technological advancement right?

keep up those epic stale flag memes my reddit friend

They also colonised and founded cities and kingdoms, were pioneers in navigation, shipbuilding and exploration, established new trade routes

Thinking that raiding is all the vikings did is a meme

And Scientific advancement is done by intelligent men for their own personal enjoyment.

>Viking built Ships & forged metal
you mean stole damascus steel

Normans didn't leave a genetic footprint at all. Nice try though.